Wow, thanks a lot for all the comments and tips!!
Yes, it may be my friend's computer, he is not modded at all, he's a player like me (not much time for doing fancy things, just some time on weekends to play) that's why I had to ask, I don't have much time for a game which needs much work to run, and if I find a problem the most sure thing is that I won't be able to solve it quickly because of lacking the needed time.
I did some searching (google and this forum) before posting, and found out that the game had some repetitive crashes, this plus my friend's experience made me thought about waiting for next patch and then see. I own the first ARMA, and the old Operation Flashpoint, despite some minor bugs they've always run very well, I don't expect a "bug free" game (@W0lle), to say that is irony and retoric, since I never wrote about wanting a bugfree game (not polite from you W0lle, you're pretty aggressive pal...) and not what I wanted to discuss here either, I just want a game that I can play in the limited time I have. I will tell my friend to put into practice the advices given here, I guess I'll soon buy the steam version and check it out from first hand, and if I have a problem then surely you will see me around time to time asking for some help =)
Thanks a lot for all the answers you all have been very polite and helpful, no doubt that this game has a great active having such a fantastic gamer community.