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Everything posted by TurokGMT

  1. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @Carlgustaffa The only difference between xeno's classic original version and mine is the air support option. No need to disable, just start a different map! If I get any real interest in my version, I'll see about recoding it to a simple optional variable in init/sqf to enable/disable air support, although I'm sure xeno or mando could both code it much better! Please please please let me know what you guys think about my edition and run ANY version of domination on your servers because at the very least it can only draw larger crowds in to the domination phenomenon!
  2. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    TurokGMT Edit of Domination now available to download from filefront: http://files.filefront.com/DomEdit....fo.html Armaholic Mirror: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3367 (readme included in archive) any feedback greatfully accepted
  3. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Ok, first beta of Domination is ready for public release and feedback. I've emailed a copy to spliff and mando will shortly have current build (although he spends most of his time scripting new ideas rather than playing ) Can anyone host the file for me?
  4. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    ok, second shakedown period begins in earnest! managed to sort out dedicated server woes, server will be up all weekend (Sat 14th June) IP : - remote connect to it if it doesn't show in server list server name : TurokGMT Test server domination with bells, whistles and a huge pair of balls awaits you! TurokGMT
  5. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    ...ok...first shakedown session completed - thanks spliff for the help need to get my dedicated server problem sorted first as a priority - think it's a router problem, tried looking on portforward.com, but no joy... known bugs: 1. I've edited version 3.0 of domination, not 3.02, so the RACS respawn problem is still present - might transfer code ideas to WEST version of 3.02 2. when a player dies, they are losing the air console action on respawn - I've seen a fix for a similar problem on the forums, so should be an easy fix... 3. UH60 W not able to lift wrecks, we think it might have been a FF issue though as it did work before I died and some german dude showed up on the server and started wasting folks using my heli's MG...*sigh... 4. gonna increase wreck repair radius - it's very fiddly to drop it off just right...while I'm at it I'll increase the heli and vehicle repair areas too.
  6. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @xeno would I be right in thinking that it would only be the contents of x_playerfuncs and x_serverfuncs that need messing with to enable hosting support, or would the whole mission need to re-designed from scratch? @spliff - thanks for the offer, once the initial testing is over, I'll pm you to hand over the mission pbo ok...server going up for the night (friday 13th 16.30 GMT) IP: server name : Join me! Test Server.
  7. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    OK, following a fantastic help session from mando last night (thanks once again mando!, mando missiles and bombbs are now fuly implemented - including mando SAM's spawning at both main targets and side missions with a 20% probability that any particular shilka will be equipped for missile defense as well as regular AA. The next thing I'm considering is depboing the predator UAV addon to make it the recon aircraft type - but I'm reluctant to do this for reasons of permissions and also don't want to be reliant on folks having downloaded an addon. My idea is to edit mandobombs to check for the presence of certain enhancing addons and use them if they are there, reverting to default arma units if they are not present. Test server will be up again tonight I suspect and definitely over most of saturday (IP to follow) for anyone that's been following this thread and wants to muck in. No addons will be necessary, just bear in mind that server isn't dedicated so might be a little laggy. @xeno - once I've got domination tweaked to my liking, do you have any permission issues about me releasing it (with full kudos entitlement to both yourself and mando for your fine work, naturally)
  8. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    No probs. @colligpip I think the answer lies somewhere in the x_createguardpatrolgroups.sqf. Need to find a way of getting any shilkas generated (or any other unit type for that matter) to execute one of mando's autoSAM scripts. Little help here xeno/mando? EDIT: Thanks for the PM mando Also, I'm running a test server for the rest of tonight (Thurs 12th June) IP = Server Name = Please Join! Test Server no addons needed, please jump in and see what you think of my domination edit so far
  9. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Literally just got cruise missile support up and running. As for SAM launchers using mando missiles...dunno yet... Just looking through the mando missile attacker folder for readymade units. Then I'm gonna dig through the enemy spawn scripts and add the mando units to the spawn arrays... think that's how to do it... What happens with the saturation attacks btw - I haven't landed one yet. Also @mando: How can I prevent a CAS mission from removing one of my available support plane limit if there are no targets in the area?
  10. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @mando little help with chaning the type of heli for CA missions for GUER side. I've got this in my init.sqf: mando_support_left_ca_GUER = 2; //Number of Attack Helis available publicVariable "mando_support_left_ca_GUER"; mando_airsupport_type = "AH1W"; //Defines attack helis as cobra gunships publicvariable "mando_airsupport_type"; but I still get AH6 support...how can I change this? Nevermind - found the problem - should be mando_airsupport_type_ca....
  11. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Well, nothing like an unfair advantage to big up the little guys on low population servers. Attacking 3 shilkas, 2 T72's and a supporting handful of BMP2s, BRDMs and armed UAZ's is just a non starter with 2 guys armed only with M136's and the odd javelin round. This way at least we get to see the whites of a few eyes before we get blatted. As I learn more about domination's scripts and mando's addons, I'll add in a few SAM(ando) sites in the enemy spawn arrays to tilt it back the other way...
  12. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    yeah - I get that a lot, people seem to think my nick implies I'm a turkish male...very odd. It's actually from the original Turok game waaaaaaay back on the N64. The GMT is just for timezone.
  13. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @Dogsbd The title displayed when setting up the mission in the multiplayer menus is stored in description.ext. It can easily be changed in the editor though - just click where it says intel in the top right (where you'd change weather effect sliders and time of day. The mission name and comments are there. Change them, save them, description.ext auto updated. Done. The title displayed in the "opening credits" of domination are scripted. The are either to be found in the "intro" section of the mission (switch from mission to intro to outro in the editor), or it's probably buried in a script in the domination scripts folder.
  14. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Ok, I've got domination nearly completely tinkered with... I've left the shilkas as the only form of AA defense against mando air support - they perform remarkably well against most attacks with exception of SADARM equipped bombers. I've made air support available to all players, but severely limited amount of air assets available as well as types of support and included farily long reload times - thanks for all the scripting help mando! just have mando missiles to implement so the cruise missile feature is enabled - got a bit more reading to do... @xeno - if you haven't looked at mandos air support scripts yet, may I humbly email you the tweaked mission I have so far? No addons required, all scripts included.
  15. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I'm aware it doesn't need to be executed by an action - I've just chosen to do it that way because artillery is already included via action in the domination mission so it fit with current setup, plus it's easy to script Could someone point me to a good code snippet dump so I can grab ideas? @mando what's the basic procedure for getting cruise missile attacks working with the air support console? I've added the mando missile folder to the mission and included the 3 .h files in description.ext. What kind of unit or init line do I need to add to the mission to allow cruise strikes?
  16. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @dogsbd - check the scripts folder for something relevant, there are two scripts concerned with arty 1 and 2. @mando - thanks for the links, they made for interesting reading. Is there a way of transfering the airsupport console action to the current leader of a squad in a dynamic way so that only a unit leader will have the action? The reason for it is to prevent servers where the squad leaders aren't being played still have access to air support (which will transfer to any player joining in a more senior role in the squad)
  17. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    To the best of my knowledge - yes. However you could also just distribute your mission in a rar or 7-zip file and include all necessary addons. My advice would be to keep the number of required addons to an absolute minimum or people just won't touch your mission for downloading. The better alternative as I mentioned above is to script two different types of ammo crate and have the mission spawn the one containing weapons which the client has - although I don't know what effect that would have if that client shot someone that didn't have the addon weapon installed - probably a ctd for the shooter and the victim.
  18. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Tankbuster, if you read through the init.sqf of the domination mission you'll find an array nicely commented about how to change or add new bonus vehicles. As for the contents of the ammo crate, I think that's covered in one of the scripts in the scipt folder in a fairly obvious place too. All the scripts for domination are pretty well commented to make it all obvious. The only major problem with adding an addon to a weapons crate is that you'll either have to ensure that anyone running the mission also has the addon OR depbo the addon and include all the contents with the mission (which will really up the filesize if a new 3D model is required) OR you could maybe include some kind of addon check to determine if a client has the required addon or not, and just make a slightly different crate spawn if they haven't - I'm pretty sure that's possible - just don't ask me for the code for it! Good luck!
  19. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    ...so, what's a better way of doing it? at some point I'd need a script call, how should I call it? If I call it from the init line, I'm also running it on all clients. Run from the init line and refer to the unit name? My understanding on the more technical side of coding - specifically with what code gets executed on client or server and when - are weak. How do call a script locally for the client that needs it only? Refer to a specific unit via the init.sqf? eg: if {getname _p == air support dude, _p addaction ["CAS","mando_blah"] something like that? Help me obiwan, you're my only hope...
  20. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    thanks xeno...*goes back to rummaging through lines of code... quick question for the code monkeys: I'm aware of the addaction command and I've used it to allow individual soldier units to be able to call for air support using mandos scripts: this addaction ["Call Air Support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"] in the init line of a unit. The only problem with this is one that OFP had - anyone approaching the unit in question also has the action appear in their action menu when they get closer than about 5 metres. Is there anyway to avoid this happening? Should I be using a different command?
  21. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Nice idea for protracting games. Basically mando, domination is capture the island done really well with side missions to earn bonus vehicles for the team. It's also class based - just read through the first couple of posts. Anything which keeps players interested in the long game without alienating join in progress players is good in my book. That has always been EVO's biggest problem - if you're not there from the beginning it's hard to rank up when the tank gunners and flyboys are blowing the shit out of everything with almost complete imunity. Domination's side missions are pure gold though - short and simple, perfect for casual gamers whilst still providing long term bonuses in the form of new toys for the long haulers. Adding your scripts to allow for air support options is agin great for the casual gamers that want to blow something up - or at least ppush the button that makes that happen - and also gives the long haulers something to do as it can be a timed resource that needs management to be effective. I haven't added any mando sam launchers or anything yet - I assume I'd need mando missiles to do that?
  22. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @mando the default values of most of the public variables used in the console is 8 (8 planes available, 8 gunship attacks etc.) the code snippet you supplied above needs inserting into the init.sqf AFTER the starting values for those public variables is declared. My question is, if I want to use the default value of 8 for these variables, do they still need to be declared in the init.sqf before inserting your code snippet? @ragki... Are you trying to run the mission on a dedicated server yourself and join that server (from the same machine), or are you just trying to join a public server from the in game multiplayer server list?
  23. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    ...and if I'm using default values of 8 can it go anywhere?
  24. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @mando thanks for the code, quick question about script timing - you've used two sleep instructions in the script, is there a rough calculation you can make to convert script wait times into real life time? eg is your sleep 360 command roughly equal to 5 minutes real life? Would it be affected by the ingame time multiplier? Also, I'm assuming the supplied code should be included in the init.sqf file AFTER the #include line for mando console, or does it not matter where it's inserted? @colligpip Bombing the shit out of AI is fun, but joining a server with even a handful of players is brilliant fun! (Hopefully even more so by including mando bombs) Question for xeno: I've been digging around through the domination scripts (of which there are A LOT), but I can't see where you've set how it's only the two arty operators that can both call arty and rescue prisoners. There's nothing in their init lines, so I'm assumng it's connected to their individual unit names or group ID? Just asking because I think it would make sense for the spec ops dudes in bravo team to be able to rescue/capture instead of the arty operators - it seems unlikely that a support unit would get up close and personal, but would more likely wait at base for prisoner drop off (followed by a swift interrogation and summary execution). Obviously it's changeable as to who can call arty or capture/rescue - everyone can call for arty and capture in the AI versions, but I don't know what you've changed where in order to do it. Little help?
  25. TurokGMT

    co30 Domination! One Team

    already noticed that shilkas are already pretty good at shooting the shit out of recon aircraft before they get anywhere near main target areas if you don't set fly in height low enough! Quick question for mando, what's a quick and dirty method for reseting the global variables used by the air support console to determine how many of each type of support run is available. Figured it would be good to tinker with the default values so that players can spam the shit out of air support and then have a 10 minute penalty to wait once the last flight is used before it restocks to represent air assets rtb and refuelling. Or possibly once an asset is used, a timer starts and counts to say 15 minutes before that number of planes is re-added to the available planes pool - assuming they aren't destroyed in flight. Is there any way to keep a count of how many (if any) air assets are destroyed on support missions to perhaps reduce the number available over a prolonged mission - I figured this would be a good way to ensure players don't spam the shit out of air power without clearing all the AA first.