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Posts posted by Teufelsklaue

  1. since version 1.2 of Mission 1, AI were not availible. We were (are) 4 players and it would be nice to have the AI squad members with us.

    We are 4 players too biggrin_o.gif

    There was an issue with AI activated and Join-in-progress or with the spectating script. i don´t know.

    I don´t have enough time to test it, but if you can open the pbo, you can change the description.ext


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">disabledAI=true;


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">disabledAI=false;

    The good news: we are working on mission 6,7 and 8 again!!!

    We must test them in mp-mode, but we will hopefully release them in the "following time".


  2. Here we go again! yay.gif

    <span style='color:#990000'><span style='font-size:25pt;line-height:100%'>Mission Nr. 5</span></span>

    released !!!

    Chapter V of VII: "VIP"

    Version: 1.00

    Mission by: =AoR= Teufelsklaue

    Players: max. 6

    Respawn: None (Painkillers instead)

    Type : Coop

    Size: 3,27 MB


    -English / german briefing

    -satellite scans

    -artillery strikes



    -urban patrol script (UPS)

    -Kegetys Spectating Script


    -----> Klick here for downloads <----- wink_o.gif


  3. That´s funny. I just thought about to continue with this campaign. wink_o.gif

    Mission 5 is mine: i will try to finish it in the last week of january or in february.

    Mission 6 and 7 have to be finished by Mephisto and Nordmann. After releasing mission 5 they hopefully will continue their work too. icon_rolleyes.gif

  4. Ok I worked (edited) the mission a little bit in the editor for my personal use

    That´s fine! I also thought about a Singleplayer-Version of my map, but at the moment we have enough to do with the MP-release of our campaign.


    Mission No.4 isn´t ready yet. Do you mind if we release mission No.5 before No.4 ?

    Did already finished the first three missions? Is there any need to release the next ones? huh.gif

  5. But the I'm not able to call artillery strikes, nor can I order my AI teammate to call an artillery strike.

    PS. Do the smoke grenade block the AI line of sight?

    Hi Kroky!

    The guys form mapfact told me that their smokegrenades will block the AI sight. But don´t blame me if it doesn´t work and you die on the battlefield rofl.gif

    I deactivated the AI in my mission. Due to this you didn´t play the mission in the multiplayer but as singleplayer!

    Our missions are only created for multiplayer-games , so you can`t order the AI to call artillery strikes or satellite-cam-scan´s.

    Search for Servers online or play it with your friends as Lan-party-missions smile_o.gif

  6. Addon Installation:

    1. Go into the (main)folder where you installed Armed Assault (e.g. C:\Boehmia\ArmA)

    2. Create the modfolder named: @AoR_Gambit

    3. Switch to this folder (@AoR_Gambit) and create there the folder addons

    4. Switch to this folder (addons) and put here the required addons: MAP_Misc.pbo and EditorUpdate_v102.pbo

    Summarized: Both Pbo´s should be installed in "this" path:


    5. Now switch to Desktop and open your Armed-Assault-Shortcut

    6. Go in the line target

    7. scroll to the end of this line and press your space-button just one time!

    8. add -mod=@AoR_Gambit to this line

    Summarized: Your target-line in your Arma-shortcut can look something like this:

    C:\Boehmia\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=@AoR_Gambit

    9. Press your modified ArmA-Shortcut to play with the Mapfact-Misc and the EditorUpdate-Addon (@AoR_Gambit\addons-Folder will be loaded) wink_o.gif


    The guys from the FDF-Mod explained this procedure for Operation Flaspoint Mod-folders (in their case the finmod-folder).

    Except from the installation-path and the name (Operation Flaspoint) it is nearly the same! They included pictures, so it is easier to understand.

    Look here:

    FDF Explanation of mod-folders



    The addon-installation is a bit tricky, crazy_o.gif but i think Arma-players will

    have to learn this one time to install forthcomming addons in future too. smile_o.gif


    Alternate method (shortest way):

    Install the FDF-Soundpack

    and copy the addons MAP_Misc.pboand EditorUpdate_v102.pbo in the installed folder FDF_Sounds\addons

    When you launch the FDF-Mod.exe you will load MAP_Misc & EditorUpdate_v102.pbo and can play our missions....

  7. Thx for your feedback!

    Here some informations belonging to the first mission:




    Cuban troops (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias; FAR) have started in the kingdom Sahrani a massive aerial land operation with main focus on Corazol, as well as several amphibious landings on completely Sahrani. There rules chaos..

    The Sahrani Forces (RACS) have strongly been decimated and yesterday our aircraft carrier "USS Nimitz" was captured in the harbour of Corazol.

    You, the " Seal team Alpha ", belong to the cruiser USS Princeton (CG-59).

    Your primary task on Corazol is the backup of the nuclear weapons-firing codes. However, the position of the Nukes and, above all, the firing codes is unknown at the moment. We work on it.

    Because the USS Princeton (CG-59) should operate only for a short time in the shallows, and the range of action of our helicopters is limited, you have to build up a F.A.R.P (Forward Ammunition Refuling Point)........

    Special equipment

    Our Artillery Operator is able to call arty-strikes from the USS Princeton (CG-59) via his radio (4x).

    Our Satellite Operator can use his Sat-Cam (7x) to scan the area.

    We don´t have a medic. To compensate this, each teammember has unlimited painkillers in his actionmenu. While using this evil stuff, your body will be healed but your senses (hearing and seeing) will be constricted. Be aware that you are "out-of-order" for nearly a minute, after swallowing these pills!.

    Each teammember has it´s own HUD-Scanner. You can scan the area for enemies with it.

    Your team has special smoke shells. This could be useful to disappear under pressure!

  8. A fictitious Mp-coop multiplayer campaign


    Name :"Sicilian Gambit"

    description :Coop-Campaign; land combat

    Missions :5 (released) of 7 (10.01.2008)

    Game mode :Multiplayer; Coop 4-6 or 4-8 Players

    Respawn :Group and none

    Playerside :West

    Addon's required:


    "EditorUpdate v102" Link 1

    "EditorUpdate v102" Link 2

    Videotrailer (Story):



    Videotrailer (Mission and features)


    Difficulty: difficult - expert

    Duration:(first mission) 60 min (tried 7-8 hours in a row)

    Created for Arma version: 1.5

    Testing: Tested on non-dedicated server with 4 players.

    Bugs: ?

    Size: 1-7 MB each mission

    Features (Mission1: "Nightstalkers"):


    -Weather changeable

    -English + german briefing (+notes & tickable objectives)

    -random objectives

    -random music (by synthention)

    -satellite scans

    -artillery strikes

    -painkillers (healing)


    -urban patrol script (ups)



    Feedback is welcome! Have fun wink_o.gif

    Downloads, Support and Feedback:

    -----> Downloads via art-of-rush.de <-----

    Downloads also available at:

    -----> Downloads via armaholic.com <-----

    <a href="http://prison.tibet225.server4you.de/ww2pn/combat/index.php?mod=dl_release&subid=14&release_id=403&game=1

    " target="_blank">-----> Downloads via combat-prison.net <-----</a>



  9. So, it seems the only thing you can do with this command is to keep one side from attacking the other, but you cannot use it to make enemies out of neutral units.

    Is this bug fixed?

    I want to create an MP Mission where West and Resistance are fighting eachother (at the end of the mission)

    will this command work properly now? band.gif

  10. Create your ammobox & 5 empty markers

    Group (F2) each marker with the ammobox and you're done.

    The ammobox will appear randomly on one the markerpositions.

    Simple as that. Should work in SP & MP

    This is good working feature for troops in SP and MP

    For ammo-crates this is just working in Sp, and not in MP! I already tested it mad_o.gif

  11. I find they are often overpowered by the ambient already inherent in the area...... those damn crickets!! crazy_o.gif

    I have the same problem (using eax). Very nice sounds, but even the ingame-crickets are like a t72 in comparison to this addon...

    Nevertheless : Nice idea! ArmA needs this stuff for good missions!!!

  12. ArmA uses setidentity which uses description.ext.

    In description.ext:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



    Is it possible that glasses="Spectacles (and Sunglasses)" don`t work in ArmA?

    Can anybody give me the list of the speakers in Arma?

    Here you can find the list for Operation Flashpoint, but i need it for ArmA:


    Thx for any replies! smile_o.gif

  13. @Teufelsklaue: I have already included a LOT of suppressed sniper rifles, and may include some more. The ones already include are M21, M24 (and M24A2), PSG-1, M82A1, as well as marksman versions of various assault rifles etc.

    Sorry Jackal! Didn´t realize it. Thought you were just working on Heckler & Koch -Weapons.

    I really need a supressed sniper rifle (m21 or m24). Hopefully you finish it till april... wink_o.gif

    greetz klaue
