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Everything posted by thr0tt

  1. Wait for http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation err review, :D
  2. Yes, it installs into an ArmA2 Demo directory.
  3. thr0tt

    Having a ton of fun with Evolution!

    I think Evolution and Domination coop missions are not being overplayed. If they werent then the odd time you catch a public server you would miss the start of a mission. Each to their own.
  4. thr0tt

    AMD Phemon & ArmA 2

    So far it seems correct that there are issues with the engine and Phenom processors. No doubt some players will get ok frames but a few tests online and published have shown that Phenoms and ArmA 2 are a problem. No mention of a fix or if BI recognise this as an issue.
  5. Ah bugger, I was looking at upgrading my mobo and gfx card to exactly what you have and I currently get the same FPS as you with my sh!tty rig. Specs: ASROCK AM2NF3-VSTA | AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE 3.2GHz | Sapphire HD3850 AGP (Latest Cats) CCC | Corsair - TWIN2X4096-6400C5 4 GB |Samsung 2232BW 22" LCD | X-Fi Ultimate Gamer (5.1) | LiteOn DH20A4P DVD-RW | Saitek Cyborg Evo Joystick | M$ Windows XP Pro SP3 Sounds like an upgrade is not whats needed...
  6. Specs: ASROCK AM2NF3-VSTA | AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE 3.2GHz | Sapphire HD3850 AGP (Latest Cats) CCC | Corsair - TWIN2X4096-6400C5 4 GB |Samsung 2232BW 22" LCD | X-Fi Ultimate Gamer (5.1) | LiteOn DH20A4P DVD-RW | Saitek Cyborg Evo Joystick | M$ Windows XP Pro SP3 Like I say, if it was CPU that was the main worker here then the rest of my system shouldn't really matter... but it does and I know that I need to change my mobo / gfx card to get the best from gaming.
  7. If it was just CPU then my Phenom II x4 955BE would be rocking, its not <20 fps. It is a combination of drives, CPU and GPU I am afraid, not a single device.
  8. Well then for you everything is fine, so we should just concentrate on your requirements ? Great it hasn't crashed for you... sorry but it has and does crash for countless others.
  9. Performance increase would be nice yes but really first things to fix are the faults not performance. You could say that is a type of fault but if the game doesn't work in the first place then what is the point of a high performing game if it can't be run ?
  10. Devs told me its an issue with my AGP, I am pretty sure they are yet to make a 4850 or 4870x2 AGP version... same issue yet I can stop it happenning luckily due to the fact I have AGP which I have posted earlier (I think in this thread). Would be nice to a. have this officially recognised and worked on and b. an idea of when / if its going to be fixed. The YT vid above show exactly what happens, I can recreate it as and when so its not as if the devs don't have anyone willing to provide reports / stats or anything they need to bottom out this ArmA2 engine problem. 12 pages of replies / testing / etc. shouldn't this be stickied as a known issue...
  11. I had this last night, it added a grainy effect to normal daylight. Alt-tab gets rid of it. Didnt cause me any issues and in fact made it look a bit better tbh.
  12. I get that if i reduce my AGP aperture. If I leave it at 512MB then I can select any combination, knock it back to 64MB I can only select low or normal. PCI-e is different...
  13. thr0tt

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    Very fast update to the AA and some other smaller improvements. Still getting massive screen corruption.
  14. thr0tt

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    So far the demo runs smoother, has working AA on a pull down menu, hasn't crashed yet and has improved frames. Retail is a bit behind the demo, is there anything else better in the demo you have spotted ?
  15. thr0tt

    ATI HD4850 artifacts

    This is a known fault with lots of ATI cards including my HD3850, unfortunately it only effect few of the users so is not a big issue. Please use the search function for more of an answer plus all the things we 'sufferers' have tried to do to fix the issue ourselves (and failed). Latest ATI drivers fixed the memory fragmentation, this is a game engine problem.
  16. Weird, I have the German version (Metaboli) and also got the English version from Game, when I got the English verion I just uninstalled the German one, installed the English applied the new patch and it is still in English, it also still doesn't ask for the DVD to be in the drive is that right ? HHawk, you didn't by chance install the 1.01 final patch too did you as that was only for the German copy ?
  17. Is everyone who already owns the game going to download the demo to see how much it differs from retail ? Would be interesting if it runs better, has fewer bugs etc.
  18. All High (XP) V-Sync on 25-40 FPS, no mouse lag, why ?
  19. Change your resolution 3D and Interface to 1440x900, you will see a marked FPS imrovement and loss of some visual quality. ALL my other games run perfectly on 1680x1050 but this one does not, there is a problem with the game that needs to be fixed, too many performance threads to ignore, it is turning out to be the next GTA4 although that seems to run much better than this !
  20. For some reason, I press F on the keyboard and it brings up a selection menu on the left, normally I can use my middle mouse to select an option which works fine, unfortunately if I press fire (left mouse button) it too selects from the list, I have searched but can't find the binding to remove this 'function'. Its not nice to eject from a helicopter when you accidently press fire ;) Any way to remove this bind ?
  21. What is best, higher interface lower 3D or lower interface higher 3D ?
  22. Good news for you hopefully. Fingers crossed for you.
  23. Change it to 1 and see what happens. Did it to mine on 1.01 Beta and I couln't tell the difference. Maybe this is another feature to be enabled in a patch.
  24. Just checked and you can't unless you can decompile their exe, I thought it was just a packed exe.
  25. Have you treid to manually extract the patch and manually copy the files over ?