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About UrbanMonkey

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. UrbanMonkey

    Need somewhere to host a soundpack

    I have 100 megs of web space But I'ma greedy foo and you can't have none! Plus i got that space for free and it might be slow for downloads, i never tried to have a download on it..
  2. UrbanMonkey

    Get your littlebird choppers here:

    Were AH-6's and all of its varients ever used for medevac? Wasn't that the job of the Blackhawk?
  3. UrbanMonkey

    Black hawk down

    LoL the real chaser, the Rangers and Operators on October 3 and 4 didn't fail. They captured the designated people (all 24 of them, except three died on the convoy). But they did get the people they were told to. But they did fail to capture Aidid himself, basically the whole reason for them being there. Yeah all these people were getting starved by Aidid, he starved people to show he was in power. 28,000 soldiers from many different nations were sent to Somalia, 20,000 being US Marines, to restore order (Operation Restore Hope). The fighting stopped, the food was distributed, but once the majority of those soldiers left, it started up again, people were not getting the food. So the US reacted by sending orginally a small delta squadron to snatch Aidid, and Army Rangers later. In their overall mission while there, to snatch aidid, they failed. Remember the Operators and Rangers had six previous missions where they abducted more of Aidid's Clan members without any serious casualties, or serious shooting. This time they went into the bakara market area, the "turf" of Aidid's clan. ALSO, it wasn't only the his clan that was shooting at the americans. It was civilians who heard on Aidid's radio station that they wanted to convert all somalis from muslim and bring american democracy. Throughout the fight, militia men had megaphones and they were shouting "Come out and defend your homes!" So the Americans were outnumbered. Originally a 150 man force goes into the city, and then in the massive rescue convoy, the amount involved were more around 500. Out of that , 18 Rangers and Delta Operators died, and 2 soldiers of the Army's 10th Mountain Division who was based at the Stadium in the northern part of the city. If you say though that that particular mission was a failure, think again. These americans came out with 18 deaths, and around 80 wounded. Considering they were against basically everyone with a weapon in that area of the city, and neighboring areas, thats pretty damn good. If I was a veteran of the "Day Of The Rangers" I would'nt be too happy to see someone make a mod about what happened. The XBOX game coming out is made based on the movie probably, which is pretty unrealistic compared to Mark Bowdens book. Mark Bowden did help make the movie, but they had to "hollywoodize" it to make it more interesting, since realism doesnt always make for a good game or movie, which I can understand. But if you make this mod I would expect it to NOT include any real names. Please honor those who were part of this, and those who fell fighting there by not using their names.
  4. UrbanMonkey

    Hummer with a mounted mg-42

    Hey Miles...Sorry bout' not making a city for your mission. I made one, which was pretty much crap, and a rushed project (it took only a few hours). I was gonna try to make a second one, with courtyards and all, but my editor is FUBAR and I can't find the right addon to get walls to make courtyards...And, when you put roads in with the editor is pretty much useless, since cars dont go faster on them, like they would in the default island roads, they go the same speed...Oh well, I'll try to reinstall my OFP and try to get all this crap working, then if you still need me I'm there. Like I said, you can put LOTS of buildings in and it won't lag that bad (see those pics from my old city), that city could take 20 east AI and 50-60 west AI.
  5. UrbanMonkey

    Chopper landing

    I dunno if you can or can't make it flare with AI, but you can yoruself. Heres how to : - While flying, dont move at a speed of more than 180, anything faster when you start to flare, your chopper will go sky high. - Its real simple, just when your near the LZ, just pull back on the mouse, or joystick, and go down at the same time. The thing is to land RIGHT when you hit 10 or less MPH. And, with the blackhawk, or apache, youve gotta land front two weels first. So, after flaring, move the chopper so the bird is almost upright, or facing forward just a tad.
  6. UrbanMonkey


    Howbout that US Navy hovercraft thingy? That would be awesome.
  7. UrbanMonkey

    A realism issue that seriously needs addressed..

    Yes Miles, Its hard to believe that an apache's armor could just make the 12.7mm round (armor piercing) bounce off like a rock or dent, but not penetrate. Its the most advanced helicopter in the world (commanche is still testing), but its still hard to believe it could take numerous 23mm shells in vulnerable areas...Just look at a 20mm round...ITS HUGE! The projectile part is massive!! I would say the apache could fly for 30 minutes if being hit by small arms, but not 23mm... I will change my mind when I see the evidence proving myself wrong.
  8. UrbanMonkey

    A realism issue that seriously needs addressed..

    My 2 cents... Remember this is only a game, and realism doesnt always make for a good game. I agree it should be much more realistic, but I'm not gonna get into a fit over it. Yes it sucks that any helicopter can take a good number of 20-30 mm rounds, or .50 caliber rounds, and still fly. I agree, that is bull. A .50 caliber mg with armor piercing ammo would take down a hind real fast, it hit in the right spots. Probably one 20-30 mm round would take down a wide range of helicopters if hit in the right spot. But still it shouldnt take any more than five maybe. I try to blow up a hind with a 30mm gun and it seems forever before it goes down in flames.
  9. UrbanMonkey

    Mogadishu city screens

    ...I admit this was a horrible city to start, I'll rework everything just give me time!!  Come back and bother me at the end of June!!  The next city will have organized blocks, a k4 traffic circle, a national road, a hawlwadig road, and hopefully an olympic hotel.  Not to mention the courtyards and roads I plan in putting in.  Also I put lots of jeep wrecks in the city and trees if ya noticed  I promise you the next city I make I will take my time and it will be like no other .  In fact it might take longer than a month to complete if I take my time  If I use courtyards everything is gonna have to fit perfectly so its gonna be a LONG time most likely. EDIT: WHERE CAN I GET THE COURTYARD LIKE WALLS ?
  10. UrbanMonkey

    Mogadishu city screens

    I know nothing about texturing... Miles, I can help try to find one, I'll keep ya posted.
  11. UrbanMonkey

    Mogadishu city screens

    Remember, this is just a "beta" version, and I will fix it to make it actually look like a city. I was just messing around on this one to see what I could do with my limitations. I put 55 west AI (my side), and around 20 east AI in the map and it worked almost perfect, just some minor lag, nothing like miles' first BHD mission . I'll try to put in the K4 circle, national, and olympic hotel, if I can get the right stuff...There are so many limitations so I can't make it perfect, or anywhere near scale size. This city is big enough for one mission. Just give me time, and I'll make it look more like a real city.
  12. UrbanMonkey

    Mogadishu city screens

    Yes, it was in fact a rushed project, so I couldn't make it exactly like the real city.  I know its not just a bunch of huts, some parts of the city are urban-like.  But remember mogadishu isnt all nice blocks and such.  If I could make a map of the area with wrpedit that would be great, I would make it MUCH more realistic to look like the real city.  I have satellite images of the city, and pictures from the city, so I can get an idea of how it looks.  But since I only used the mission editor, its all I could do .  I'll check out that wrp edit and get to you guys in a couple of weeks  I wanna also put in the K4 traffic circle and the airport.  But due to my limitations this is all I could do for now...I at least put in trees, other people would have prolly left them out!  But also remember that 1987 map is old and outdated.  The civil war of the early 1990's wrecked a good part of the city, including the university. I was limited by the size of flat space in the area where I built the city, and ALSO the limit of units I can have. I can't have an unlimited amount of units, and also it would probably lag more. Its a work in progress!
  13. UrbanMonkey

    Mogadishu city screens

    Here is the mogadishu city that I was making that might be used in Mile's BlackHawk Down 2.0 mission. Â It works pretty good alone, and also pretty good, but not as good, with 60-80 AI, which will probably be the amount used in the mission. Â Go to these links to see them. Screen 1 Screen 2
  14. UrbanMonkey

    For those who constantly post ideas

    Can I do something with my 3d max 4 program?
  15. UrbanMonkey


    Remember Miles, when Task Force Ranger was in Somalia in 1993, they didn't have the blackhawks with all that new radar and probes and such. The front looked like the regular UH60 in OFP, except it was black. Anyways, I can't wait for your new thing to come out, even though I could play the first one(my comp wasnt good enough ) I can find some other music from the movie if you want it? I know barely anything about scripting, but I can help with the mission if you want. Email me at seanmi6@hotmail.com. ----------------------------------------------------- [160th] UrbanMonkey, leader of the "OFP Nightstalkers"