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About TankBusterTimmy

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  1. TankBusterTimmy

    Dawn of the Yomies

    Is there any way to get rid of the crappy view distance without the zombies losing interest? I dont want a small view distance, but if i enlarge it, that makes the zombies spawn that distance away, it seems a bit silly. Any help would be great. Cheers, Timmy.
  2. TankBusterTimmy

    Startup Error

    Is there anyway i can go about finding these images on my system?
  3. TankBusterTimmy

    Startup Error

    What do you mean by daemon tools? Would BF2 daemon (used for admining a server) count?
  4. TankBusterTimmy

    Startup Error

    Mines the 505 version too, and i cant figure out what the hell to do.
  5. TankBusterTimmy

    Startup Error

    I've cleaned any suspicious registry entries that could be to do with it, but the thing is, i havnt seen 'EZ-Play' anywhere let alone use it, I have no idea what it is
  6. TankBusterTimmy

    Startup Error

    Hi, I bought ArmA today and installed it, I then proceeded to run it and this error happens. Prompting me to go to this webpage for more info. I've removed all DVD/CD burning software and reinstalled several times but to no avail. Can anyone help? Cheers, Timmy.