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Everything posted by UNN

  1. UNN

    What can we do with JIP?

    For most of the current game types, JIP should not be a problem.  CTI is slightly more contentious, as there is an element of secrecy involved. Most of the answers to the questions you asked can be found in the many mission types available to OFP. KICTI for example, gives you a basic idea of what’s involved, implementing a CoC style system in Multi Player. The rest will be down to AA new network code and the reliability of servers. But why spend time thinking about old mission formats? Create something new to OFP. What about never ending missions, ok so perhaps not, never ending. But battles that can run for days if not weeks, where players join to participate in the battle at squad level on any given mission. Or with larger Islands, CTI style on a grand scale. Where you scavenge\build resources over weeks, perhaps modelling dispirit bands of rebel forces, who's initial goal is to repel an AI occupying force, but ultimately each faction fights to control the entire island themselves. Hmm..ok so I'm probably getting carried away Thinking about it, if AA is basically OFP with better graphics and network code, then perhaps we can’t do anything that different for the current stock of missions. For example still having only three sides, that will consider each other as enemy, is a pain.
  2. UNN

    Run two script when firing??

    Hi, Might be better to set it up like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="RAST_M82fx=loadFile ""\myaddon\script\weaponFX\m82fx.sqf"""; fired="if ((_this select 4) in [""AMMOM82APMag"",""AMMOM82ATMag""]) then {_this call RAST_M82fx}"; This way you only load the function once, rather than everytime a unit fires. If you dont want to include any of Wolfbane´s tracerfx files, in your own addon. You could make two versions of your sniper, one with tracers and one without. You would have to add a required addons section to CFGPatches for the one with tracers. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="RAST_M82fx=loadFile ""\myaddon\script\weaponFX\m82fx.sqf"""; fired="if ((_this select 4) in [""AMMOM82APMag"",""AMMOM82ATMag""]) then {_this call RAST_M82fx; _this Exec ""\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs""}"; But you might just be able to use one version of your addon, and get your scripts to detect if Wolfbane´s tracerfx addon is installed, then act accordingly. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="RAST_M82fx=loadFile ""\myaddon\script\weaponFX\m82fx.sqf""; RIST_DetectedWBETFX=_This call loadFile ""\myaddon\script\weaponFX\RIST_DetectWBETFX.sqf"""; fired="if ((_this select 4) in [""AMMOM82APMag"",""AMMOM82ATMag""]) then {_this call RAST_M82fx; If RIST_DetectedWBETFX Then {_this Exec ""\wbe_tracerfx\wbe_tracerfx.sqs""}}"; Ok so I did not include any code for RIST_DetectedWBETFX.sqf. If you wanted to go down that route, I would need more info. Or you could just add everything into one addon with the permission of, and suitable credits to, Wolfbane.
  3. UNN

    addon tool idea

    I thought I'd post it as he put an incredible amount of work into CTI44. The CTI Builder format really should be adopted by as many mission makers as possible. Addon makers could provide plugins for any of there work, allowing just about anyone to make variations on missions, with all the new addons. But yeah, sorry I could not give you a better solution.
  4. UNN

    addon tool idea

    The guys over at CTI44 did something along those lines: cti44builder Although I guess it's not much use for anything other than WW2 ATM. But might be easy enough to change for your own ends.
  5. Nice one, let me know if you have any problems. This is exactly the type of mission I had in mind when I stated this. Definetly COC's UA, but also any OFP addon via a forward command HQ addon I'm toying with. Unlike UA, I'm limited with my indirect fire scripts by the weapons muzzle velocity. Anything over 400ms does not really work to well. Cheers
  6. Hi, I've re-packaged my Forward Observer Addon, fixed a few bugs, added support for some more third party addons. Increased the dispersion of impact points and added some minor functionality. While this does not contain all the updates I would have liked, it does fix a few bugs. I plan on re-writing the Observer to incorporate all the functions I would like and those requested. Formost will be adding better support for other weapons systems and expanding on the strategic decision making. AI Forward Observer capable of calling in indirect fire over a predefined area. Observers have the same eyesight quality as Snipers, with the added advantage of using Binoculars more effectively than regular AI, in the role of static observation. This provides them with an enhanced detection ability of about 1000+ meters (depending on terrain and target type), while keeping within the confines of the game engine itself. The core system files are now contained in two addons: FOU & FCU System Addons These addons are required by default. If you dont have any of the follwing Mods\Addons then you can use the default OFP units and a Generic Mortar addon donated by GFX. FOU Default OFP units Defaul OFP units Observer Observer (Sniper) Black Op (Observer) Black Op (Day Observer) Spetz Natz (Observer) FCU 81mm Mortar By GFX (West,East & Res) The FOU Pack currently supports the following MODS & Addons if you have them. If not, then download them now US Army Rangers By Laser US Delta Rangers By Laser US Weapons Pack By Laser Delta Observer (S) Delta Observer DES Delta Observer (S) DES Delta Observer DES 2 Delta Observer (S) DES 2 Delta Observer Ranger Observer (S) Ranger Observer DES Ranger Observer (S) DES Ranger Observer Ranger Ghillie Observer DES Ranger Ghillie Observer Delta Ghillie Observer DES Delta Ghillie Observer Deltas/Rangers By Ballistic Addon Studios DES Delta Observer DES Delta (S) Observer DES Ranger Observer DES Observer Delta Observer Delta (S) Observer Ranger Observer Desert Delta (S) Observer Ranger Observer Desert Ranger Observer Ranger (S) Observer Desert Ranger (S) Observer Delta HD Observer Desert HD Delta Observer Delta HD (S) Observer Desert HD Delta (S) Observer Ranger HD Observer Desert Ranger HD Observer Ranger (S) HD Observer Desert Ranger (S) HD Observer Retextured Guerillas by Ivan/Edge Of The World Observer Terrorist Observer (Camo) Observer (Black Op) Observer (Cap) Observer Marksman Observer Sniper Infantry By Finish Defence Forces Mod Finnish Mortar Observer Finnish Jaeger Observer (Sniper) Finnish Mech Jaeger Observer (Sniper) Finnish MP Observer (Sniper) Finnish Special Jaeger Observer (Sniper) Finnish Sissi Observer (Sniper) Finnish Sniper Observer (Bush) Finnish Sniper Observer (Winter Ghillie) Finnish Sniper Observer (Leaf) Finnish Sniper Observer (Fir) Finnish Reservist Observer (Sniper) Finnish Paratroop Recon Observer (Sniper) Russian Observer (Sniper) Russian OMON Observer (Operator) Russian Spetsnaz Observer (Sniper) Russian SOBR Observer (Operator) FCU Finnish 81mm KRH 71Y Mortar FCU Russian 82mm Mortar FCU Finnish 81mm KRH 71Y Mortar (2) Scout Sniper by Ghost in the Grass Scout Sniper Observer Invasion 1944 Mod Wehrmacht Observer Fallschirmjaeger Observer 82nd Observer Waffen SS Observer (Sniper) FCU Inv44 81mm Mortar FCU Inv44 60mm Mortar WW2 French Infantry (demo version) (Hvy) Infantry Observer (Lt) Infantry Observer (Hvy) Overcoat Observer (Lt) Overcoat Observer Liberation 1941-1943 '41E Observer Helmet '41E Observer Sidecap '41E Artillery Observer '40 Observer Observer Cap Observer Sidecap '41 Observer Helmet '41 Observer Sidecap '41 Artillery Observer Marine Assault Pack v1.0 USMC Observer Force Recon Observer (D) USMC Observer Russian Observer (D) Russian Observer Naval Infantry Spetsnaz Observer SEB Nam Pack AirCav Observer Army Observer Marine Observer SF Observer LRRP Observer MFR Observer NVA Observer VC Observer FCU M19 Mortar (Air Cav) FCU M19 Mortar (Army) FCU M19 Mortar (USMC) FCU NVA 60mm Mortar FCU VC 60mm Mortar WW2EC Mod 1st Infantry Observer 2nd Rangers Observer 5th Rangers Observer 4th Infantry Observer 29th Infantry Observer 90th Infantry Observer FCU 105mm M2A1 Howitzer Updated documentation can be found here: FOU Manual The entire pack including documentation, example missions and all the FOU & FCU addons: FOU Pack You can use any of the supported Mortars with any Observer, to swap Mortar crews just call FCU_NewCrew from each mortars Init field with an infantry class name: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[<Object>,<String>] Call FCU_NewCrew For example, to put some of Laser's Deltas in GFX's west mortar: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[This,"LSR_delta_spotter"] Call FCU_NewCrew Do not install, those you do not have the corresponding addons for. Individual FOU & FCU third party addons and example missions: FOU LSR US Army Rangers FOU BAS Deltas/Rangers FOU Retextured Guerillas FOU Finish Defence Forces FOU Ghost in the Grass Sniper FOU Invasion 1944 Mod FOU WW2 French Infantry (demo version) FOU Liberation 1941-1943(Example Missions requires the Invasion 1944 Mod) FOU Marine Assault Pack v1.0 FOU SEB Nam FOU WW2EC Mod(Example Missions requires the Invasion 1944 Mod) If I have overlooked anyone or made any errors regarding credits to addon makers, please let me know. I have update the addon and function names to reflect the OFPEC tags for the entire system, so it will mean any mission and scripts that use the old FO & FC prefixes, will need to be udated. My apologise for any incovenience to anyone who might be using the old versions, I can only say in future updates, there will be no more name changes. Cheers
  7. UNN

    KICTI 1.0a @RES released

    Well I'm afraid, I'm not much better, playing just MP games. As they probably constitute a small proportion, compared to the number of single player missions. I only know of two servers hosting KICTI, but not the ip's. Just enter 88 or S.W.A.T into the server filter for MP games.
  8. Oh..I dunno, works ok witht the BIS UH60. Are the configs similar? I noticed the mg version of the UH has this in the config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">enableSweep=0; What ever that does?
  9. We can only reply to the question you ask, perhaps the command removeEventHandler might come in handy before you instigate your jump
  10. You need these by default FOU & FCU System Addons and any of the following. These come with thier own Mortars\Artillery: FOU WW2EC Mod FOU Finish Defence Forces FOU Invasion 1944 Mod FOU SEB Nam If you want to use Mortars with the rest, either combine them with the above MODS or download FOU Default OFP Mortar FOU LSR US Army Rangers FOU BAS Deltas/Rangers FOU Retextured Guerillas FOU Ghost in the Grass Sniper FOU WW2 French Infantry (demo version) FOU Liberation 1941-1943 FOU Marine Assault Pack v1.0 Cheers
  11. Did not realise that was the problem. But putting a regular Game Logic at 90 degrees to the heli and calling... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Heli DoTarget Gl1 ...seems to work where DoWatch won't, you can delete the game logic after a couple of seconds. Edit: Ahh..Game logics only work when it's on the ground. The best I could do was this for the UH60 mg: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Vehicle=_This Select 0 _Camera="Camera" CamCreate (GetPos _Vehicle) _Camera CamSetTarget _Vehicle _Target="TargetE" CamCreate [0,0,0] _T=_Time+16 #L _Camera CamSetRelPos [-15,2,0] _Camera CamCommit 0 _Target SetPos (GetPos _Camera) _Vehicle DoTarget _Target @True If (_T>_Time) Then {goto "L"} DeleteVehicle _Target CamDestroy _Camera You need to create your own class similar to TargetE, but with no geometry so it's invisible. It takes about 15 seconds to finaly point in the right direction, perhaps a better target type would speed things up?
  12. Perhaps I misunderstood, I thought he wanted the MG to point in a particular direction when in safe or careless mode? It would be annoying if the AI prioritised this above real enemy units, plus there is the problem of your other AI reacting to the invisible target to. If you can set the target to be completely invisible unless revealed using the script command, then that would not be an issue. But again, ideally you would want to remove the dummy target once the unit goes into combat mode. So as not to interfere with the AI's targeting. My idea was to place an additional cargo slot in exactly the same place as the default gunners position. From the init event set it's combat mode to safe, and move the gunner to the dummy cargo slot fire position. So it looks like he is gunner, but the gun will never move. Assuming you can detect when the AI commander goes into combat mode, you can move him into the gunner’s position. I know there are issues with detecting combat mode, but AFAIK if you set it via a script command you can detect changes?
  13. I dont think you can based on the fact that, once more than one unit has entered a vehicle, they all get grouped together as one. The only way I could get the AI to point the turret in a different direction to the hull, was get the driver to disembark, and give the commander a DoWatch order. I think Dan is on the right track, it's just can you create an addon that attracts just the gunners attention, wont make him fire, but only when there are no better targets on offer? I've been looking for a way to lock a turret using scripts, similar to the way a driver locks the turret when he turns out in a tank. That could be another work around?
  14. Only if the roadway does not extend under the pilots position to. If it does, there are less than ideal ways of getting the height, that are not affected by roadways.
  15. Hi, Part of the repackaging means, it's a lot easier for anyone to add support for new units. I will add support for the Hyk MOD, I tried to cover some of the popular, none WW2 addons, just not sure when. I've downloaded it, but not looked into the configs yet. If there simple enough, it won't take to long. Cheers
  16. UNN

    AI Runways

    Hi, I've added support for the Finish Defence Mod's aircraft and Islands: Finnish Hawk (FDF) Finnish Hawk (FDF) Finnish Piper Chieftain (FDF) Finnish F-18C Hornet (FDF) Finnish MiG-21 (FDF) MiG-21 (FDF) Islands: Eastborder (2 Runways) Eastborder W (2 Runways) Karjal Maldevic (2 Runways) ATC FDF The default fly in height once an aircraft has taken off is 30m. On the FDF East Border maps, larger plans will crash into the tree tops. To set a new default FlyInHeight you can either: Modify the constant for a particular Aircraft,Runway or combination by adding the following to the aircrafts init field or Init.sqs. Sixty meters should be enough: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[[Plane01],[ATC_LFLYHEIGHT],[60]] Call ATC_ApplyConstant Or call FlyInHeight from a script using the ATC Event ATC_EVENT_ENDLAUNCH @deanosbeano I've been updating some other things, so I've not had chance to do much more. The Radio Message Generator is the next addon I want to try after I've finished more on the Runways. I'm starting to test everything in MP now, so progress will be slow. Cheers
  17. Well I tested the GetOut event just in case, works a treat. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">This AddEventHandler ["GetOut",{_This Select "Eject.sqs"}] Eject.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Unit=_This Select 2 DeleteVehicle (Vehicle _Unit) DeleteVehicle _Unit That just deletes everyone who tries to eject You could rigg it up to the GetOut event, that would allow at least one bloke to eject alive. Not sure what would happen to the dead guys though.
  18. You could force them back in with a script called from the GetOut event handler, but what effect it might have I don't know, as it will loop continously. Once they are dead they will stay in, unless the addon is setup to eject dead bodies to. Why do you want them to stay in?
  19. I thought listing bugs in a topic about Praising OFP's script language is kind of off topic. Well if not off topic, certainly diametrically opposed But the two that sprung to mind both relate to getting in and out of vehicles. I added this to the init parameter for CreateUnit, which appeared to cause a CTD: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">This action ["getin gunner",Vehicle01] In the end I had to call a script that just contained the above line. Now I could have used MoveInGunner, but that would not trigger the getin event (which I guess could be another bug?). But to be fair the "GetIn Gunner" action is not in the offical reference. The second is the GetOut event: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Vehicle01 AddEventHandler ["GetOut",{DeleteVehicle (_This Select 2)}] I think the GetOut events returns the unit before it disembarks, so deleteing it causes a CTD. Again you have to call it via a script. Never did test to see if the same happens with GetIn. Ohh and the old error about outputting strings greater than 256 characters with the format command, also causes a CTD. A minor bug, using SetPos to remove a unit from a vehicle, seems to disable the units AI, it wont move or follow orders. Even if you use UnAssignVehicle.
  20. I can think of two or three major bugs (CTD's that causes you to loose your unsaved mission in the editor) but in the grand scheme of things it's not an issue, as carefull testing can ensure nobody else suffers from the same problem. As far as the scripting language goes, OFP is a game that comes with it's own programing language and not a programing language that comes with a game. One of the Broadsheets here in the UK hailed BIS as pioneers in making sophistcated modding tools\functionality available to the public, other games can only follow in it's footsteps. While I'm sure many games companies have similar in-house untils for developing thier own software, they are kept under wraps. So to me, it's better to pay tribute to BIS's forsight and comittment to the gaming community, over anything else.
  21. UNN

    KICTI 1.0a @RES released

    Underneath the interface it's quite simple to use, but giving all the options in one dialog does create that impression. I'm disappointed in the lack of response to LaKing's mission. To me this is a working example of a new type of multiplayer mission, where two or three players per side can potentially fight Regimental\Battalion sized conflicts. I'm not saying it's perfect, but it does form the core of what could be yet another unique gaming experience in OFP.
  22. UNN

    Online campaign

    I understood enough to have my curiosity peaked, so I ran it through a translate progrm: It sounds like an intersesting idea, but the language barrier will be a major hurdle for me
  23. UNN

    Online campaign

    I understood enough to have my curiosity peaked, so I ran it through a translate progrm: It sounds like an intersesting idea, but the language barrier will be a major hurdle for me
  24. Look at the Mod's you mentioned. The FDF Mod declare each section as a vehicle and a weapon. So when the tripod is being carried it appears as a weapon on the soldiers back. When he drops it, you create the tripod as a vehicle, and remove the weapon...and so on. The FDF configs are in FDF_Conf.pbo, look for class names with FDF_Mortar prefixed. The scripts are in Data.pbo "\Scripts\Wpn\Mortar81\", I used addon manager to browse through the lot.
  25. UNN

    Awesome Realistic Online Combat!

    It's already possible to merge OFP's CTI style game play with WWIIOL large strategic layer, at least thats the conclusion I came to in the hours of idlness I had to ponder on it. Of course you would need a seperate exe to run the strategic layer and another to automaticaly generate the vast amount of map data need to represent huge campaigns. So it's probably just another one of my pipe dreams If OFP2 allows you to connect to servers with games already running it will be even more practicle, assuming the server will be able to handle the logistics of an entire war. The more I hear of WWIIOL the better it sounds, I play OFP over Call Of Duty becaues the scale out weighs the level of detail (Graphics\Sounds) you get in Call Of Duty. But yeah, the ongoing costs are the only thing thats stopped me so far.