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About TheIcedRage

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. TheIcedRage

    project "SCI-FI"

    Hey there Dante. At first glance your flying, or hovering craft remind me of a bulls horns, only because of the way the metal flares around the fans on the edges ...see? Since it's scifi and related to the stars (the kind at night..in space) the name "Taurus" came to mind. Taurus The baby bull! heh since it looked little also. What kind "race" will this ship be piloted by? --IceFLYER
  2. TheIcedRage


    looking forward to it!!! by the way here's the scary lady for you ...treat her nice... the thread http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6421 The download links ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/chidori.rar ftp://ftp.gamepark.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/chidori.rar
  3. TheIcedRage


    There is also some minutely clad lady but more rather scary addon of a japanese cartoon girl ..speak japanese too and talks to itself .... it's at the gamepark sight ...do a search for like, girl or something.... Isn't it obvious ... MilitiaSnipe would like to play with the scantly clad women ... no no no ...not like that ...be nice all in good humor I hope ---IceFLYER Â ...have fun! Â
  4. TheIcedRage

    How Do You Add Images In Game?

    It works! As usual Metal Heart, not so black hearted afterall... thanks for the code!
  5. TheIcedRage

    OFPEC HACKED again?

    as the title says ...hacked?
  6. TheIcedRage

    How Do You Add Images In Game?

    I can't get the right combination... I appreciate the tutorial link, it's helping understand it all, just still I'm without the key ..getting there..picking the lock hpefully soon... and if anybody's got a paste of the proper code lemme know, you know.
  7. TheIcedRage


    Post a picture and you got a deal!
  8. if it's for a video, and if just for a scene or 2 or 3 you can take a clear map, place the bunker and the Machine gunners, ...set them to safe and limited with one waypoint, use a doFire command on some object that the viewer can't see and the machine gunner should be standing, or crouching and be firing till the object, like a civ car, is blown up ...or instead of the doFire command use a Destroy waypoint on top of the object and the unit will not move to the point but destroy the object or any other object for each addtional destroy waypoint ...make sure the object is close to the player thoguh ..not toooooo close...but gernades arm throwing length ...try this out, hope it works ...should work ...we'll see ..
  9. TheIcedRage

    How Do You Add Images In Game?

    Still confused. Spent hours tweaking. But no clue to multiple and positionabl images with a set duration. What's wrong with the below code? class RscTitles { Â class xNK Â { Â Â Â name = "xNK"; Â Â Â duration = 4; Â Â Â idd = -1; Â Â Â movingEnable = false; Â Â Â text = "xNK.jpg"; Â Â Â x = 0.17; Â Â Â y = 0.17; Â Â Â w = 0.2; Â Â Â h = 0.2; Â }; Â class xSG Â { Â Â Â name = "xSG"; Â Â Â duration = 4; Â Â Â idd = -1; Â Â Â movingEnable = false; Â Â Â text = "xSG.jpg"; Â Â Â x = 0.17; Â Â Â y = 0.17; Â Â Â w = 0.2; Â Â Â h = 0.2; Â }; Â class xWH Â { Â Â Â name = "xWH"; Â Â Â duration = 4; Â Â Â idd = -1; Â Â Â movingEnable = false; Â Â Â text = "xWH.jpg"; Â Â Â x = 0.17; Â Â Â y = 0.17; Â Â Â w = 0.2; Â Â Â h = 0.2; Â }; };
  10. Interested in knowing how to make a AI unit not part of your group eject from airplane.
  11. How to add 3 resource objects in game through editor?