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About UgolSkosa

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  1. I post my mission in "best single mission" nomination topic on fru. its support english languages too
  2. UgolSkosa

    [OTK] MOLOCH campaign trailer

    yes, qg. and p85 and some another addons
  3. Dragon_KAA and OTK studio presents trailer of new campaign for Armed Assault - "MOLOCH". Audio: Russian Subtitles: English (don't forget switch on) -Third World War. -USSR vs USA. Democratic North-Sahrani Republic vs South Sahrani Kingdom. -Location: Sahrani archipelago. -Full voiced. Native russians and a little bit english voices. -Russian release in January. We'll glad if someone wants help us with translate campaign to english. Happy new 2010 year to all! Best regards OTK team. otk-studio.ru
  4. here example mission about setmimic ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/otk/test/mimic.utes.rar there are player and unarmed bot with name sol and 3 triggers with radio (0-0-1, 0-0-2, 0-0-3) 0-0-1 - hurt mimic just by trigger (sol setMimic "hurt") 0-0-2 - hurt mimic by sqf (null=[sol,"hurt"] execVM "mimic.sqf") mimic.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _mimic = _this select 1; _unit setmimic _mimic; 0-0-3 - hurt mimic by FSMscripted (null=[sol,"hurt"] execFSM "hurt.fsm") sqf like code and anyway sol stay with stone face untill u kill him and only after that u can see deafth mask on his face (btw I try all mimics not only "hurt") and here example mission about binocular resource ftp://www.armedassault.info/_hosted/otk/test/binocular.utes.rar 0-0-1 binocular by effect in trigger 0-0-2 cutRsc ["binocular","PLAIN"] work, but sometimes (often) its became white like on picture: there are no regularity in this bug, i think maybe problem in p3d (i try use some sights like svd - there are no "white" bug)
  5. Talk to me someone. Am I only one mapmaker who can't defeat setMimic command? It's very useful command for cutscenes. I often used it in OFP and arma1. And now I can't use close-up in cutscenes, becouse all characters stay with "stone" face. SetMimic is not so importat command from one hand (i see there are very important AI behaviour in last patchs), but from other hand setmimic very important for cutscenes and therefore important for quality campaigns.
  6. also setMimic not work in sqf and in fsmscripted (1.04) hope that bis fix its very useful command as soon as posible
  7. bug with classical resources of tv and binocular tv not working (missing texture) binocular work, but sometimes becomes a white and not opacity (bug in p3d?) not working command setmimic maybe this is low priority for setmimic, becouse its work in game (all deadmen have "hurt" mimic etc). but in sqs it does not work
  8. UgolSkosa

    We want KOZLICE!

    oh, u dont understand. Kozlice is not just shotgun or rifle (btw it's rifle-shotgun:D). Kozlice is whole epoch...
  9. UgolSkosa

    We want KOZLICE!

    Infidel! Only holy Maruk can bless BIS on creation sacred Kozlice. Only BIS can correct mistakes of the past and return true belief. Kozlice Shell! Kozlice Ball!
  10. UgolSkosa

    We want KOZLICE!

    Yes! In that its sacred power. Kozlice Shell! Kozlice Ball!
  11. UgolSkosa

    We want KOZLICE!

    We are,the truly believers velkopops, call for Maruk, keeper of IT, and all Bohemia Interactive Studio to return into the ArmA2 the sacred double-barreled rifle-shotgun CZ 584 under real name Kozlice! Merciful measure will help to bring apostates back in the cradle of true faith, and give ArmA2 power and strength of past time and keep free of blasphemy and attacks! ALL HAIL KOZLICE!!!
  12. UgolSkosa

    -=First blood=- OTK

    maybe a few missions before arma2 come.
  13. UgolSkosa

    -=First blood=- OTK

    OTK presents new SP mission by sansey -=First blood=- (ACE) Mission about first combat of marine John Rambowsky (in OTK collection III Â there are other mission with this character) Voiced by: [OTK]Voenkom, [OTK]SniperGRU, [OTK]Huligane, [OTK]DragonKaa, [OTK]Lost, [OTK]ArtGer, MISHiGUN. Version: 1.14 Queen's Gambit (or higher) Required addons: ACE 1.02 or higher (now last version 1.04) Size: 1.97 MB Translation: Kleshni, sansey. Download mission
  14. UgolSkosa

    -=OTK collection - III=-

    Thx, for your feedback Can u send me ACE-version? Maybe we'll test it, and add in release.
  15. UgolSkosa

    -=OTK collection - III=-

    OTK presents the third set of missions for ArmA. Four SP missions Version: 1.14 Queen's Gambit (or higher) Size: 9.42 MB Extract Otk3eng.pbo file to your ArmA\Campaigns folder Required addons: 1. Updated version of invisible targets (included). 2. Jonny's Army Special Forces (by Jonny) 30Mb 3. AimPoint Desert Weapons Pack (by AimPoint) 19Mb 4. US Marines (by Johannes 'Jonny' Wagner) 34Mb <span style='color:red'><u>Attention! Mission pack was not tested for compatibility with others addons and mods (ACE for example). Use clean ArmA addons folder and install required addons in mod folder to prevent errors and bugs.</u></span> Maintenance of pack: 1. "Terminators" - [OTK]sansey You are the US green berret leuteinant - command special operation of destroying of the insurgent training camp. Success of operation is depends on you. 2. "Good morning, Sahrani!" - [OTK]sansey You are commander of the US marine platoon. Your mission is unexpexted capture of the airport on the dawn, after that you must hold it before main forces arrives. 3. "Lilac" - [OTK]Huligane American artillery attacks our soldiers. Objective of your squad is to search and destroy bloody battery. 4. "Operation "Eponia" - [OTK]sansey Steal the enemy tank, knock off company or two of royal guards and return to the dinner. When someone pays a lot of money there is nothing impossible. All missions are completely voiced. Voiced by: [OTK]Voenkom, [OTK]SniperGRU, [OTK]Bkmz, [OTK]DragonKaa, [OTK]sansey, [OTK]Lost, [OTK]ArtGer, SLAYER, MISHiGUN, Dead_Kennedy. Particulary grateful to: [OTK]SniperGRU for restless testing and coordination of efforts. Zenger, MISHiGUN, Reider for other test. Loktew for artistic skills. [OTK]Lost for update invisible targets. Kleshni and Vulf  for translation. Download OTK collection - III Download OTK collection - III from Armaholic Have fun!