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About UniverseMan

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  1. UniverseMan

    I'm a little bit irritated ...

    CGN is also the prefix, as it were, for Cruiser, Guided (missile), Nuclear (powered), in the US Navy. So, CGN-36 would be the designation for the USS California, at least, I thought it was the California, which may or may not be decommissioned by now.
  2. UniverseMan

    Time travel

    Although theoretical physics and temporal mechanics aren't my strong points, I always thought time travel wouldn't be about punching a hole, as it were, through to the past, but more of a series of actions involving quantum 'foam'. In this case, the theory is, the universe at the extreme quantum level is nothing so more than a collection of particles popping in and out of existence, and doing whatever it is quantum particles do. Now, if all points in time are now viewed not as a linear progression, but rather as what the quantum strata 'looked like' at that instant, then the question is raised: if you can reset the particles to what they looked like at that instant, have you gone back in time (ie, to the period when the image was taken)? As to the whole alternate universe dealie, well, again, I think it's a function of quantum mechanics. If every particle has 32 (was it 32? something like that) possible quantum states, then for each combination of states that the particles are in, a different universe could exist. For what it's worth, that's the way I view the progression of time.
  3. UniverseMan

    Merry christmas everyone

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.
  4. UniverseMan

    What's your favourite war novel?

    Check out 'Red Storm Rising' by Tom Clancy. You won't be disappointed.
  5. UniverseMan

    Questions on identifying weapons in movies

    I suppose that works. Â Although, if you had to name your favourite pistol, which would it be? Â Personally, I'd take a Walther P99. Â Nice.
  6. UniverseMan

    Questions on identifying weapons in movies

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tex [uSMC] Posted on Nov. 19 2002,21:45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Identify this baby http://homepage.mac.com/sorbs/iMovieTheater16.html <span id='postcolor'> That looks like a Desert Eagle, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, it says the name right on the gun.