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Everything posted by TheRocket

  1. TheRocket

    Problem assigning weapons

    make a script that addweapons to them, this can be run in the init and they will have the weapon when they start. If you are respawning them into a chopper you should probbably add an equip.sqs when spawning, giving them a weapon. Or make a scirpt that you put into their initline that remembers the type of weapon they started with, and give them that weapn when respawning, very much like the script toadlife made for ofp, this script can be found on ofpec, but I dont now the name of it.
  2. TheRocket

    Car/Truck Bombs & Suicide Bombers

    Well, tbh i like this, even if it has already been done and it can be downloaded from OFPEC. For me, this is fun and it adds to my own experience and I dont wanna have to use other peoples scripts, except perhaps some parts of them. Besides, its fun to test as well, I have a huge project im working on and i need to freshen up and renew my scripting knowledge:)
  3. TheRocket

    Car/Truck Bombs & Suicide Bombers

    Thanks for the reply, well, the loop is to keep the IED in the car. However, i fail with the script, it has changed somewhat since i last posted here so the new one will check the trigger, and activate when trigger is activated, so the bomb will be created on the car and explode instantly, Im using a sabot for this, it gives a nice explosion and it is what i use for my artillery script <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;IED ;usage: [vehicle,bombtype,] exec "iedExplode.sqs" _holder = _this select 0 _bombtype = _this select 1 _dir = getdir _holder; this isnt required yet _IED = _bombtype createVehicle [(position _holder select 0),(position _holder select 1),(position _holder select 2)] _IED setda exit But this works bad on moving vehicles, to fix this we need to get the future x/y point so the shell will spawn in the middle of the vehicle, Im gonna try and do it later on, but feel free to do it yourself :P carbomb script can be downloaded at ofpec.com, but its example mission is on desert island in OFP. Not sure if it works.
  4. TheRocket

    Car/Truck Bombs & Suicide Bombers

    To be fair the topic is for moving and static vehicles, not just IED type behavior. Im trying to make a moving IED script... Its a pipebomb that is created and should setpos to a car every 0.1 seconds or so, i also have a trigger that activates when 0-0-1 but nothing happens, the bomb should explode (setdamage 1) but it doesnt work... Im not sure where it fails, but im gonna find out! <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;moving IED, or carbomb, whatever ;Usage: [car,pipebomb] exec "ied.sqs" ; object to hold the ied _holder = _this select 0 ; type is class of weapon/bomb, e.g pipebomb _IEDtype = _this select 1 _height = 10 _pos = getpos _holder _pos = [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),_height] ;creating the bomb _IED = _IEDtype createvehicle _pos IEDTRIGGER=0 _height = 2 #loop ;check trigger. ?(IEDTRIGGER==1): goto "bomb" ;update pos _pos = [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),_height] _IED setpos _pos ~0.1 goto "loop" #bomb _IED setdamage 1 exit Maybe im too tired, or my memory is too forgotten :P It shouldnt be that hard to make a moving bomb script, really.
  5. TheRocket


    Its possible to do, anything is! But not sure if it would be hog down the system to keep track of every bhole in every tree and so on... But do you mean REAL holes, see through? Thats a bit harder to implement i guess.
  6. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    the loadscreen? Hmm, you mean the SPmission screen where you can choose other missions as well? tbh, I dont even remember if I ever tried reloading a save :P (memory fails). I just happen to restart everytime, bis needs to add "are you sure you wanna restart" twice or more... !
  7. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    The chopper issue is happening to me as well, but I dont mind, as long as it wont kill me essemm: Give me details, just to be sure, heres what to do: after a mission, make sure you kill yourself, after saving using 0-0-1 (radio), it should work clicking abort options in the deathscreen. an option to disable autosave feature in SPmission would be nice (BIS!
  8. TheRocket

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    Imagine if all money that goes for war and making weapons would instead go to third-world countries so they also can help in reasearching misc(medicine and whatnot) ! Think of all the third-world countries, the extra (and needed) manpower and facilities for research, wow!
  9. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    Theres a workaround which I use 'to be on the safe side'. After saving with the radio, look straight down and fire a nade or something, alternatively kill some on your side, go nuts and when the "your dead" screen appears, choose abort
  10. TheRocket

    School shooting "phenomenom"

    The ammount of stupid people all over the world, its sad. Why should innocent lifes be taken because some seriously f***ed up idiot cant control his or her emotions? In the end, we will all die because of this, very sad! ban guns and politicans, especially thoose who wage war!!! war is outdated and boring!
  11. TheRocket

    Wiki Wish List vs. BTS

    Why not include a community wishlist, with wishes the community can complete /add (like weapons etc) and just wish engine specific wishes on the bts? I read the whole wishlist and some wishes could easily be made by the community, when they get the tools Thats my wish!
  12. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    Well, it IS far for walking, last time I played i suddenly got 1 fps, and not sure why, anyway i managed to get back to base with my extraction chopper, 1fps all the way to base from south of northen sahrani, i killed the officer in Raid mission and the new objective was set to northen sahrani, but i will continue and keep downing them, but for how long? is it a random Anyway lets hope your interviews goes good Cheers for this cool mission.
  13. TheRocket


    I actually tried this before but it didnt seem to work at all. I used the map drawLine [marker1,marker2,color] but it didnt work, Im not sure what I did wrong. I want to draw a frontline on the map for a mission, that would be cool, but this has been done already by a friend of mine, using alot of 10x10 sized triggers :P
  14. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    Hi bootleg, The CTD was caused by my very instable system, so not mission or arma specific, its just my system that sucks at times, but it works very well now. one question tho, I choosed assault mission and my objective changes whenever i reach them to somewhere far away, am I supposed to walk thoose distances? Thanks for a great mission ! I love it!
  15. TheRocket

    Dynamic War

    I love this campaign but i get CTD !!! I choose patrol as first mission to get some skills/experience and the first time I called in evac when I was told the objective was done, when i heard the chopper approaching after some seconds the game CTD. the second patrol (i didnt save so had to restart), i was patroling near and in the city of Cayo, lz was nw of cayo in the desert with oilpumps so i could go around the move into the AO from the southwest here i encountered and took out an enemy group, i reached the objective marker but got no objective done, so i continued into the town and then after sometime a vehicle was spotted 500m north (on the road) it turned out to be a friendly(i hope) humwee (M2) moving towards Cayo and the game crashed as it got closer. Im not really sure what it was doing there or why the game crash, whenever other units gets closer to the AO im in the game CTD (my guess only). Is there anyway to fix this?
  16. TheRocket

    High-resolution map of Sahrani

    Yep just did it, but really not sure if you would like the result. How: Shift + numpad - and type topography (do this in editor or something filesize: 58 146 816 bytes (58MB) length: 20481 pixels height: 20481 pixels Get it here
  17. TheRocket

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    Heya. I'll post som suggestions, some of them as been already posted. desert boonie hat with arma logo (or helmet). t-shirt with arma logo (or vest). soundtrack cd. manual/gameguide with tutorial for new-to-mission-editing for all the new ones. highres map. dog-tags or eq. the game and a huge pooster, signed by BIS . All in a nice box, ammobox or something, i dont know... Another suggestion: Invitation with info and password for a onlinegame with BIS crew, server details or website where we can register an email to get serverdetails whenever BIS can?
  18. TheRocket

    FlashNews Armour Hit Competition.

    Congrats to the winners I don't even remember where I pointed, but I would stand below that point near the opening and prepare my rpg before I would, as quickly and accurate as possible, peek out as much as required and plop the tank. Looks more fun to sneak and place a satchelcharge. Will this scenario be available in ArmA as a test mission or template perhaps? Would be fun
  19. TheRocket

    What ArmAs needs for custom content management?!

    Really nice ideas... But i wouldnt want to delay ArmA. If there would be a global ingame chat(hosted by BIS/publisher servers) you can do addonsharing in there, instead of the game servers. For example, joining a game server, you get an error "Missing addons blablabla.pbo <-- this one get automated queued and the player can select to download it right away, this will make him disconnect so the server wont get too loaded... But great ideas