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About Tex-Twil

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    Software Engineer
  1. ok so I changed my Motherboard to a Asus Z170 Gaming and overclocked the i5 6600K to 4.6Ghz and the FPS is now better. I still have some FPS hickups especially when zooming but I guess this would be off topic.
  2. I see. I have a i5 but I think it applies as well. I will try to replace my MB then against a Z170 (I still can return it) and OC it I'll do some proper benchmarks with the missions you linked and come back with the results. Thanks for the help
  3. I played that offline. I will try the nvidia experience Can you please elaborate ?
  4. Hi, I have this the config and I was expecting a higher FPS. I see a lot of youtube videos that have around 80 FPS on and I'm getting something closer to 50 FPS on high settings Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H170-D3HP ATX LGA1151 Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4-2666 Here is a video I recorded Here is someone else video with the same card with much higher FPS I just wanted to know if this is a expected FPS or if I have something wrong in my Arma3 configuration. Thanks for your help, Tex
  5. Hi, does the "Arma 3 Helicopters" DLC contain any new helicopter missions / campaign or is it just the helicopters and flying model? cheers, tex
  6. Tex-Twil

    campain not available ?

    ok thanks for your answers. I wait till the campaign is released then. I think the user experience in a game takes a serious hit when you start it and all you see are some short missions. I really loved the campaign of the original Operation Flashpoint and that's something I expect in Arma 3 as well ;) cheers
  7. Tex-Twil

    campain not available ?

    Hi, so the game is now released but when I go to the "Campain", it says that it is not available yet. I can only play the showcases, challenges and user posted missions. How do I play the game ?
  8. Tex-Twil

    Cannot play steam mission

    most of the missions or steam seem to be on Altis .... it's a bit confusing. Is the dev branch only for BI devs ? Or can we test it as well ?
  9. Hi, when I download a mission using Steam and try to play it, it says "Cannot play this mission. It is dependable on a downloadable content that has been deleted. a3_map_altis). What am I supposed to do ? cheers
  10. Tex-Twil

    word data access via API ?

    Hi, does or will ArmA 3 provide an API access to the simulated word data parameters (units x/y position, speed, heading, health, mission briefing, ... ) so that a 3rd party app could use those ? thanks, Tex
  11. Tex-Twil

    Take On: Hinds!

    ok thanks
  12. Tex-Twil

    Take On: Hinds!

    noob question: how do I play Hinds ? I"ve installed it, enabled it in the "Extensions" menu, restared the game .. and now what ? I don't see any Hinds missions or campaigns :confused:
  13. interesting. If it's experimental I suppose there is no documentation for it :) Could you point me to a place where I should start ? You said "DLLs" so is it a API allowing a local 3rd party app to get some data from the game ?