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Everything posted by T_bone

  1. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Well it depends on what picture you base. Colours can be easily adjusted but pattern is different story, template is very chaotic so its a hard work to make it all fit. Still... Its W.I.P.
  2. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Here is small presentation of new feature of our addons - custom textures. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cHbvGv6TyLI Purpose of this movie is to show that textures are no longer based on .p3d model. Thanks to that mission makers will have opportunity to create unique textures for their missions without need to edit .pbo files of the addon. Note that we added option to switch paint schemes during mission only for presentation purposes. It's up to mission maker to create script that will change textures during game. Also all textures presented in this movie are loaded from mission folder. Basically this whole custom textures feature is based on setObjectTexture command and hiddenSelections. Although that we didn't found any major issues in this feature, it wasn't tested in multiplayer game yet
  3. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    At first plan was to make T-72B but it turned out to be time consuming work if we wanted to get it right. Since we still have to finish details on Abrams this T-72 is a "bonus" to fill the gap. BTW: You should take a look at Vilas "VIBI" pack for T-72B ERA.
  4. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    [EDIT] Nevermind, i can't comment on Tigers205 work.
  5. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    To be honest, at first i told Mateck that T-72AV should be only for Soviet/Russia since its not an export version. But since we have one for SLA, maybe there will be RACS version.
  6. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    W.I.P T-72AV (ERA made by Tiger205) in SLA green: Soviet green made by me, rear barrels are "dynamic": Matecks "camo--> mission" script works well. You can easily put your own camouflage into your mission. Also you can have same type of tank in few camo schemes in the same mission.
  7. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    I asked NWD about his FCS via PM and haven't got any answer. Hard to say when new version will be out, i think its a matter of weeks.
  8. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    @Manzilla Im not an expert on NWD FCS but last time NWD wrote:
  9. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    I can't promise that we will be getting into details on this one since its secondary work. Our priority is still M1/M1A1. Mateck told me that he fixed the driver seat. As for the picture, its T-72S as far as i can see not T-72A or M.
  10. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Some screenshots from our small "Bonus OPFOR" pack. Main star of the pack will be T-72AV (Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour) in soviet green camo (and maybe some others :P), we are working on texture right now. There will be T-72M with some small model additions and new textures like this desert "Iraqi style" one:
  11. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    @Page 14, my post on May 17 2008,11:49 Till then, don't use replacement pack.
  12. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    It will be included, no worry
  13. Good way to start and improve skills in addonmaking I hope you will fix ShadowLOD of ERA bricks in next release. http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/9059/brickwe9.jpg Keep up good work.
  14. T_bone


    You can check this "artillery call chatter", maybe you will like it, maybe not ;P http://www.sendspace.com/file/a24gcp
  15. T_bone

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    CH_M1A1 (HA), Mapfact AH-64, Schmalfelden, SLX.
  16. T_bone

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    A big step in addomaking, great job
  17. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Befor anyone will ask "what kind of camo is that" And remember its W.I.P
  18. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    There is no desert replacement. Only way to use Abrams in desert camo i to choose it from class "CH Armor".
  19. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    @Tigernan Yes we are looking for correct ammo for 105 mm gun. On one hand I have this very accurate data (early 80s ?): APDS-T M392A2 Shot(APDS-T) APFSDS-T M735 Shot(APFSDS-T) HEP-T M393A1 Shell(HESH-T) HEAT-T M456(T384E4) Shell(HEAT-T) APERS-T XM494E3 (5000 fléchettes) WP-T M416 Shell(Smoke) TP-T M393A1 Shell(TP-T) TP-T M490 Shell(TP-T) On the other hand I have this info from Osprey book that shows two different rounds for 105 mm (year 1985):
  20. T_bone

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Mateck's M1 (W.I.P), Schmalfelden, ICP anims.
  21. T_bone

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Mateck during mission "Quarantine" on our server ECS mod
  22. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    @NoWonderDog Thank you for info on CWS. The GPS on M1 and M1A1 will also be remodeled.
  23. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Time for an update, some screenshots of our M1 (whole tank is still W.I.P). Final version will have 3 types of camo schemes, new random markings and many, many other features. We need little help on the ammunition loadout (how many, what kind of ammo for M68A1 gun), currently we have M483A1 HEAT-T and M833 APFSDS.
  24. T_bone

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA) v0.96 (W.I.P), Schmalfelden map
  25. T_bone

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Our replacement is bugged ;p Will be fixed in next release.