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Uranium - 235

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About Uranium - 235

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Uranium - 235

    What You want as Anti-CHEAT in Armed Assault 2?

    The only decent games are ever on the Tactical Gamer server so, yeah, I don't give a damn about random pubscrub servers :P
  2. Uranium - 235

    Ai thread

    Why are AIs in turrets so immensely stupid? When I have an AI gunning for my HMMWV, 99% of the time, even with the proper 'Engage at will' and 'Stay alert' orders, even when we're TAKING FIRE, they simply aim at the sky and do nothing. Seriously, what the fuck.
  3. Uranium - 235

    Damage Model

    ... PLEASE make the damage handling of vehicles a lot more realistic. Of note: 1) RPG's one-shotting anything that isn't a tank. RPGs don't work that way. I'm unsure of the destructive capacity of the LAW, but I doubt a hit to the armored parts of a Stryker would cause the whole thing to just erupt instantly. 2) HMMWVs and other light vehicles being deathtraps. It's entirely too common to have half the passengers sniped out of the car by light arms fire half a kilometer away. I'm sorry, are we driving around with the windows down? These things aren't exactly heavily armored, but they can withstand light arms fire to a fair degree and keep the passengers safe. This goes DOUBLE for the mounted weapon on the roof. FAR too vulnerable. 3) Helicopters taking damage from light arms fire. To make matters worse, it's very common to have a quick burst of enemy AK fire somehow rupture a fuel line, and the helicopter is effectively destroyed. That is ridiculous. Helicopters not only do not work that way, but they are DESIGNED to be resilient to small arms fire. Additionally, by show of hands, how many times have you seen your gunner killed by someone shooting at you from a mile away? Seriously, I feel safer on foot then in any vehicle in ArmA. Vehicle damage handling is the most asinine part of ArmA by far. A Stryker can be destroyed by .50cal fire, for god's sakes. Mk19s would do absolutely NOTHING to a tank except ruin the paint. Seriously. Don't do this crap again.
  4. Uranium - 235

    What You want as Anti-CHEAT in Armed Assault 2?

    That's the thing, PunkBuster is pretty much the best solution, but it's really quite a shitty program. It has a very high false-positive detection rate and, as I pointed out, doesn't work with all hardware, and when it doesn't work, you can't play the game at all.
  5. Uranium - 235

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    This is a sad but true fact of the modern military. Military games, for example, GRAW2, paint this picture that the US military is equipped with high-tech weapons and armor. The fact is, pretty much most of the military funding ISN'T going to the infantry corps, but instead is going to the USAF. Those shiny new F-22s? They're SUPPOSED to replace the F-15, which was originally designed to be phased out back in the 80s. The fact is, F-22s cost too much, and we can't even afford THOSE. The latest F-15 is the F-15E, and my best guess, working on that fine piece of crap, is that it'll still be in service at least up until 2020 - that's 50 years total for the F-15. However, what isn't known is that the F-15E is ONLY in service because DoD needed to buy them to keep McDonnell Douglas in business. It'd be a horrific blow to the economy to have them go under, so it was necessary to buy the aircraft. Military spending at its greatest. Personally I'd rather see ArmA2 be a joint-operations campaign. Focusing on one branch is pretty much impossible if you want to implement a wide variety of equipment. Hell they have C-130Js, and I'm pretty sure Air Mobility Command controls all those, so we've already failed.
  6. Uranium - 235

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    That's funny, because I have about a dozen F-15 guys at our shop that came from Elmendorf who say differently. Who am I going to trust, the guys in the Air Force who were there, or a piece of sensationalist journalism that says "USAF PILOTS SUCk - SHOT DOWN BY 3RD WORLD NATION"?
  7. Uranium - 235

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    A-10s, anyone?
  8. Uranium - 235

    What You want as Anti-CHEAT in Armed Assault 2?

    NONE Anticheats cause MUCH more problems then they solve. Anticheats like VAC also give an excuse for a company to nearly illegally permanently deny me access to a product I purchased. Similar to why I think copy protection is an antiquated waste of money, the new SecuROM doesn't allow you to install the game more then X times. This is an age of 'how can we rape the consumer', and I simply don't want to see the possibility of the publisher stealing back MY purchase without a refund. Punkbuster, as well, has lots of issues. I was completely unable to play BF2 for nearly a month because Punkbuster would simply kick me because for some reason, a piece of my hardware wasn't responding properly (my video card had some bad RAM). So punk buster would kick me. For example, right now I'm running several ArmA mods. TrueView, DMSmokeEffects, SixPack, all of them have no effect on my gameplay but improve it in tiny ways that aren't 'cheating'. Under any anti-cheat I wouldn't be able to use these. Anti-cheating and copy-protection ends up being the same thing - a way for publishers and corporations to spy on my activities, install fingerprinting spyware, and create security vulnerabilities. No anti-cheat. A good spectator system and admin controls will be FAR more effective then anti-cheat. If your server can't field admins to be available for most of the day, you have no business running a server in the first place.
  9. Uranium - 235

    ArmA 2 on Xbox 360

    The one hope is that the PC version will be simply far more 'unlocked' and advanced. However, Microsoft doesn't allow dual-releases to differ in execution because they don't want their sales hurt because the PC release will be 'better'. In addition, downloadable content can NOT be free either. In the end, I just don't see why an Xbox version would be feasible or even smart to try. The Xbox crowd just isn't into these kinds of games, as the sales of Elite reflect that.
  10. Uranium - 235

    ArmA 2 on Xbox 360

    They're talking about aiming you noob. As for me being 'aggressive and elitist', you'd probably be too if a bunch of people who never gave a fuck about your hobby in the first place suddenly decided to change everything about it, destroy the reason you liked it in the first place, and THEN pretend like they've been lifelong enthusiasts. As far as I'm concerned, Xbox gamers are the fucking cancer that is the reason games have been such shit quality for the past few years. You tell ME why I'm bitter.
  11. Uranium - 235

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Horray, my bitching made things happen
  12. Uranium - 235

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    I keep getting "Cannot find sound MicroDebris1 / GrenadeDebris1" errors (or something like that).
  13. Uranium - 235

    British Royal Marines  By Plasman

    That camo makes them look like Air Force...
  14. Uranium - 235

    Evolution - Single Player

    How do you managed it, to get that deep in trouble than? I spare my LAW`s for the tanks. I have no idea what you just tried to say. Fill up your trunk with LAW rockets, only takes one to down the tower. It's a tricky shot but it's possible.
  15. Uranium - 235

    Evolution - Single Player

    Satchel charges? I snipe the towers with the LAW from across the city.