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About Twistedpretzel

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Twistedpretzel

    Adjustable iron sights?

    I hope the iron sights are better then the plain black colored ones in the original game that took up the whole screen, there are some much better 3rd party iron sites out there, and hopefully ArmA uses those as an example to make their own.
  2. Twistedpretzel

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    I have, tried a sort of the same approach. I refuse to go anywhere near enemy forces with AI, they always cause me trouble, so instead I have been using them to go on foot and scout some locations out while I do the same, just waiting a bit until the fog lifts to make any large moves.
  3. Twistedpretzel

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Wow, very intense mission, i should have written down city names and the like so i could give a more detailed report. I made it to all the cities on the main area you start off with except the three on the peninsula to the west, i sent one HMMVW with a squad in it to Saint Renaldo I think it is, that is the part that connects the peninsula to the main area, just to hold any outbreak that may occur there, which it did. I tell them to disembark except for the gunner, give them all the fire, fire at will etc. Tell two to scan horizon. Next i take care of all the cities on the main part except for the one by the mountains that is next to the water passageway to the next section of the island. Meanwhile, every squad member of mine that i left to keep the outbreak has died except the gunner, i burried most of the bodies through the action menu before they all died. So, with two of the cities evacing in the north east, i leave one of my die hard squad members with the third so i can evac them via the action menu while i hop into my HMMVW (not after destroying a small outbreak that didnt have the chance to spread at one of those three cities, and a single zombie at the very first city you come upon) and speed off to faithfull #7 who is still at his M240. I get there, see one toothless zombie knawing on #7s HMMVW, and my gunner takes care of him. I see my other men, laying in a small circle, either i was able to get them to hide all the zombies except that one, or the others run off. I get out and burry all the zombies. I assign a driver to #7s HMMVW. I tell that HMMVW to go to the crossroad that leads to Provo(?) The city that leads to the water passage, where they will be able to pick up #5 after he escorts the evacuating village, then wait for me to head back up there. I continue up the peninsula in hope of finding a surviving village. I get to the second one, and it is dead. So i hop out, get my single passenger to hop in the drivers seat so he could be my taxi man and dive me to meet up with #5,#7, and whoever their driver was. I get back, and he hadn't moved, also i notice a single zombie knawing on the front fender of my vehicle. I get out to dispatch him, turn around, and coming from the road between the forests from the third city on the peninsula that i had already written off as dead was a large contingency of zombies. I hop back in and tell #4 to drive again, which he refuses to do. We are surrounded. My gunner refuses to fire. I tell #4 to get out so i can hop into the drivers seat while he fights them off. I drive forward about 20 meters, tell my gunner to open fire, which he does on a large body of zombies that is surrounding #4. My gunner kills them all, even #4. I hop out, kill 3 stragglers, then hide all the bodies. Both convoys at back at base and #5 is ready to go board #7s HMMVW. I drive this time, and tell #7 to meet me at Provo(?) where the water passage is located, we get there around the same time, it is empty. I write the residents off as dead. I proceed over the hill with #5, and my gunner to the large city with the small hospital. I get there in time to stop an infestation. By the hospital 5 were dead, my gunner kills a zombie, i hope out, hide all the bodies, tell them to be evacuated by the road a bit north of their city. I go to the second group in the city and tell them the same thing. I forget that the convoy will have to go through a very large un cleared section of territory to get to them because i took a non roaded shortcut. Damn. I tell #7 to go across the water to the village on the other side in a watch over position, i take the road to go meet him there and decide to check on two villages on my way there, i do not have very high expectations with the knowledge that at least 3, maybe 4, of the original zombies are dead, and the rest have not spread to the large city in the mountains. While they had been at Provo. I knew the rest had to be in the villages and cities in the main part of the island, which put them in the way of the convoy, and between me and #7. I start my trek, the first city i check is empty, i report it, and move out, to my last stand. I am going over a hill almost to #7, i see a zombie on the road heading towards me, my gunner kills them, and the next two zombies over the hill. I realise it is bad when another 5 appear simultaneously over the hill, i call #7 and tell him to hurry post haste to my position. Zombies, dozens, at least 30, maybe more, are all around me, many more are laying on the ground, i have been going in circles running them over, my gunner has been shooting them, in a lull i get far enough away from the main body to hop out and try to hide some of the dead. I take too long. I am now surrounded, my gunner is reloading, it sounds. I lash out with a melee to the right, a melee to the left, i see the first convoy going to get survivors drive by, i take another zombie down with another melee, my gunner finishes reloading. He shoots at zombies on the opposite side of the HMMVW i am on. Apparently the numerous buildings, trees, and bushes i have hit has weakened the HMMVW. My passenger and gunner bail out after 15 zombies chew on the windows. I silenty am glad my gunner is doomed along with me. I die, in the death screen i see #7 charging up the hill towards me, firing away, i see my two men who were in the HMMVW with me trying to fend off zombie hordes with their fists, the M60 gunner starts firing indiscriminately, they both fall to their doom. I have had enough, i exit the game. Wow, that mission was great, i may do it again but it took me a loooong time to get that far, my kill list was long, very long, and seeing all those zombies, some still laying as the death camera zoomed out, made me kind of proud. Good job on the mission, sorry my incoherent babble and lack of knowledge of places/names is going to be posted, makes me look stupid compared to some reviews, but hey, what can you do right? Good job, i wish i knew how long it took me to die, but i dont remember.
  4. Twistedpretzel

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Ah, thank you very much.
  5. Twistedpretzel

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    Hmm, maybe a kind of FAQ would be nice to give hints as to what different paths you can take, tbh Im helplessly lost as is, its nice and foggy out, i sent a member of my team to recon where the civvies are supposedly, and i am contemplating ambushing a convoy, but where is the real question, i doubt the two opposing forces have convoys into each others property often, and then there are all those little areas with a few buildings on the map, im thinking about splitting up my team (sending the girl to go with the guy who she has to be with) and letting them explore a bit for me while i explore as well, just to cover ground faster. Then theres the whole looking for satchel charges, anti tank and anti air weapons. Theres just too much to do!
  6. Twistedpretzel

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Well, i can not find any mirrors for this mission, all the websites that hosted it are down currently. Anyone willing to send it my way somehow?
  7. Twistedpretzel

    OFP Addon request thread

    I did a bn_tracer123 search in all the ofp forums, only result was a 16 page JAM thread and i couldnt find bn_tracer123 in those 16 pages. Sorry guys, not that great of a start in these forums. *edit* Nvm, i know about that addon, and have it, first thing that i checked when i started getting the errors. Except the addon isnt bn_tracer123.pbo, its BN_Tracer.pbo. I use Y2K3 and have tried a combination having the BN_Tracer addon in just my res/addons folder, addons folder, y2k3/addons folder, and then all three at the same time, but withthe same error. *editedit* Ok, so after sifting through 12 pages, i found the issue, it has to do with Y2K3. Thanks for the link, without it i wouldnt have found the problem. I think it was addressed on page 12, for anyone else having issues.
  8. Twistedpretzel

    OFP Addon request thread

    bn_tracers123 In just about every mission i play, every campaign, as soon as a gun is fired, the missing addon box comes up, i click ok and it lets me continue playing, but still annoying nonetheless.
  9. Twistedpretzel

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Ok, quick question, i was playing version 1.3, and i had a patrol mission, so i hopped into the Hind at base and loaded up most of my guys. On the way there, i see three tanks, its at night, they have their backs to each other facing out of a little cropping of rocks in a 360 defensive posture. I figured they were badguys, so i unload my rockets on them. I land nearby and get out to investigate them further, especially after i see a body on one of the rocks. Well, i get out, and my gunner left in the Hind guns me down, so i guess they were friendly. My question, if i found those tanks without killing them, would i have some sort of extra mission? Escort them home? Or are they just there?
  10. Twistedpretzel

    Dynamic Campaigns

    Oh boy, I can hardley contain myself! Can't wait to see the finished product of CoIn2! I'll be waiting!
  11. Twistedpretzel

    Blue Skies I

    Ok, i did that. I had time to play the first two missions, or is getting chased by the SU25 the third missions? All that flying, good thing it isnt THAT hard to do with the cessna, i must say, that chase was pretty exhilerating, though the first time i tried it the SU25 ended up running into me. So far no real complaints, everything has worked exactly how it was supposed to.
  12. Twistedpretzel

    Blue Skies I

    Sorry for the double post. Ok, well, im a bit dissappointed. In the beginning it sounds like you recorded voice in a woodshop? Or is that intended? I cringed at the lack of actual human voice, I guess you have to make due with what you have, its just that after playing Blue Skies it fails to deliver the same quality. Interesting twist in the plot. I have gotten so far as landing the cessna. The merc units have some weird glitch going on. All the personal units dont have a body! Just their clothes and gear over an invisible body! They also have mouths down to their knees! Not your fault I know, and it must be something on my side since Im pretty sure you have played your campaign a bit. So I will try to fix that minor setback and come back with a better report.
  13. Twistedpretzel

    Blue Skies I

    Well, loved Blue Skies, enough to finally, after a couple of years, register on the official forums. That tells you something right there! Very happy to see that I am the first to download the second installment of Blue Skies. Ill be back with a report on it soon enough.