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This kid

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Everything posted by This kid

  1. Thank you. I didn't know about Mando Heliroute. Have downloaded it and are experimenting with it now. I see it's possible to set what altitude you want the chopper to fly, but do you know if the Mando Heliroute script allows one to set the speed as well? I can't find it. As default the chopper seems to use "normal" speed. I can not figure out how to set it to "limited".
  2. I copied and pasted your revised code and ... IT WORKS! The bobbing is very small. Will not be a problem. Thank you very much! :) While trying out other solutions to the problem I experimented with setAccTime. Using the value 0.6 gives the desired result as well. Of course, setAccTime makes EVERYTHING slow down. Your solution is by far the best. Thank you!
  3. Thanks for your reply. I copied and pasted your code in to the helicopter's init field but the editor would not accept it. :confused: I got a big box with an OK-button on it, but with no error message. It is the same box that usually say something like "missing ;" or stuff like that. Could there be some small typo somewhere? Sadly, I am not competent enough in the field of scripting to see any typos my self.
  4. I really REALLY hate the current helicopter flight model. I would much rather have the good old OFP flight model back. Does anybody know what it would take to change the way helicopters fly in ArmA? Is there any way I can do this myself? Â I know how to dePbo and edit config.cpp.
  5. This kid

    Helicopter flight model sucks

    It's not "THIS thread again". I wasn't suggesting BIS should change the flight model. I was wondering if it was possible for ME to change it. That's why this post goes in the Addons and mods category, and not in the complaints thread. By editing config-files I can make a truck or tank move faster, have other weapons and have more armour. Is there something I can edit to change the flight model? I would like to know if it is possible before I start wasting my time. Does anybody know?
  6. This kid

    Camera to follow a rocket

    Open Notepad and paste the code sample found in KyleSarnik's post. Then save it as cam.sqf. Remember to select "all files" when saving, or it will be saved as cam.sqf.txt instead. Put the cam.sqf in the same folder as your mission. Probably something like this: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\My Documents\ArmA\missions\Mission Name.Sara In the editor open your mission and add this to the unit's initialization field: unit addeventhandler ["fired",{_this execVM "cam.sqf"}] Be aware that the unit's name in this example is unit. You may name it anything you like, but don't forget to name it. Hope this helps! And a big thanks to KyleSarnik for this wonderfull code. I'm now able to add "bullet camera" to the player in a mission I'm working on. Great!
  7. This kid

    RPG Damage.

    Yes, I noticed it too. In OFP you could take out a crowd of soldiers with a RPG, but not in ArmA. Unlike Deadfast, I think it is a bug. The RPG should give more damage to personel than it does now. A ground impact should kill the people within 1-2 meters ot the explosion, and injure those within 4-5 meters. On a related note... did anyone notice that the RPG in ArmA has two kinds of ammunition, the PG7V and the PG7VR? Any idea about what the difference is? Could one be for personel and the other for armour?
  8. Thank you! I was using receipe from OFP (found at OFPEC). It said "objective"... Now I've tried "flag", and yes you are right, it does produce the objective marker! Doesn't make much sense, but it works. I wonder how you get the flag marker, then... Thank you very much! I would never have suspected.
  9. I have placed an empty marker at a certain location on the map and given it the name "6". I then make a trigger to be activated by BLUFOR present, with the following in the On Activation field: "6" setMarkerType "Objective". This is supposed to make an objective marker appear where I placed the empty marker named "6". Instead, when BLUFOR activates the trigger, I get this error message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.Objective'. WHY? What am I doing wrong?
  10. This kid

    realistic skill and precision values

    I agree that the AI-soldiers get their aim on you to fast and that their shooting is to accurate. It is not realistic (or fun). They can see you through grass and bushes. The can see you in the dark and from very far away, even when you are prone, and they hit you in the head with their first shot. Not cool. This must be fixed. To solve it I also have tried to adjust the skill and precision values, but as far as I could tell that had little effect. My solution was to dePbo the config.bin so I could increase the dispersion-value of the enemies' weapons (AK74 and PK). As a solution this sucks a bit, because now it is no longer interesting to seize enemy weapons when I am out of ammunition (instead I loot my dead comrades). However I feel gameplay is now more balanced and realistic. My 2 cents.
  11. This kid


    * SIGNED * BIS, please implement the STANDSTROKEFIST animation in the next ArmA patch. Please.
  12. Hi! I'm trying to place a soldier on top of a building, but he insists on walking off the roof. I would like for him to stay on the roof and remain *standing* so that he can get shot (soldiers that lie down on roofs can not be seen by a player at ground level). In order for him to remain standing, even when the shooting starts, I've given him a SENTRY-waypoint with the attribute "careless" and speed "no change". I've also tried GUARD and HOLD, but nothing works. The waypoint is put directly on top of the unit, so there should be no need for movement. When I do this with a unit on the ground, he stays still, but guys put on the roof wanders off and fall down. Why? Any ideas how to solve this?
  13. This kid

    Placing soldiers on rooftops

    It works now! Â Thank you! No, I didn't know buildings has places where you can position soldiers. With that information I now I use waypoints to make the AI units take up predetermined positions on the roof. On Rahmadi position 4, 5 and 6 are the three available corners on the roof. You can send each unit to a specific corner. Very nice. However, this only works on those buildings which have predefined positions in them. On Rahmadi that is two (2) buildings. Buildings that have no interior, no staircase or other way to get to the roof, have no such positions, and placing units on those rooftops will still make them wander off. This was fixed by using the "initialising field" command this setBehaviour "careless". The soldier given this command now just stand there, even when enemies start shooting. Until now I had no idea what the init field was for! Thank you! Has there been published any list of commands for the init field? That thing could be very usefull. Let me just say I'm having SO much fun with ArmA. This is a great game! (Yes, even with the obvious bugs it is still great.) Thank you BIS -- and thank you all guys in the forum for much appreciated help!
  14. Does anyone know what is the difference between: opticsZoomMin opticsZoomMax and distanceZoomMin distanceZoomMax ?
  15. Be aware that because of changes in the ways pbo's are made, some programs that worked for editing Operation Flashpoint will not work for Armed Assault. Â Your problems with repacked .pbo-files may be due to using the wrong program. Â I suggest you try EliteNess v2.03. Â I use it, and it works great for me.
  16. This kid

    OpticsZoom vs. DistanceZoom

    I have been experimenting with these values, trying to figure out what they do. It seems adjusting the distanceZoom-entry does nothing (nothing noticeable). It is the opticsZoom that makes the difference as far as observable zooming is concerned. It also seems all weapons have an opticsZoom-entry -- even weapons without a scope. According to jester's "cfg.cpp commands" found at OFPEC.com, these entries are self-explanatory. Well, they are confusing to me...
  17. This kid

    How to edit the config-files?

    Thank you guys! Now it works!! Â
  18. Using Mikero's EliteNess v2.03 I have de-pbo'ed "weapons.pbo" and de-rapified the "config.bin". After having changed some weapons attributes in the cpp-files using Notepad I then Rapify, MakePbo and put the file back in the ArmA directory. ...but when I run the game none of my changes have any effect. Everything is just the same. Any suggestion as to what I am doing wrong? (I'm new at this) A link to a relevant tutorial would be much appreciated.