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Everything posted by t_d

  1. any error message in the arma.rpt?
  2. t_d

    Alpha map error :(

    use _ca as ending not _co
  3. no I am not talking about the usual LandContact points. I am talking about similar points in the WreckLOD. Here a picture: http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/2286/wrecklod.jpg
  4. Do you have a sort of LandContact points in the WreckLod? BIS models do at least.
  5. You cant use proxies for that.
  6. remove the binarized one and binarize the mlod with the new tools.
  7. You can see the model in O²?
  8. ArmAII engine doesn't support binarized OFP p3ds. You could use ODOL Explorer to create a MLOD p3d open it with O² and save it as ArmAII MLOD and then binarize it again.
  9. So if you leave out minimalhit value the damage behaviour is normal?
  10. You shouldn't be able to produce any damage to the hull with a gun that has a hit value smaller than 400. That at least is the meaning of the value minimalhit. So your description doesn't imply that minimalhit isn't working, because hit value is 1200 which is definately bigger than 400 ;)
  11. "MainTurret" and "MainGun" are the names of the animations. But I doubt that the "animate" command will work, because the source isnt "user". You can still try though.
  12. t_d

    Proxy Problem

    Probably CfgNonAiVehicles class is meant.
  13. t_d

    Custom head model

    via facetype entry in config class for the soldier. You then need to define your faces in cfgFaces class in a subclass named like the according facetype.
  14. t_d

    Mipmap errors...

    Be sure that the savefilename ends with paa or at least not with tga. Otherwise the save as paa thing gets overridden.
  15. t_d

    Mipmap errors...

    save the pic as tga (32Bit uncompressed) and then convert the tga with TexView2 to paa. maybe that will solve the issue.
  16. t_d

    RTM help

    You cant apply RTMs to vehicles.
  17. Without BinMake your stuff wont get binarized. So yeah it is a big deal ;)
  18. If BinPBO works the way I think it does then it puts all the binarized and needed data to temp folder and then it will pack this temp folder. If you for example remove a texture from the source folder and pack again, the removed texture is still present in temp folder and will be packed when you dont set "Clean Temp".
  19. t_d

    Hand Animations

    They can be unbinarized if you would know how. ArmA ODOL format for example is good documented and can be unbinarized (you wont get the same MLOD as the original source MLOD but you get nearly everything to produce the same ODOL again)
  20. There is a trigger.rtm in anims.pbo afaik
  21. t_d

    O2 tutorial in Detail

    the class My_thing has probably scope = 1, so just add scope = 2 to all your fence classes.
  22. Ah ok problem seems clear now. ResLodRemover only works with binarized p3ds (ODOL format). Your p3ds are probably in MLOD format. In this case you can use O² to remove LODs.
  23. No the tools don't need to be in a special folder. Just make sure the Bis.dll is in the same folder as the tool. Furthermore try to execute the tool from console so you could see an exception error message if there is any that could help me to help you.