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This Charming Man

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About This Charming Man

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  1. This Charming Man

    need help with weapon configs.

    I think you have to add some things to this line: requiredAddons[]={}; maybe make it like this: requiredAddons[]={"CACharacters", "CAWeapons"}; EDIT: although you only have to add CACharacters if you want to add a new unit with the weapon..
  2. This Charming Man

    Config problem when editing ammo

    I changed it to this: Class CfgAmmo { Class Default; class BulletBase; Class BulletCore; class Revolver_Ammo : BulletCore { hit = 20; cartridge = "FxCartridge_Small"; cost = 5; typicalSpeed = 360; }; }; But it still wont work! Maybe we can't edit ammo types like this? Ive been able to modify everything else it's just ammo types that won't work..
  3. I am trying to make a new kind of bullet for my revolver but it wont work. There seems to be some kind of problem with the line "Class cfgAmmo" When i try to start arma i get this message: File revolver\config.cpp, line 11: '.Class': 'A' encountered instead of "=" Here is the part of the config file that is relevant: class CfgPatches{ class Offa_Revolver_Weapon{ ammo[] = {"Revolver_Ammo"}; units[] = {"Revolver_Soldier"}; weapons[] = {"Revolver"}; recoils[] = {"RevolverRecoil"}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[] = {"CACharacters", "CAWeapons", "CA_Anims_Char"}; }; }; Class Ammo{ Class default; class BulletBase; Class BulletCore; class Revolver_Ammo : BulletBase { hit = 20; cartridge = "FxCartridge_Small"; cost = 5; typicalSpeed = 360; }; }; class CfgMagazines{ class Default; class CA_Magazine; class Revolver_Magazine : CA_Magazine { scope = 2; displayName = $STR_DN_15RND_Revolver; type = 16; picture = "\Ca\weapons\Data\Equip\m_m9_beretta_CA.paa"; ammo = "Revolver_Ammo"; count = 8; sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\Beretta_single_shot_v3", db-10, 1}; initSpeed = 360; }; };
  4. This Charming Man

    "Motion" Makes Some People Sick?

    I was like that when i played half life 2. I just started feeling really sick and wanted to throw up. And that hadn't happened anytime with any game before and ive played fps's for many years. I have no idea why i felt like that.. Might have been that they had changed the fov or somehthing..
  5. This Charming Man

    "Motion" Makes Some People Sick?

    I was like that when i played half life 2. I just started feeling really sick and wanted to throw up. And that hadn't happened anytime with any game before and ive played fps's for many years. I have no idea why i felt like that.. Might have been that they had changed the fov or somehthing..
  6. This Charming Man

    Sqf? Where?

    I have made a mission and was going to test it in arma. Not in the editor but from the missions menu. I started the game but it couldnt find any of the scripts ive made. So where do i place the scripts? Should i make a .pbo file with the mission and all the scripts in that? I have some music files i want in the mission too. Would be thankfull for an answer!
  7. This Charming Man

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I would love an addon that added units from the old strategy game Ufo (or x-com enemy unknown). It would be awesome to fly a skyranger to the terrorsite or be a soldier that deploys to a crashed ufo mission. I think such a mod would fit very well on the arma engine.