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USA 4 Ever

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Everything posted by USA 4 Ever

  1. USA 4 Ever

    IDEA Games at E3

    all I can say is wow....that video rocks!! BIS Now Hurry up and get a publisher!
  2. USA 4 Ever

    International SF Pack

    looks great man, Cant wait to get my hands on these units.
  3. USA 4 Ever

    What sort of physics do you want for the heli's?

    I Love Flying in OFP!!!!!!!! I would want it to be more realistic! Not only for the choppers but also mroe realistic in the area of physics/control for AirPlanes. The more realism the better!
  4. USA 4 Ever

    ArmA Progress Updates

    God Bless BIS
  5. USA 4 Ever

    New exclusive Screenshots

    Wow awseome pic's! I'm putting these in my fav's for sure! Also the M1 is just totally cool! To BIS :
  6. USA 4 Ever

    What are you going to do?

    Frist thing I'll do with jump around like this little guy Then I'll got to mission editor and Get in the Biggest Plane and Bumb Everything I see! Then I'll check out the Campain, then its off to nuking People on Line!
  7. USA 4 Ever

    PC Gamer 1st look

    Great info! Looks like they are going to test some stuff out for OFP2 (What ever they are going to call it) in Armed Assault
  8. USA 4 Ever

    BIS should be ashamed of itself :)

    Totally dumb way to get more pic's from BIS! Thats if your even joking......
  9. USA 4 Ever

    New pics of OFP2 from Gamespot

    Their is a God!
  10. USA 4 Ever

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I dont Care if the name is "Armed Assualt". A names a name. I just want the game!
  11. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Woohoo Outstanding! My guess is tomorrow.
  12. USA 4 Ever

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    What time does E3 Start today in EST?
  13. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    Yea old news, this is from BIS site
  14. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    What does he mean by "Think about the number"....#3? 1. OFP2 2. OFP Xbox 3. think about that number... hmm maybe 1. OFP 1 Expansion (AA) 2. OFP Xbox 3. OFP2 that = 3 :-)
  15. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

    What does he mean by "Think about the number"....#3?
  16. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    lol but we would still be posting crazy ideas, just this time it would be about what BIS "Means" by their formal press release. lol
  17. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Holy %##^.... look how big this thread has gotten And the Day is not even over yet! Replies: 285 Views: 9367 Pages: 20
  18. USA 4 Ever

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    This totally Rocks! Can not wait for E3 to start! Also If you click on the OFp2 link on the BIS website It shows a dead link?
  19. USA 4 Ever

    smallest possible request

    LOL! Love the pic of Bonta-ku!
  20. USA 4 Ever

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    I've already seen that. I'm talking about the gamespot article about OFP2. :-)
  21. USA 4 Ever

    BIS @ E3: Confirmed!

    Gamespot posted this on their site yesterday. Not sure if you guys have already seen this. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/04/25/news_6122902.html
  22. USA 4 Ever

    Something really Nasty!

    yea man this is looking great. Really cant wait for it to be done.....I'm going to be logging loads of hours on that boat lol.
  23. Hey guys, I've already search the forums for this but could not find anything on it. Why dont a Mod team make a Sports addon. I dont even know if the OFP engine would allow you to do something like this but wouldnt it be funny playing Baseball or Golf with OFP lol. Also something to keep us going since OFP 2 not coming out until 06. Well just a thought. Â
  24. USA 4 Ever

    Sports/American Football?

    lol, yea I am a little nutty myself. I guess thats why I like planes lol. I myself dont know enough to about OFP code to do this but it would be cool if one of the mod teams made a sport addon to OFP. Would be something cool to do until OFP2.....Its just an Idea.
  25. USA 4 Ever

    What about a parachute re-skin/design?

    There is one in the FDF mod I know that.