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Everything posted by TuKewl

  1. TuKewl

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Hearing about the upcoming ARMA2 is a bit of a slap in the face when despite a lot of enhancements from OFP, ARMA is very disappointing in so many respects. The control issues including supporting only one controller, inability to use dual cores and incredibly poor sound effects and lack of variety in civilans are my biggest beefs. Other issues like AI, annoying single player missions and the ease at which people can exploit online bug me. The textures are totally amazing and graphics are fantastic. But despite all the graphics enhancements in ARMA and great animations, OFP felt a lot less clumsy and is far more immersive and enjoyable. Expecting users to put their faith in ARMA2 after ARMA is a big ask. Please amaze us with ARMA2.