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About The-Tim

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    Private First Class
  1. The-Tim

    Game Length diplay.

    i ask myself, what's the reasun uberhaupt that the time a game is running is not visible anymore when for example pressing "P" in-game. In OFP we had the feature, but it was removed in ArmAI or ArmaII, not sure.
  2. The-Tim

    Arma2 Black Edition

    Not only in Germany my friend, also in Belgium, and the worst thing about it is that lot of shops ask the same price for a 1/2 season box then for a complete season box before.
  3. Hey, My exams will end in 2 weeks, so Arma II is coming up then. i'm considering upgrading my pc, i have the opportunity to do so because i have someone to sell my old parts too at a fair price. Would i get a serious performance increase with the following upgrade Current System: C2Duo e6850 2x 3.6 Ghz (over clock). 4 GB DDR2-800, HD in Raid 0 Ati 4890 (bought a few months ago) I would upgrade it to Core i7 860 4GB DDR3-1600 still the Raid 0 HD config and also still my graphics card. (ati 4890) Would this increase performance for me, especialy on the campaign and online Warfare. I'm running in 1920x2000 resolution
  4. The recomended system requirements say Quad Core CPU or fast Dual Core CPU (Intel Core 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or faster) This means that you need to have a quad core CPU (speed doesn't mather) or a fast dual core (with speed at least 2.8 ghz). So you will be ok with your proc.
  5. thx, also isn't there somewhere on the forum a list off wich settings are depending mostly on gpu power and wich on cpu power. or can you tell me? because gfx power isnt the problem i think. and in the campaign, even with lowering terrain details i don't get much improvement (maybe one fps, but hard to notice)
  6. Hey all, I started playing the series with flashpoint on my pIII 733mhz with some nvidia TNT card.. the series hit armaII and my pc also improved, but i'm struggling with performance a bit. In editor everything goes fine, but the campaign just goes wrong on fps, i get 15-25 fps.. no matter what settings. i had a 8800gtx and upgraded it to a 4890 1GB, but it didn't help. my current specs Intel c2Duo e6850 @ 3.6 ghz (dual core) ATI HD 4890 1GB 4GB ram DDR2 800mhz 2 x Spinpoint f1 Raid0 windows 7 64bit 1920x1200 LCD so editor goes well, but other stuff like campaign and heavy mp missions are running way to slow to enjoy it. I'm not someone who want's to run everything on very high, but hence, it's not the problem because i can nearly run it on very high, but in missions there is no difference in fps (or nearly no) with everhting on high or everything on low. So will i benifit from upgrading to a core i7 860 (4x2.8ghz) compared to my 2x3.6 ghz atm. if it realy would help me off the hook i may consider it, but i didnt plan to ugprade my pc this soon, so i don't want to spend money if it won't help me out, my gfx uggrade didnt help much.
  7. The-Tim


    DX10 is backwards compatibible with DX9 (would be hell if not :)) if you use dx9 game on dx10 the directx emulates a dx9 version.
  8. Hey, I will be starting a clan, and before renting a server i would like to use one at my home when we are only with a few players. I have a quadcore phenom wich i can use (is not my gaming pc) so that is good enough i think About the internet connection, right now i have # Internet Speed Down: 25 Mbps # Internet Speed Up: 1,25 Mbps (187.5kbit/sec) Will the upload speed be enough for like say 10 players when the playes already have the needed mission file, so they don't need to download them on joining.
  9. The-Tim

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    i like the mission, already playing CTI since the MFCTIB4Final version from Mike in ofp days, those were times :d. just readed the whole topic, and i don't have problems with lots of bugs, only bug i have sometimes is the JIP MAP bug, but only in 1% of the cases i think. However there is some need of balancing in my opinion, maybe a bit more expensive tanks, and less money at start, also upgrades (light, heavy, air) would be nice to see in the future. But anyway, thx to cleanrock for his original work, and squeeze for the porting (and wow, it is ported fast :d)
  10. The SP campaign is very CPU heavy atm, how is this with the MP campaign? and are all the missions from the SP campaign in the MP campaign. and what about intro's? is the MP campaign is server scripted for a part? So if i use my HTPC (quadcore) for running a dedicated server on my LAN, i could take away load from my gaming PC? is this a workaround or not?
  11. Playing Arma II for a month now, but performance isn't everything. this are my specs now Proc: C2Duo E6850 @ 3.6ghz Ram: 4GB DDR2 800mhz GFX: Nvidia Geforce 8800GTX HDD: Samsung RAID 0 7200rpm I'm playing on 1920x1200 resolution, wich is high. I don't have enough money for a complete system upgrade, and don't know if it's needed to get good performance. I'm thinking of upgrading my gfx to a ATI 4890, it costs 170 Euro. Will I get a nice performance boost with the gfx card upgrade? and won't my CPU be a bottleneck? considering the high resolution in think a gfx card is a big factor in the performance on my system.
  12. Ok, my thoughts about the game, I'm playing the series since OFP. And my first impression after 2 days of testing is pretty good. Gameplay I'm impressed on this part, the game feels way different then Arma, but in good way, it feels smoother, plays better. the movement of your character is improved, i like it :) The AI is improved, but i still recognize the AI in their movements. However, they take more cover and will fire faster if you lean from a cover. Graphics they are better, nice envirrement, more realistic. In my opinion the Arma 1 environment was just a ofp environment with way better gfx. But the Arma 2 environment gives another impression on me, in the better way. Less good point for the gfx is in my opinion the HDR/bloom and AA. the fill rate (this is full picture AA i suposse) can be very nice if turned up completely, but will take down performance just to hard. The advantage of the Fill rate is just not enough compared tot he performance lost, so i would like to see some normal AA patched in, if this is possible. The HDR/bloom is just to much reflecting or somewhat if you put it on high or low. I now have it on high, because it covers the lack of AA a bit. but the sideffect of the glimming stuff, i don't like it :) Performance This is my system Core 2 Duo E6850 at 3.6ghz 8800gtx 4GB DDR 800 Win XP SP3 I'm playing with everything on High (except terrain and object detail on low) Fillrate on 100% VD on 2500 resolution: 1920x1200 First i found the performance bad (and i still miss the normal aa as said above), but i found out that object detail and terrain detail on low give you a giant boost, if i put them both on low i gain like 15 fps (20-25 --> 35-40) Lowering fill rate also gives allot of fps boost, but it has way more impact on the gfx (it really looks bad with fillrate below 100) then lowering the detail. Conclussion I think BIS has done a nice job, the BIS games always has some bugs at start, but they get worked out. I accept the bugs because of the complexity and possibilities of the game. You can't compare it to other games, so it's normal the game has bugs on start. And BIS keeps supporting the community for years after the release, wich you can't say off all other devs/publishers.
  13. The-Tim

    Frame drop every 2-3 seconds

    It's indeed when playing the warfare mission on XR server, an very anoying. I will contact Benny about it, maybe he knows where to look to fix the problem. If more people experience this problem, or know a sollution, post it here
  14. When playing online warfare, i sometimes after some time playing, could be 15 mins, 30mins or an hour more. The games framrate is at an average of 40-50, but every 3 seconds i get framedrops to 2-5 fps, it starts ocuring randomly, and keeps going on from then on untill i restart game or mission. It makes no sence if i move, or stand still, if i adjust gfx and vd, or if i look at horizon of just ground or air. What could be the problem? My specs Windows Vista 64bit Arma 1.14 C2Duo E6850 Nvidia Geforce 8800gtx 4GB Ram
  15. The-Tim

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    i might buy a laptop from the university, it has a c2duo 2.5ghz, 4gb's ram... so that must be acceptable for arma... but the gfx card inside it is a Nvidia Quadro 160 .... it's comparable to the nvidia geforce 9300 GS.... Will it run arma? and at which settings... I will still have my Normal pc, e6850 @ 3.6ghz and 8800gtx, but will only be able to use it in weekends.