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  1. Any good site to download single player missions.Thanks.

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    This problem has occured for several other people and has been solved the following ways 1: Check for any duplicate addons (Ex: Delta/Ranges 1.55 in @ECP\Addons and 1.0 in Res\Addons) 2: A corrupt addon. If this is the problem, you should be able to determine what it is by playing around in the editor. 3: The wrong version of an addon is in use. Somebody recently PMed me about CTDs in every mission using my config. It turned out that they were using a version of Marfy's M925 that had a differnt PBO name than the one that I linked to. Once they replaced it with the proper version, their problems went away. There are no flaws with the config that should cause any sort of crashes as long as everything is installed correctly and nothing is corrupt. http://redhammer.ofpr.com/ As a side note, starting with the next version, each requirement will have links to multiple sources to prevent problems like this. I'll also probably compile a list of PBO names and checksums so that people can check it to ensure that they have the proper addon and that it isn't corrupt. Thanks. I will see whether I can solve the problem this way.

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Yeah,I also notice that ECP can't run on version 1.96 patched directly from 1.91.It can only run on beta patches.

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Yeah btw,you guys know where else I can lay my hand on the RHS T-55 Pack 1.0.The package hosted by Flashpoint.cz is corrupted. Many thanks.

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    I got the same problem as you but my CTD problem will happen after single mission introduction cutscenes as well... It will dump me out of the game after video has finished before launching the game.Example mission will be'Ambush' and 'Vulcan' and I also notice that there won't be any CTD problems if I use the original ECP config.bin file instead of the EECP config.bin file in the Bin folder.