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Everything posted by t_d

  1. Possible via group respawn. You need to have only the civilian model in your group. Then make the screen black, kill the player and he will be spawned as civilian. Then fade out the black screen.
  2. t_d

    Changing allies ingame?

    setFriend This should help. Â
  3. init field is probably handled as string which afaik can handle 4096 characters.
  4. It could be (i am also not sure) that the order is the one like in the array the 'units' command returns. So if you want to change the order, try removing everyone from the group and rejoin them in your preferred order.
  5. Here are some sounds from a German site: http://trabitechnik.com/index.php?page=55〈=de
  6. Trabis really have their own sound. Maybe I have the chance to record one. But I also think that can be found somewhere on the net.
  7. Napoleon and Joan of Arc (the Maid of Orleans). But I am not good at history so dunno if they fit in your list.
  8. Shouldnt it be more like this: waitUntil {time != 0}; ??
  9. No it should work like this. But sqs normally look more like this: ?((TypeName _targets) != "ARRAY") : [Format["%1Targets are not an array", _sideText]] Call TRACE;goto "MoveToLocation" and in sqs you dont need to use ; at the end of each line. So if you wouldnt have goto command in your script it would be already proper sqf syntax which is more recommended for ArmA. (Would be executed with execVM then instead of exec)
  10. yes it should trap it. One question: why you use sqf syntax in a sqs? Only for being able to use goto command?
  11. Make a hint or sidechat like this: hint typeName _targets; to see what value it really returns.
  12. t_d

    Scripting help needed

    One '=' is missing here: if ((TypeName _targets) = "NUMBER") then {[Format["%1Targets are numbers", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"}; The condition should look like this: (TypeName _targets) == "NUMBER"
  13. One '=' is missing here: if ((TypeName _targets) = "NUMBER") then {[Format["%1Targets are numbers", _sideText]] Call TRACE; goto "MoveToLocation"}; The condition should look like this: (TypeName _targets) == "NUMBER"
  14. you can read config like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "AddonClassname" >> "model") This would give you the path of the model like it was defined in the config.
  15. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CLY_HardLandingScript=true; while{true}do { sleep(1); if(vehicle player iskindof "Helicopter")then { _chopper=vehicle player; _hurtdescent=-4.5; _maxdescent=-12; _maxspeed=80; while{driver _chopper == player && alive player}do { sleep(0.05); if((speed _chopper<_maxspeed) && ((getpos _chopper select 2)<2) && ((velocity _chopper select 2)<_hurtdescent) && ((velocity _chopper select 2)>_maxdescent))then { while{driver _chopper == player && alive player}do { scopeName "hardLanding"; _descent=(velocity _chopper select 2); _alt=(getpos _chopper select 2); if(_alt>0.01 && _alt<0.8 && _descent<_hurtdescent && _descent>_maxdescent)then { _chopper setvelocity [(velocity _chopper select 0),(velocity _chopper select 1),_hurtdescent+2]; sleep(0.5); breakOut "hardLanding"; }; if(_alt>2 || _descent<_maxdescent)then{breakOut "hardLanding"}; sleep(0.01); }; }; }; }; }; This one is tested. Quite some time ago that I wrote scripts. Was more used to Java what explains all the errors in the first version.
  16. SQFied version could look like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;HardLanding script by Celery ;Makes hard landings possible without damaging the helicopter ; ;Works by slowing descent velocity prior to touchdown ;You may still get damage if you land tail first or ;keep throttling down just before touching the ground CLY_HardLandingScript=true while(true) { sleep(1); if(vehicle player iskindof "Helicopter")then { _chopper=vehicle player; _hurtdescent=-4.5; _maxdescent=-12; _maxspeed=80; while(driver _chopper == player && alive player) { sleep(0.05); if((speed _chopper<_maxspeed) && ((getpos _chopper select 2)<2) && ((velocity _chopper select 2)<_hurtdescent) && ((velocity _chopper select 2)>_maxdescent))then { while(driver _chopper == player && alive player) { scopeName "hardLanding"; _descent=(velocity _chopper select 2); _alt=(getpos _chopper select 2); if(_alt>0.01 && _alt<0.8 && _descent<_hurtdescent && _descent>_maxdescent)then { _chopper setvelocity [(velocity _chopper select 0),(velocity _chopper select 1),_hurtdescent+2]; sleep(0.5); breakOut "hardLanding"; }; if(_alt>2 || _descent<_maxdescent)then{breakOut "hardLanding"}; sleep(0.01); }; }; }; }; }; I did not test it though.
  17. t_d


    You can use wildcards in O2 mass renaming tool. For example: Old Texture Name: \myAddon\data\*.tga New Texture Name: \new\path\*.tga This would change all at once.
  18. t_d

    PROPER Plants

    Here a function that you can use in O2 script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#include "std/SpecialLod.hpp" console=openStandardIO; /******************************* /*copyViewLOD /* Description: deletes the ViewGeo LOD of _dstModel and copies the ViewGeo LOD of _srcModel into it and save this new model as _newName /* _srcModel: path to the source model file /* _dstModel: path to the model file that will get the ViewGeo LOD of _srcModel /* /* Example: ["P:\Durg\tree.p3d","P:\PROPER Plants\tree.p3d"] call _copyViewLOD; /*******************************/ _copyViewLOD = { private["_srcP3d","_srcModel","_srcViewLOD","_dstP3d","_dstModel","_dstViewLOD"]; _srcModel = _this select 0; _dstModel = _this select 1; //_newName = _this select 2; _srcP3d = newLODObject; if(!(_srcP3d loadP3D _srcModel))then{console<<"Couldn't load " + _srcModel}; _srcViewLOD = (getObjects _srcP3d) select (_srcP3d findLevelSpecial LOD_VIEWGEO); _dstP3d = newLODObject; if(!(_dstP3d loadP3D _dstModel))then{console<<"Couldn't load " + _dstModel}; _dstViewLOD = (getObjects _dstP3d) select (_dstP3d findLevelSpecial LOD_VIEWGEO); _dstViewLOD := _srcViewLOD; if(!(save (_dstP3d as _dstModel)))then{console<<"Couldn't save " + _dstModel}; }; //here the code that calls the function //best would be an iteration through all the models in one folder I suggest, but I guess you can do that yourself;) It doesnt matter which model is loaded in O2 (could even be empty) when you run the script as it just work with the filenames you overgive to the function and doesnt use the interface data. Just the O2 "engine" is used
  19. t_d

    The Real Star of CWC

    Lovely. Too bad this beauty wont get much attention
  20. I would add "CAWEAPONS" to the requiredAddon section in CfgPatches so you can be sure the classes you inherit from are available. Furthermore I would check the rpt for some hints. There is definately no limitation for tracked vehicles, because the cwr bmp (by CSLA) works properly without using setObjectTexture workaround.
  21. You need brackets around the whole condition: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if ((getpos heli select 2) > 20) then {hint "You are flying too high!"} else {hint "You fly in optimal height!"}
  22. t_d

    The Real Star of CWC

    Yeah thats possible. Maybe a bit tricky but definately possible.
  23. t_d

    The Real Star of CWC

    What exactly will you and Planck do, so I know how to plan out my tasks? oops, didn't see that you replied. Well, we basically just need an O² model with all LODs present and the textures and material files. If all selections are already properly named this would save us work but is not needed because we know how to do it. Config, model.cfg, changing paths is what we can do then. We can even fix little issues in the model if we find any. The Trabant looks great btw. Really smooth and clean work. These cars can be seen sometimes here in Ex-East-Germany, so I can tell you that they exactly look like your model.
  24. t_d

    Scripts not Working

    Dunno, but what sense does it make? To track down the problem you should put further echo commands between this code part:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> echo "Done :)"; _walkPts = getWalkPoints _road; { // gets the profile of this part of road _profile = _x call GetRoadProfile; // smooths the profile _smoothedProfile = [_profile, _algToUse, _parameter] call SmoothProfile; echo "vertices:"; Somewhere in there it stucks.
  25. t_d

    Scripts not Working

    Hmm in your script output every line is doubled. The script says for example <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">echo "---------------"; echo "SmoothRoads.vis"; echo "---------------"; And each of this lines appears twice. Is that with every script you use?