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About Theslayerman

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  1. Theslayerman

    ArmA Progress Updates

    This press release about VBS2 : Coupled with the informations about esport interview : Seems to suggest that Armed Assault is not "OFP 1.5" or "OFP 1.75" anymore, but is now near to be a "OFP 2.0". Ok before I say what I want... let me just say I am a huge OFP fan, and I am very much looking forward to ArmA. Now... ArmA is NOT OFP 2.0 at all. To call it that, is to close your eyes to the facts that ArmA lacks alot of new features. Sure, we have bigger island, better graphics, some engine limits have been fixed, more scripting commands, and even bullet penatration. Sure there are some other new features as well, but nothing to make ArmA anything more then OFP with a new coat of paint... there are no BIG gameplay improvements. We are still missing BIG features that have been wanted by the community for years, that would have improved gameplay... moving on vehicles, destructable buildings, modular weapons just to name a couple. Im not saying theres not a really good reasons these features will not be in ArmA... just that lacking things like this, ArmA is not a great leap from OFP in terms of gameplay. My point is... most of the major changes in ArmA have been the graphics. As where new gameplay features have been left out. The only great gameplay change is the collision detection, but OFP's was so horrible, its only right it be fixed in ArmA. As for VBS2 being built with the ArmA engine... I find BIS saying this as strange, since not too long ago it was stated that VBS2 would be built with the Game2 engine from what I understand (could be wrong). Which is far from the ArmA engine. Either way, if it IS the ArmA engine... it would make one wonder why VBS2 has features that are not in ArmA but will be in Game2. Such as destructable buildings. Placebo pretty much said they are not in ArmA becuase of technical limitations in his radio interview. Yet its clearly stated they WILL be in VBS2... so if VBS2 and ArmA share an engine, then they should be possible in ArmA. So why are they not there? Its pretty clear they are in high demand by the community, and if the engine can handle them, why not add them. Unless they are being held off intentionally for Game2...
  2. Theslayerman

    Graphic difference between ArmA vs G2/VBS2

    Ok In my mind this poll can't really be awnser right now... at least not with error. First off, almost every Game2 screenshot we have is well over a year old. Think about how ArmA looked back then... almost exactlly like OFP, and Game2 looked a lot better. So now, over a year later, we know ArmA is starting to look alot better. Now when most people read this poll, or think about the two games graphics.... they start remembering the old Game2 screenshots compared to the fairly new ArmA shots. But in reality... we don't really know how Game2 looks right now. What we do know, is that ArmA looks sorta close to the Game2 shots released over a year ago. So its safe to say that ArmA's current graphics are pretty close to the very early Alpha shots of Game2. In my mind, only a fool would think that Game2's graphics have not increased, and will not continue to increase untill it is released. So tho it can not be said for certain... its a safe bet that Game2 will have MUCH better graphics when it comes out. Either way tho... graphics do not make a game great. Its Game play... and so far ArmA does not show a huge departure from OFP in that aspect. As where Game2 will have MANY aspects ArmA will be lacking...
  3. I was working on a mission for some friends and I, and I was wondering if it was possible to have total control over more then one group at a time? I did some searching and found scripts to move groups around the map, but you have no control over them other then that. I heard that there might be a way to do it through the radio, but I have no idea how... if anyone could help, Id greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
  4. Theslayerman

    Trouble with Config

    Hello, Im trying to make a satchel charge that when set off, is a nuclear bomb. I have the config mostly finished, and I have my nuke script I want to use. The problem I have run into is, how do I make the config run the nuke script when the bomb is set off? Ive spent a couple days searching and reading tutorials but haven't found anything that will help me. So any help would be very welcome.