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About Spyder001

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Occupation
    13F (Forward Observer)

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  • Skype
  1. Spyder001

    Update changed RPT file naming structure?

    Maybe even a simple command (that works on windows as well as linux) that allows us to write to a file with the name of our choosing ... diag_file ["filename.ext", "string", timestamp bool]. Edit: with limited .ext allowed (.txt for example)
  2. It does indeed. DAO.nu have a server linked with ALS. Check out player's stats from there anytime at www.armalive.com.
  3. Spyder001

    DAO sister server up ARMALIVE.com

    We had some downtime with us being busy and me being deployed. Everything is working again. I assume this is you http://armalive.com/pages/player.php?id=1322246
  4. Some issues when integrating with ACE. After 15 - 20 minutes it begins to lag and I eventually get script errors which breaks everything. Repo should be ACE enabled using an A10 with MMA LGB camera. _sensor_x = (mando_hud_modes select mando_hud_mode) select 8; _sensor> Error position: <select mando_hud_mode) select 8; _sensor> Error Zero divisor File C:\Users\Steven\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Spyder\mpmissions\trn010_anarPass_fist.Takistan\mando_missiles\units\mando_missile_hud.sqf, line 209 Error in expression <le "mandotarget_disp") displayCtrl 101) ctrlSetPosition [0.5 + (_sccenter select> Error position: <ctrlSetPosition [0.5 + (_sccenter select> Error Type Any, expected Number File C:\Users\Steven\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Spyder\mpmissions\trn010_anarPass_fist.Takistan\mando_missiles\units\mando_missile_hud.sqf, line 1278 Error in expression <le "mandotarget_disp") displayCtrl 101) ctrlSetPosition [0.5 + (_sccenter select> Error position: <ctrlSetPosition [0.5 + (_sccenter select> Error Type Any, expected Number File C:\Users\Steven\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Spyder\mpmissions\trn010_anarPass_fist.Takistan\mando_missiles\units\mando_missile_hud.sqf, line 1278 Error in expression < = 9; };
  5. Version Released Download: http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/13537/SPY_bStats_v1-1-3.zip Release Notes: The latest batch of changes were aimed at improving information sent to ArmA 2 Uplink. Some tracking issues were discovered by the guys at DAO.nu which we were able to quickly address. The next round of changes will include optimizations for kills assists and weapon detection. We are looking for skilled web developers at this time for the ALS project (www.armalive.com). If you are interested feel free to add me on Skype (email me at spyder001@comcast.net for the info). Changelog: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/bstats/versions/1114
  6. It doesn't really matter where you get the game from (from the perspective of how easy it is to launch with mods/settings). There is no argument for not using some type of game launcher. This is something that BIS should create and officially distribute. I use ArmA II Launcher by SpritedMachine. One thing that steam supports is the validation of game files. Which has saved me many times.
  7. Spyder001

    public setVariable and JIP

    Repo here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/23402
  8. Version Released Download: http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/13382/SPY_bStats_v1-1-2.zip Release Notes: After a week of play testing, ALS has over 300 unique players in the database. Most of these players, of course, are from the DAO.nu Valhalla server. This release is mostly minor bug fixes. One of the main fixes is that the UID connection (SPY Connect) process is no longer overloading the server on mission start (when there are over 50 players). As well, the data sent over the network on kill events has been lightened. The next release will involve the same type of optimizations. Special thanks to Dragon for filling in the classnames for the displayName function. Changelog: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/bstats/versions/1085
  9. Version Released Download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14213 Release Notes: bStats, A2U, and ALS have gone through some serious testing this week with the guys over at http://www.DAO.nu. I would like to thank DAO for helping me iron out issues I would have otherwise overlooked. More bugs will be addressed for the next version that were discovered in multiple tests during 60 - 70 player sessions. This has been very exciting for us as stats have been pouring in. Any ALS official server will have an [ALS] tag in the name as well as being listed on our site. As always, you can check your stats at www.armalive.com. Changelog: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/bstats/versions/1085
  10. http://www.gametracker.com/games/arma/forum.php?post=241891
  11. Spyder001

    public setVariable and JIP

    The JIP players could not access the data, it was never broadcast to them. They would only see themselves on the scoreboard. It sends only to the UID of _x (allGroups/units). I could only send this to the server, and have the server collect and send the information. But it's the same size task, just not distributed on the clients.
  12. Spyder001

    public setVariable and JIP

    I was actually talking with Dwarden who refered me to kju on this one. I use setVariable in 3 cases in bStats (where I also use the broadcast parameter). 1. setVariable on vehicles for vehicle information 2. setVariable on players for player id information 3. setVariable on dynamically created gamelogic with all players score There are not problems with 1 & 2. However, 3 caused JIP players to not sync with everyone else. Below I will post my gamelogic creation script, and the sync scripts I had to use to make the clients sync. I actually wouldn't have noticed it unless I needed players to access the variables to fill the scoreboard. // Portion of initServer.sqf if ((isNil ("SPY_GAMELOGIC"))) then { _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; SPY_GAMELOGIC = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; publicVariable "SPY_GAMELOGIC"; }; // updateRequest.sqf { { if ((getPlayerUID _x != "")) then { _null = [[], "_null = _this spawn SPY_updateSend;", getPlayerUID _x] spawn JDAM_mpCB; }; } forEach units _x; } forEach allGroups; // updateSend.sqf _uid = (getPlayerUID player); // FORMAT PLAYER SCORE VARIABLE NAME _playerScoreVar = (format ["SPY_bStats_%1", _uid]); // REBROADCAST PLAYER SCORE SPY_GAMELOGIC setVariable [_playerScoreVar, (SPY_GAMELOGIC getVariable _playerScoreVar), true]; // REBROADCAST PLAYER ID player setVariable ["SPY_PLAYER_ID", (player getVariable "SPY_PLAYER_ID"), true]; I plan on making an example mission for CIT when I get some free time.
  13. Spyder001

    Help on Script to delete Marker

    A scope isn't a script. The main scope is everything within the script outside of any { }'s. When you start adding { }'s you have created a new scope. Example below: // Script.sqf Main Scope { Scope 1 }; { Scope 2 _var = 10; }; { Scope 3 if ((_var == 10)) then {Scope 4}; }; _var is defined in scope 2. So the if then in scope 3 won't work, unless you define your LOCAL variables private. I ALWAYS do this in the main scope, unless I only want it accessible in a specifc scope of course. At the top of your script add this: private ["_var1"]; You have now set your local variables private in the main scope and can access that local variable with that value in an scope below it.
  14. This is what I use: if ((isNil ("SPY_GAMELOGIC"))) then { _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; SPY_GAMELOGIC = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; publicVariable "SPY_GAMELOGIC"; }; Executed on the server once.
  15. Version Released Download: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/bstats/files Release Notes: Pretty much all the bugs are ironed out at this point. I'm sure new ones will be introduced as I improve detection of weapon used and allow multiple damaging units for more accurate reporting of kill assists. Though a offical announcement will be made later in the week, ArmA Live Statistics is now operational as a beta. Feel free to play in the official ALS server (ARMALIVE.COM bStats PVP) and then check your stats at http://www.armalive.com. Here you can search a player's name or UID. If you have an interest in running a server linked to ALS, check out the website for instructions on where to start. Keep in mind that ALS is still a beta. Stats can and will be whiped at any time and many features are not implmented or working as intended yet. If you are a PVP mission maker and wish to add bStats to your mission, send an email to spyder001@comcast.net. We also looking for some offical PVP missions that feature bStats for our releases. Changelog: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/bstats/versions/1085