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Everything posted by TurokGMT

  1. If you're not a script fanboy (and if not, why not!?), use the functions module in the editor. 1. place player unit 2. place functions module (no need to synchronise with player, this one works just by being there) 3. place a trigger activated by radio alpha repeatedly with [] call bis_fnc_help in it's on activation field.
  2. You could spawn any explosion you like underneath the plane. The biggest one I'm aware of though is the LGB blast. look into the camcreate function - lots of folks have used it to spawn things like smoke grenades or explosions at specific locations. You do lose out on the immersion factor of seeing the bomb drop, but it might be easier for you to script.
  3. not really, because you're not just spawning the plane, you're spawning a FLYING plane with roll, pitch, yaw and velocity as well as 2 waypoints to move to. welcome to the wonderful world of the code monkeys =] persevere though, because there can never be too many good coders for ARMA2...
  4. tricky one. I guess the sequence of events would be: 1. Create a trigger that waits for a secop to be created. On activation, the trigger causes AI group to accept. 2. Secop objective is created. Need a second trigger to locate the objective marker and create a waypoint for the AI group. Both of which I have no real idea how to script for. The other obvious massive problem is the range of different mission types the SOM module can create. Although these can be limited by passing setup variables to the SOM, this is definitely going to be a difficult bit of scriptwork. I wish you luck!
  5. TurokGMT


    more likely have to lock each turret separately: heli lockturret [0,true]; heli lockturret [1,true]; heli lockturret [2,true]; because presumably lockturret is only expecting 2 elements to it's array of arguments. You could try testing to see if first element can be an array though: heli lockturret [[0,1,2],true]; or even something more bizarre: heli lockturret [[0,1,2],[true,false,true]]; to lock only the first and third turrets but keep one available for use. First rule of scripting - BE PREPARED TO PLAY AROUND WITH IDEAS AND BUGHUNT FOR 3 HOURS FOR EVERY 1 HOUR SPENT CODING =]
  6. I'm halfway through designing a multiplayer mission (which I'm very proud of by the way) that involves use of the bis_fnc_spawngroup function which is activated by a trigger. The group spawns fine, but when tested in mulitplayer seems to spawn more units than intended. When tested in the editor, the froup is created and behaves in expected. In multiplayer, the trigger appears to spawn a much bigger group (or possibly mulitple groups, I'm unsure which). So my question is, when a trigger is set to fire once in the editor, will it actually fire once per local machine, or are triggers handled by the server only?
  7. TurokGMT

    Unreliable CAS

    probably the CAS plane twatting into a tree or getting shot down before reaching target area.
  8. try making the pilot perform an action first eg <name of F35 pilot> action ["autohover"]; The array needs more entries to complete, which you'll have to look up in a command reference elsewhere. Hope that helps a little.
  9. TurokGMT

    help with a reinforcement script

    the landat command only works with numbered airport runways (eg 1,2 or 3 for chenaraus) you need to experiment with <name of heli> land "land"; command I'm having trouble making the plebs get out of the back too =]
  10. TurokGMT

    First Aid Module

    To emphasise the above point: FIRST AID merely allows non medics to treat bleeding and allow battlefield clearance (dragging and carrying). Soldiers wounded by gunfire (as opposed to falling damage or impact damage from crashing light vehicles) will be bleeding, and if not given first aid or healed by a medic will bleed to death. Only medics, MASH tents and ambulances can heal. This returns a soldier to full health. Wounded soldiers will show the wounded animation if the modules are being used and are unable to fight until treated. An interesting (perhaps bug) is that if a wounded soldier is dragged and then released, he returns to prone position and is able to move and shoot, although continues to bleed.
  11. TurokGMT

    Request for very simple random skirmishes

    Just search the forums or google for it Google for "Arma 2 english language patch" it'll show in the first couple of links
  12. TurokGMT

    Request for very simple random skirmishes

    Grab the english language patch if you can't be bothered with translation! As for using the ACM, it's a piece of piddle 1. Load Chenaraus in the editor 2. Press F2 to select groups 3. Double click on the map and choose whatever group type you want. 4. Press F1 to select single unit placement 5. Double click the lead unit of your group and set it to playable using the control drop list 6. double click on the map away from your unit (too close and the next unit you place will be grouped automatically with existing units, which we don't want) from the "side" droplist, choose gamelogic, on the next drop list (which currently says location), choose module. On the unit type drop list, choose ACM (ambient combat module) 7. push F5 and drag a line from the ACM to your squad leader. 8. click preview and enjoy The Editor is a very powerful and EASY tool to use - as I say, just search the forum for the english language patch to make your life easier. It doesn't activate fade, and can be run using a mod folder if you don't want to overwrite your existing german language files.
  13. TurokGMT


    Thanks for the reply laggy. I do find it playable (just) - wooded areas are obviously a killer and I get the same LOD popping issues that others have reported...guess it's time to upgrade the graphics card on this rig. The trouble will be making sure I get a compatible card that doesn't require upgrading the damn PSU as well =]
  14. Hey guys, got a problem with the german 1.01 patch + english patch my action menus in game for squad commands aren't producing the expected results that they should (I believe the fault lies in the 1.01 patch) eg by selecting all units and hovering mouse over starforce 21, the "All, get in that Heli" command should be sent. although the command appears the saem, a "rearm at that heli" command is sent instead. Similarly, I can no longer select a single unit or group of units and click once on the map to initiate movement to that location. Infact, the entire movement submenu doesn't work as intended unless I switch to high command mode. Is anyone else experienceing this problem?
  15. TurokGMT


    @Laggy sorry - forgot to attatch that critical detail!! 1065.03 Intel Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz Nvidia Geforce 8500GT - not sure how much onboard RAM it has, but driver version is 185.85 4 Gig RAM Vista Home 32 bit Res 1024 x 768 Texture Detail - Normal Anisotropic Filtering - Disabled Terrain Detail - Normal Objects Detail - Low Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Low Please...dear gods the humanity...haaaalp me....
  16. TurokGMT


    1065.03 Intel Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz 4 Gig RAM Vista Home 32 bit Res 1024 x 768 Res - 1280 x 1024 Texture Detail - Normal Anisotropic Filtering - Disabled Terrain Detail - Normal Objects Detail - Low Shadow Detail - High PostProcess Effects- Low Please...dear gods the humanity...haaaalp me....
  17. Hey again everyone, well, now my scipt for occupying a building with guer units works, I now have a new problem =] I've created a trigger that is activated by the presence of guer units. The trigger activates fine (checked with a debug sidechat) The problem is that I've set the trigger to send a sidechat on deactivation. From reading around it appears that dead units do not count towards a "present" condition, so killing all the guer units should deactivate the trigger, right? So...I blow up the building, killing everyone inside (for good measure, I shoot all corpses in the head a few times) ...trigger doesn't deactivate - or at least no sidechat is sent. Is the problem that the units are being killed by the collapsing building? The problem seems to arise if triggering units are killed by collapsing buildings. I've set up a small test trigger with the same conditions with a unit in its trigger area, and ordered him in and out of the trigger area - that works fine. I've shot him - that triggers the on deactivation fine. I've blown him up grenades - on deactivation fine I've blown him up with a satchel charge...seems ok too. just need to kill him with a collapsing building now... =] Any ideas why the first trigger might not be working?
  18. W00t!! Think I've nailed it: Script Requires: 1. EITHER a resistance/guerilla unit to be placed on map OR _GuerHQ = createcentre Resistance; used in init.sqf before calling the script 2. An object (logic units preferable, but will work with any object) to centre the script on. This can be in the mission editor, or dynamically identified by a trigger etc. CALLING SYNTAX: null = [object] execvm "OccupyPos.sqf"; _logic = _this select 0; _house = nearestbuilding _logic; _pos = []; _grp = creategroup resistance; _j = 0; _loop = true; while { format ["%1", _house buildingPos _j] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_j = _j + 1}; _j = (_j - 1); // limit troop creation if (_j > 20) then {_j = 20}; for "_i" from 0 to _j do { _pos = (_house buildingpos _i); _unit = _grp createunit ["ACE_SoldierGAR",_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; _unit setpos _pos; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; _unit setdir (random(360)); }; Once the unit is created, just chuck him back where he is supposed to be. Thanks for the help guys, script is now working as intended!
  19. Keep getting a missing "{" error. _logic = _this select 0; _house = nearestbuilding _logic; _pos = []; _grp = creategroup resistance; _j = 0; while { format ["%1", _house buildingPos _j] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_j = _j + 1}; _j = (_j - 1); for ("_i" from 0 to _j) do { _pos = (_house buildingpos _i); null = _grp createunit ["ACE_SoldierGAR",_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; }; the problem lies with the final loop. Tried rewriting it with a a while structure and get the same problem. Can seomone help me? =[
  20. ok...changed how script is being called. null = [dave] execvm "occupypos.sqf"; now calling without script error, but confirm soldiers are imediately returning to formation This may be because there are TWO ways to create a unit in ARMA The old Operation Flashpoint call: type createUnit [ position, group, init, skill, rank] eg for me would be "ACE_SoldierGAR" creatunit [_pos,_grp,"",0.5,"PRIVATE"]; the trouble with this version is that it doesn't allow spawning out of formation. The alternative is the "createunit array" version introduced in ARMA v1.00 Object = group createUnit [type, position, markers, placement, special] which is the one I've used because placement set to 0 should ensure unit is created at _pos and special SHOULD allow "NONE" which prevents them grouping into formation once spawned...
  21. I'm calling mine from init.sqf I've inserted a gamelogic unit (called dave) and call it with [dave] execvm "occupypos.sqf"; my target building is one of the factory buildings in avgani (the one to the south that has no other nearby buildings) it has a confirmed 28 occupiable positions currently it creates a single unit (outside...) then throws up the dreaded "missing {" error...
  22. - I've already got the resistance HQ being created in init.sqf - The group is created in this script - The script creates the first unit fine (although doesn't place him at the occupiable building position - this might be a placement issue as discussed) @Serclaes - I've tried similar while boolean structures to set the loop up, going through every iteration I can think of, inculding the type you've suggested, but thank you for your idea! Can anyone try the code out for themselves (needs ACEmod v1.06 if you use my code as is because of the unit being created) and post a verified working script correction? It's doing my head in!
  23. current version looks like this. Same problem: _logic = _this select 0; _house = nearestbuilding _logic; _pos = []; _grp = creategroup resistance; _i = 0; _j = 0; _loop = true; while { format ["%1", _house buildingPos _j] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_j = _j + 1}; _j = (_j - 1); // limit troop creation if (_j > 20) then {_j = 20}; while {_loop} do { _pos = (_house buildingpos _i); null = _grp createunit ["ACE_SoldierGAR",_pos,[],0,"NONE"]; _i = _i + 1; if (_i == _j) then {_loop = false;}; };
  24. Hey guys, I'm having some bother getting a sidechat generated by a dedicated server get received by clients. I've been looking at various resources trying to debug this, but having no luck. Here's my init.sqf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // init.sqf will run automatically on both the server and clients when they connect // either at mission start, or join in progress clients // Wait for players to join and synchronise before moving on // The if statement will only affect clients, a DEDICATED server will never // have a local player and !isserver will always return false for the server and true for clients if ( (!isServer) && (player != player) ) then { waitUntil {player == player}; waitUntil {time > 10}; }; // Vehicle Respawn script - borrowed from domination, thanks xeno! // Only needs to be executed on server, hence the if check if (isserver) then { _vehicles = [hummer1,hummer2,uaz1,uaz2]; {[_x,20] execvm "x_vehirespawn.sqf"} foreach _vehicles; }; // Define which objectives belong to which team // objectives have been defined in briefing.html // this must be done local to each player, after the player has joined and synced _objectives_blufor = ["1","2","3","4","5"]; _objectives_opfor = ["6","7","8","9","10"]; // Hide objectives from opposing teams switch (side player) do { // BLUFOR Player case west: { {_x objStatus "HIDDEN"} forEach _objectives_opfor; }; // OPFOR Player case east: { {_x objStatus "HIDDEN"} forEach _objectives_blufor; }; }; // Script to keep weapons when respawning // must be run by players locally? _units = ["sierra1","sierra2","sierra3","sierra4","sierra5","sierra6","officer","durka1","durka2","durka3","durka4","durka5","durka6","durka7"]; {[_x,1] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"} foreach _units; // Pop-up targets reset scripting (to make them pop back up after being shot) // arrays for two groups of targets, just incase you want to disable one set from popping back up // should be run on server only and return a public variable to enable broadcast // of a sidechat message if (isserver) then { // target arrays, using names given in editor _opfor_targets = [RED1,RED2,RED3,RED4,RED5,RED6]; _blufor_targets = [BLUE1,BLUE2,BLUE3,BLUE4]; // Comment out following lines to DISABLE pop-up on a target group {[_x, 1, true] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf"} foreach _opfor_targets; {[_x, 1, true] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf"} foreach _blufor_targets; }; // this event handler monitors a variable defined in the pop up target script called myvar // when myvar is updated publically using publicvariable, the code within the event handler is fired // on all machines OTHER than where the variable was made public (ie the server itself) // the main job of the event handler is to send a globalchat message, therefore the server doesn't // need it because it has no local player "myvar" addPublicVariableEventHandler { if ((_this select 0) != null) then { player globalChat format ["Confirmed hit on target %1",(_this select 1)]; _shot = null; }; }; and here's the relevant script that helps generate the globalchat (initpopuptarget.sqf): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // this script should be being run by every pop up target on dedi server and client machines // pop up feature is working, but sidechat is proving to be a pain /* InitPopUpTarget.sqf * * SYNTAX: nil = [Object, Number, Boolean] execVM "InitPopUpTarget.sqf" * * PARAMETERS: Object: A pop-up target * Number: The number of hits it takes to knock the target down * Boolean: If set to True, the target will pop up again. * * NOTES: This function is meant to be placed in the Initialization field * of a pop-up target. * * Pop-up targets that are not initialized with this function will * stop working as expected: they won't pop up again. This is * because this function sets the global variable "nopop" to True. */ #define VERSION 0.1 #define HIT_COUNTER "HitCounter" #define ONHIT_PARAMS "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Params" #define ONHIT_HANDLER "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Handler" #define ONHIT_INDEX "AdvPopUp_OnHit_Index" nopop = true; _target = _this select 0; _requiredHits = _this select 1; _isPopUp = _this select 2; _hitHandler = { private ["_target", "_requiredHits", "_isPopUp", "_hitCount", "_keepUp"]; _target = _this select 0; _requiredHits = _this select 1; _isPopUp = _this select 2; if (_target animationPhase "terc" > 0.1) exitWith {}; _hitCount = (_target getVariable HIT_COUNTER) + 1; _keepUp = true; if (_hitCount == _requiredHits) then { //////////////// // ADDED CODE // //////////////// // code designed to fire an even handler defined in init.sqf myvar = _target; publicVariable "myvar"; // This executes the event handler on other machines sleep 1; myvar = null; publicvariable "myvar"; // This now sends a null value to the same event handler /////////////////////// // END OF ADDED CODE // /////////////////////// _hitCount = 0; _target animate ["terc", 1]; sleep 3; _keepUp = _isPopUp; }; if _keepUp then { _target animate ["terc", 0]; }; _target setVariable [HIT_COUNTER, _hitCount]; }; _target setVariable [HIT_COUNTER, 0]; _target setVariable [ONHIT_PARAMS, _this]; _target setVariable [ONHIT_HANDLER, _hitHandler]; _code = { _t = _this select 0; (_t getVariable ONHIT_PARAMS) spawn (_t getVariable ONHIT_HANDLER); // weird! }; _index = _target addEventHandler ["Hit", _code]; _target setVariable [ONHIT_INDEX, _index]; Can anyone help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
  25. Hey guys, decided to start a new thread seeing as the domination thread has climbed over the 20 page mark. Please refer to that thread for info on domination and initial releases of my Edit of xenos excellent mission. ***** NEW VERSION OF TUROKGMT EDIT RELEASED!! ***** Current version is now v0.5 EDIT - CURRENT VERSION NOW v0.6 LINK FROM MY SIG OR JUST SCROLL DOWN. CHANGELOG INCLUDED IN FILE ARCHIVE major changes: - JIP bug fixed! - HUGE change for how I've implemented my code changes from vanilla domination - now just 3 new scripts - some mando variables tweaked to tone down air support overkill File link: http://files.filefront.com/Dominat....fo.html All feedback and testing welcome! ***** FULL DEVLOG ***** ************************ ***** GENERAL INFO ***** ************************ REQUIRES ARMA v1.14 TurokGMT Edition of Domination is adapted from the original domination west co-op mission v3.02 created by xeno. Everything you need to get playing is in this archive, no addons or other mission files needed. TurokGMT Edition is essentially vanilla domination with support added for mando bombs and missiles. All players now have the ability to call for air support from the action menu. Player side and enemy AI now have much more sophisticated AA and countermeasure systems. AA and countermeasure systems added to several existing vehicle types. My thanks to xeno for creating the excellent domination missions and mando for all his help with scripting and testing. Please try the mision out on your servers and offer any constructive feedback via the BI Forums. *********************************************************** ***** EDITED FILES FROM ORIGINAL DOMINATION WEST 3.02 ***** *********************************************************** The following files were edited from their original form in domination. I've included this section to help those who might wish to produce similar work. My added code sections are clearly marked and commented. Thanks to mando once again for his excellent help and advice! init.sqf - removed unecessary code for Ai and Revive versions of domination - included calls for TurokGMTSERVERONLY.sqf and TurokGMTCLIENTONLY.sqf - LOADS of new comments added to code to make it easier for newbie code manglers like myself! description.ext - added mando initialisation - defined rsctitles class definition (requires editing of x_dlg\introtest.hpp to prevent error) introtext.hpp - commented out rsctitles class definition - class now defined in description.ext x_intro.sqf - altered value of _str to display "TurokGMT Edit v0.5" on startup (xeno still has credits in bottom right) x_serverfuncs.sqf - spawned shilkas have 33% chance of being equipped with mando SAMs (24 shots) ********************* ***** CHANGELOG ***** ********************* v0.3 - initial public release v0.4 - removed ability for all players to call air support - air support can now only be called from MHQ (assumed there is a satellite uplink, makes more sense and prevents rushing) - added 10 minute timer before cruise missile saturation attack can be fired - removed individual cruise missile strikes - spawned shilkas now have 30% chance to be equipped with 24 mando SAMs (if you can steal one, you get to use them! - added 3 respawning MH-6s - (you can never have too many helis in a mission with all those SAMs flying around! Additional File Edits from Domination v3.02: allow_air_support.sqf - NEW SCRIPT FROM MANDO! Simple script to enable air support console for drivers of MHQ x_weaponcargo.sqf - all ammo crates now have 100% chance of containing AA and javelins v0.5 - MASSIVE change to implimentation of added code by me, virtually all my added code now moved to two new scripts TurokGMTSERVERONLY.sqf and TurokGMTCLIENTONLY.sqf - JIP bug now fixed (hopefully!