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Posts posted by Teufelsklaue

  1. You got a PM... If you want camoed faces just do like in OFP... Choose your face in the Identy-Menu... Maybe I will send you a Version with camoed-faces later... Cuz I got not so much time right now...

    Sorry, i read the pm first!

    "your face" doesn`t work for all teammates? the whole team should have camo-faces.

    A further camo-face Version would be great! But i need them in march/april: so we have plenty of time.

    thx for your support yay.gif

  2. ARMA already have the sahrani king or the north prime minister... why don't you use them as a general?

    BTW: I am working on a standalone addon from V.I.R.U.S. for you! wink_o.gif

    Standalone? That´s great! Thank you!

    @north "prime minister" and "sahrani king": they play a different role confused_o.gif

    so i need a "sahrani general" and an "US-Navy-Officer" for our storyline! whistle.gif

  3. It´s me again:

    We need for our campaign two further addons:

    0) Special Forces / Black OP´s (see above)

    1) A high decorated officer from the US Navy

    2) A General for the royal sahrani forces. At the moment we using this on (but he really doesn`t look like a general ) crazy_o.gif


    If anybody could help us and retexture such units ?


    thx @all

  4. Hi @all!

    Hopefully you don`t mind that i start a request instead of informing you about a non-excisting Addon.

    WE would like to create a small MP-Campaign for ArmA, but still need some Addons, esp. something similiar to the Black - OP´s from Operation Flashpoint (or better Bambi Black OPs!wink_o.gif.

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    Those special forces included in ArmA are quite poor for sneak & skirmish missions....

    If anybody can reskin such addons, we would thank him a lot... whistle.gif
