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Everything posted by Tomasz

  1. Tomasz

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Kinch, I have a problem with personal UAVs. Everything works well if the mission is hosted by a client computer. I can take an UAV backpack, set up the drone, connect to it and take control. However if the mission is hosted by a dedicated server one can take UAV terminal but can't even grab UAV backpack. Is the UAV drone a server side object or a local object? Tomasz
  2. Armin2, have you doublechecked both power connections? Tomasz
  3. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    EPO, One closing "]" bracket is missing somewhere. Is this a screen of the game launched on dedicated server? If so, the error was invoked by one of client side functions. Try to insert some control hints to figure out where the error is generated. Also, scalar bool indicates, that there is a variable missing. May be missing variable and missing closing bracket are somehow related. Tomasz
  4. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    EPO, look into "x_scripts/x_getsidemission.sqf", and take first sidemission as an example (case 0). The line no. 30 looks like that: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_vehicle addEventHandler ["killed", {side_mission_winner = -2;if (side (_this select 1) == resistance) then {side_mission_winner=2;};publicVariable "side_mission_winner";side_mission_resolved = true;}]; You have to change side in "killed" event handler from resistance to west: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _vehicle addEventHandler ["killed", {side_mission_winner = -2;if (side (_this select 1) == west) then {side_mission_winner=2;};publicVariable "side_mission_winner";side_mission_resolved = true;}]; and so on search all sidemissions for resistance in "killed" event handlers. Tomasz
  5. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    EPO, it is exactly what I wanted to do - make spetznaz planting explosives under important RACS vehicles and objects. Of course at first glance it is very easy. But there are some potencial problems with AI blowing each other, and with AI entering blowout zone just before explosion. On the other hand the script shouldn't be too much cpu consuming. Tomasz
  6. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Legislator: You are right. Standing Spetznaz awaiting their sorry fate is a little bit surreal. I planned to make them more aggressive but haven't implemented it yet. EPO_83: The script invoking infiltration is "x_scritps/x_infliltrate.sqf". I have added one more condition: if ((playersNumber Resistance) > 0) then { See entire x_infiltrate.sqf here: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // by Xeno private ["_grp","_pos_object","_pos_object2","_unit","_vehicle"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; // Sahrani: _pos_object = [1155.8,13968.2,0]; // Sahrani: _pos_object2 = [24739.8,9568.23,0]; _pos_object = [10044.443359,7595.692871,0]; // Everon _pos_object2 = [10044.443359,7595.692871,0]; // Everon while {game_running} do { Â sleep 3000 + (random 1200); Â if ((playersNumber Resistance) > 0) then { Â Â _grp = ["EAST"] call x_creategroup; Â Â _vehicle = createVehicle ["Mi17", _pos_object, [], 100, "FLY"]; Â Â _unit = _grp createUnit ["SoldierEPilot", _pos_object, [], 0, "NONE"]; Â Â [_unit] join _grp;_unit assignAsDriver _vehicle;_unit moveInDriver _vehicle; Â Â _unit addEventHandler ["killed", {unit_list = unit_list + [_this select 0];}]; Â Â _vehicle addEventHandler ["killed", {nil=[_this select 0] execVM "x_scripts\x_removevehi.sqf";}]; Â Â sleep 1.123; Â Â nil = [_grp,_vehicle,[4774.722168,11384.092773,0],_pos_object2] execVM "x_scripts\x_createpara2.sqf"; Â }; }; if (true) exitWith {}; Tomasz
  7. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Legislator, I have just added the mission to the download page on our site: arma.pme.org.pl. Feel free to download it. However remember that this is only a beta version. Some bugs may be encountered and the code and scripts haven't been cleaned yet. As regards Scud script, it will undergo serious changes. Now it is to easy to accomplish this mission. Tomasz
  8. Tomasz

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Hi all, there is another one Domination conversion, and this time it is moved onto SAP Everon. Currently version 0.93.04 beta is being tested on arma.pme.org.pl server. Here is the list of features: - Instead of simple selection of number of towns to be liberated, a fixed system balancing numbers of goals is implemented. You have now to decide at the start if you prefer more main targets and less side missions or more side missions and less main targets. - Due to small size of the island all jet aircraft are removed from the mission. - Many new vehicles are merged into the Domination. Expect deadly ZU23, ZU23M in most of the defended cities, as well as in some side missions. Occasionally you can face AA trucks (ZU23 on Star truck chasis), T-64 MBTs, or BMD-1 airborne APCs. - A number of respawnable civilian vehicles can be found in every town. - New sidemission - destroy scud launcher before it launches a missile. Expect interesting visual effects in case of failure - Side mission defenses are much more varied. Some have much stronger AA defense, some have no tracked vehicles, some have only spetznaz defense. - Changed philosophy of side mission bonuses. Winning side mission is awarded with a new funcionality instead of a new vehicle. I.e. the team may receive access to Javelins, or Stingers, or advanced sniper guns, or ability to create buggy vehicle or ZU23 near respawn vehicle. At the moment there are 16 types of bonuses implemented. - Airbase spetznaz infiltration occures only when a player is connected. No more spetznaz hordes generated overnight. - Bonus vehicles gained through finishing secondary side missions do respawn now. However their respawn delay is substantial (up to 12 minutes in case of AH-1). - Some new vehicles available as bonuses (Kaman SH2, M-60 MBT) - Cities can have two types of defenses - mobile defense with more aggresive mobile patrols or static defense with randomly generated system of forts and trenches. Fortification can be light, medium or heavy. Static defence can receive obstacles of barbed wire or a minefield, or both. Fortification crews pop up for shoot and crouch back. - Lifting a vehicle by BH is now limited to the respawn M113s and support trucks. Ability of lifting other wheeled and tracked vehicles is granted as side mission bonus. If you want to give it a try, visit arma.pme.org.pl website to download all necessary addons. You can download them separately, or download entire collection as a quasi "mod" called @pmeCollection. Cheers, Tomasz