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Everything posted by Twisted1

  1. Twisted1

    Tasmania Island ArmA2CO

    LOL I cant there is no house where I live :) Note the town names and roads are a bit off in places but who cares. I like how they put a soccer pitch where Queenstown should be but they stuffed it up. It should be a oval for Australian rules football (AFL) oh and it should be gray as it is made of gravel (Yes gravel) they breed them tuff on the west coast. It has to be gravel due to they cant keep in green with grass in winter as it's get too wet and muddy :) The last time I worked down there it rained for 13 days out of the 14 I was there and that was summer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queenstown_Oval,_Tasmania
  2. Twisted1

    Tasmania Island ArmA2CO

    Cool wil have to download and try. Any of you bastards that come near the location of my real house will be shot :) PS Does any 1 have a mod for a 2 headed civilian, so I can model the towns in the central west corrently :)
  3. This may be a stupid question but seen I have OA with last (Working) beta I assume I dont need this patch to play Arma2 MP. Or do I ??????
  4. The internode (Aussie) server had to add this to get it work. Other wise it just would not load or let people in.
  5. If you can't see higher video setting it can mean that you config file has not detected your system correctly. There are some good posts about arma config files and how to fix them it may help to start to just delete (Back up and move) your current config file etc and let arma re set it to see if it helps?
  6. @ Taconic It's your GFX card that's letting you down you don't even have min spec. And with all the posts the min spec would hardly be playable.
  7. pre ordered 5 June. Dispatched monday the 22 June :)
  8. Nice find, I had not see that before either. Do BIS post stuff on there web sites and time how long it takes for some 1 to see and post in here the new info? I wonder who is winning so far.
  9. Twisted1

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Hi there is / was (Not sure if it was fixed completely) a memory leak and memory handing issues with ARMA. version 1.16 was to help ATI users but mine were fixed previouly seen I have nvidia graphics. Try lowering some setting and see if it helps the more textures you load the quicker it will crash but below a certian point it will run with out crashing. Sorry it not much of a help, seen you have the card you want to use it to it's full capacity. Also a lower View distance can help some times also. I have read that ARMA 2 souldn't have these issues (Can't remember where but) so just hold out for a month or so and you should be sweet.
  10. Twisted1

    ArmA hard-lockup when shaders set to 'high'

    Hi No name. I had a lot of these issues with versions around 1.08 etc can't remember the exact version. Arma has (Had) memory leaks so the higher the VD and or graphic settings the faster it will fail the only way I fix it was to lower some settings. Have you monitored your memory usage ram and graphics etc. mine would increase until the PC fell over (Had to do a hard reset).
  11. Twisted1

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I wear Glasses and love my TrackIR 4 Pro. I restart if I forget to turn it on before I game. The only small issue I had was looking down mainly when parachuting I would go out side the field of view of my glasses but this was fixed with in 1 min when I modified the y axis to suit my glasses real easy. That the best bit you can use the default profiles or mod them to suit your game play. :)
  12. Twisted1

    Custom face problems, Cant see it in MP?

    Hi For starters its face.jpg not jpeg (jpeg dont work with arma) Also it needs to be under 100kb generally for servers that allow it. Or even less some times. Also check it's size needs to be 64x64, 128x128, 256x 256 etc.
  13. Twisted1

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Hi justing getting in to the new version. 3.50. Here are a few Issues I saw. Playing the ace version - I was an engineer but couldn't fix any thing. - The mission seemed to lag more than previous. I lost 10 FPS to the previous versions of this missions on the same server. -Then the mission crashed with the following error. "mpmissions\_CUR_MP.Sara\x_scripts\x_target_clear_client.sqf - error 6." I hope ths helps. I was told this was the second time it crashed with this error. I was playing on the GSA ACE server in australia.
  14. +1 for the shaky-cam. Also seen I have a TrackIR4-Pro bring it on.
  15. Twisted1


    Hi Ice Yep it apear there must be a new game out. The MP Arma numbers have dropped off of late. Can any 1 say Far Cry 2 . Thanks for the link I will have a look and see how it plays.
  16. Twisted1


    Hi Ice Any news on the new version did it work? I have not seen you or your server around of late?
  17. Twisted1


    Air Factory that can build jets will disavantace the OPFOR even more. In most warfare games there are alway's more people on the US side (Unless some 1 who is realy good at being commander is on OPFOR) due to the Harrier can VTOL while the SU 34 cant. Other wise all the more fun.
  18. Twisted1

    BattlEye problems

    Hi Last night 1 of the people on our server kept getting booted from the server. At first he couldn't join, he was disconnected as soon as he joined. Then once he was in he was booted twice after a short time of play, the last time he was booted there was a message similar to "battlEye has kicked "player" and something about his memory" Sorry about the message I didn’t write it down. He rejoined and it seamed to work ok for about 1/2 an hour when he left. The guy is just a bit pissed off with battlEye. Unfortunately he is not the only 1 having connection issues with this batch (1.11) and battlEye. Is there any thing I can get him (them) to test on there machines or our server. I would like some good anti cheat in arma but need help to get it to work. He has already reinstalled battlEye twice I was told. If you need more info please ask I will try to get it.
  19. Twisted1

    Extended eventhandlers

    Thanks Solus Works great now. Most happy after a (Forced) week away from Arma I can now use all my mods again
  20. Twisted1

    Extended eventhandlers

    Hi Solus and Killswitch I like what you are trying to achieve. I’m currently having trouble with the GMJ sight adjustment addon. It appears to disable parts of other addons, I have reduced my addons to only arma effects and the sight adjustment addon when its loaded the back blast from the m136 in arma effects is not seen if I only load arma effects I see the back blast from the m136. It’s the same for sound mods (Chammy) all sounds without GMJ and only some with it. I’m currently using mod folders. All I can assume in that the "SightAdjustment_AutoInit.pbo" is to fix this. I have tried to load it in side the arma effects folder and the gmj folder but still no joy also tried to load the 2 mods in different order in my target line F:\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=@GMJ_SightAdjustment;@ArmAEffects As you can see I have it loaded in a non standard location but I don’t have arma on my C drive to check it that it. Any help please will be most appreciated as I like both these mods and other but cant get them to work with each other. Note: All files used are current versions and recently downloaded and Im using all files in this mod.
  21. Twisted1

    Ghillie snipers - by xam mod

    Thanks Mr burns for your help with the changes to the XAM ghillie suit standalone mod. Its great except now I cant tell friend or foe in a ghillie suit any more but I shoot first and say sorry later lol. 1 question, when I wear it in game it shifts the centre of the screen conparded to the vheicle I'm in. For example in the A10 the white dot for where the guns are pointing is shifted to the right. Well actually the cockpit model is actually shifted to the left as it appears off centre. When I'm in any differentt slot (not sniper) its fine just when I wear the ghillie suit.
  22. Twisted1

    Ghillie snipers - by xam mod

    Thanks for the quick reply,  I will try this out tonight. PS where is the sniper in that pic buggered if I can see him  but I am 1/2 blind so I need to go find my glasses anyway.
  23. Twisted1

    Ghillie snipers - by xam mod

    Nice mod Mr burns (and the XAM team for the initall work) 1 question. How can I make it work on the SLA units in normal play (swap out the BIS models for these) it works for US units as per the instructions but not the SLA? Or did I do something wrong. PS I'm no good at making mods so can't change the file my self. Well not without help anyway. Thanks
  24. Twisted1

    The problematic of ram space.

    I have an 8800 gtx and only run it on low memory usage about 400 odd or I get out of memory errors. Â is you hard drive in use when it stutters as it may be a pagefile issue with you main memory not your vram. Â does using the -maxmem=512 in your short cut solve the issue?