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Everything posted by UceE

  1. ok, while waiting for the finished product you can play with these - remind u that they're not ready. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_finn.pbo http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_rk76.pbo http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_finn_mi8.pbo http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_finn_gaz.pbo http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_ural.pbo
  2. Here's some pics of what I am currently working on Finnish soldier & UAZ UAZ close ups
  3. I just removed it, there seems to be a little bug with the groups, I have to fix it and place it back there tomorrow
  4. Resistance soldiers wearing palestinian style scarfs, green combat vests and khaki uniform. Get it from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/ under resistance whaddyathink?
  5. In fact just the tail part is mirrored, so it would be possible but they're not Ilmavoimat anymore.
  6. Here's a new Mi-8, now re-edited the original texture under the camo.
  7. And the T-72 with some extra moss&twigs camo typical to Finnish tanks, under construction still, the target sign will be painted on the side of the turret. I will include a version without all the green stuff as well. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/images/uce_finn_t721.jpg http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/images/uce_finn_t722.jpg
  8. here's the Mi-8, still under construction as you might see from the pic http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_finn_mi8.jpg
  9. Against my previous intentions I retextured a valmet m-76 so here's a link to the pic http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_rk76.jpg and before smart people start posting that that's not how it looks like, let me add that we can't import our own models yet into the game so this is just a compromise.
  10. There you see , it's useful to send requests and email to addon makers {were his last words before valorous death in a shower of heat-seeking mailbombs} here's a link to a pic of the Ural they're ready soon, just wait until next week http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/uce_finn_ural.jpg
  11. Get them from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/ here's a preview pic
  12. I am making some spec ops for the west at the moment. And Finnish for the Resistance are almost ready.
  13. Russian Interior Ministry troops and rapid reaction group SOBR are ready and available now from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/ preview here http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/images/uce_rustaiga.jpg
  14. Updated the OMON, adjacent textures match more nicely now, and they've got a new vest. Go and check it out! first Finnish soldier is ready, I'll post some screenies in the future.
  15. UceE

    Finnish soldier addon

    can't get it working. I was thinking of making a Finnish soldier but can't find good images. If anyone can help me with this, just mail me [email protected]
  16. UceE

    Whaaaaat abouuuut

    What?!? You dissin her voice, you bastard  What do you people think, doesn't she sound sweet Â
  17. Here's a teaser - Russian MVD with taiga camo
  18. As soon as I get good images!
  19. Get them from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/ Here's a screenie
  20. UceE

    UCE OMON units ready!

    A quote from http://club.guns.ru/eng/specops.html </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...OMON (Police Special Assignment Group) and SOBR (Special Troops of Rapid Deployment). Officially, he two units were organized in 1993 following the typical trend in MVD of establishing special forces that would be able to provide protection for Governments in the times of unrest. In fact, their history dates back to 1986, when a special platoon was formed as a part of the Police Mobile battalion. Later in 1991 the platoon was transferred into a Company of Special Force. Its initial mission was to ensure public order during the various rallies, riots and demonstrations, to operate as rescue teams in the times of force-majeure, natural and technogenic disasters when quick and effective aid was required to maintain security for citizens. The Izhevsk OMON numbers 150 men. The spectrum of the OMON operations is broad enough, varying from everyday routine patrolling urban territories to personal protection of the Government VIPs. Generally speaking, OMON is MVD's main muscle. OMON may work both independently or in close cooperation with other troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Federal Security Service forces (FSB) and Army, depending upon the type and the scale of a specific mission. For example, back in 1993 the Izhevsk OMON was commissioned and operated in Moscow, helping the Federal MVD Forces prevent a coup d'etat. In 1995 the Izhevsk MVD troops were sent to St. Petersburg as an auxiliary force of maintaining public order. In the period from 1994 to 1996, twelve times OMON of Izhevsk was operating together with the Federal (Moscow) troops in Chechnya. Along with surgical and patrolling operations, the Izhevsk OMON was deployed as a peace keeping force. <span id='postcolor'>
  21. UceE

    UCE OMON units ready!

    I do use the texture swap utility and swap all the textures including lods and excluding the face(xicht), glasses (civilista_bryle) and blck_sum ones, even if I didn't do any changes to them (which is getting quite rare nowadays as I've practically retextured everything). But if any snow whites show up, please do inform me!
  22. UCE Russian Federation Infantry 1.10 UCE Russian Federation Infantry (Desert) 1.00 and UCE Indian Infantry (Jungle) 1.00 are now available from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/jjsoini/ The EastWeapons have also been updated so that the weapons come in separate pbos, to make it easier to update. Now all required rifles are included in the zip file of all NEWER addons. Changes to the first release of Russians: all old soviet gear textures have been replaced with new gear textures from images of real Russian gear. Replaced the officer with one with a cap. Added few units (Hvy grenadier, officer with night eq.). I haven't updated the screenshots on the site yet. Desert russians have got the hood also on their shoulders and back now. The snow russians are ready except I forgot to add the wound textures for the sniper so I'll upload them as soon as I can.
  23. UceE

    UCE OMON units ready!

    Here's a screenie of soon out naval infantry
  24. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Noone @ Jan. 28 2002,15:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BTW, in your Indian infantry to assign a indian looking face, did you use a setface comand, or did you find a way to assign a pre-defined set of face to a specific unit ?<span id='postcolor'> It's one of the original faces that come with the game.
  25. The problem with skinning is that the game wraps the one and same image on every side of the weapon when watched from 3rd person view. With ak74 model, it uses that same image even with 1st person view (on the left side of the rifle). The original AK74 in the game uses the left side image so this time I used that. With other AKs I've done, I've normally used the right side image of the rifle. So it's just matter of preferation if I'll use the left side or the right side. I get half of it right and have to settle with that.