"It gets kind of unrealistic if you as one man out in the field suddenly have control over like 30 people."
This is not unrealistic this is the Army!!!!!! You want realism go to army . fact is with more man you can choise between: oh i need 12 men or more men for a big attack or you do it alone. call for support is good idea and a another good option
"Having control over massive amounts of players ends up in more of a strategy game like atmosphere"
i dont think so. this is a tactial shooter not BF2 !!!! Strategy is Rome Total WAr etc.!! and you do not have to recruit any more than 12 if more should be
yeah  its unlimited but you can recruit always 12 team members.but more than 12 is better i thing for a single player mission.with more men you can switch between specops assault or with more men  an big army assault!!!!its only for gameplay!!!!     its really nice work greets !!!!what is the next project???
hey kronzky,
please add more squadmembers!!!!!12 men to capture an island is to hard!its not a specop mission it is a war mission!!!war missions needs more men :more men=more Fun=more KIA!!! Please add more!!!
Hey nice work!!!!!
But with more recruiting(12 are not many )
ca.24 or 40 its more singleplayer like it is possible to do that???
sorry for my bad english its late!!!