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Ten of Swords

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About Ten of Swords

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Military History,  Military firearms,  Military technology.  Almost everything military oriented.
  1. Ten of Swords

    Daylight/sunset lighting

    were are you from?
  2. Is there a way that you can change the default color of the sunlight in the game. Mainly the sunset color so it doesn't look so pink? Not necessarily the way that it displays on objects, but how it looks in the sky.
  3. This is the site that I found the old PBO-Decrypter, after hunting for it forever. It's a Russian site but it wasn't that hard to tell that it was the one that I needed. For the zip... http://www.ofp-shabashka.narod.ru/shabashnik/files/UnPBO_15.zip for the site... http://www.ofp-shabashka.narod.ru/shabashnik/util.html To DeBIN something use the drop down list under the file name. Hope this helps. Ten of Swords
  4. Ten of Swords

    Move/stop via radio command question

    Keep 'em coming!
  5. Ten of Swords

    Move/stop via radio command question

    Bob completely ignores me! Â Is there an example mission or anything?
  6. Ten of Swords

    Move/stop via radio command question

    I know how to do that, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I don't want to have a vehicle wait at one waypoint then wait for me to give it the go ahead and continue on its merry way. I want the vehicle to wait and I can have a radio command that's on a repeat value so whenever activated it will move until I activate it again and it will stop... wait... I'll clear any dangers it would normally not be able to handle, then I can again use the radio to get it moving again and I can repeat the process whenever necessary. (I.E. stop, wait, then move; stop, wait, then move) I hope this helps to clarify things better.
  7. I sure know it can be done. I've played two missions that have used it.The default campaign had a mission two clear a convoy then stop them by using the radio menu. And BOH has one to clear a IFV APC then halt it. Every command that i've tried won't work, nor can I find any thread that explains it. The downloadable command manuals tell nothing of the topic either. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Kuba, I sent you a message. Let me know if you received it or not.
  9. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    sry, my mistake . You need unpbo in version 1.3. I cant provide the link right now, sry:( But i will search for it.... I've been hunting for that version forever (well it seems) and have yet to find it. I'll get back to you if I have any luck. Thanks for your help. Since I remembered, to stray from the topic, do you know how to get a vehicle to move then stop agian by using the radio command via trigger so a tank or apc will move when it's all clear. Then have it Stop until you give it the okay agian?
  10. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    It won't decrypt the .bin file only create one.
  11. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Is there a way to open a config.bin?
  12. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Thanks But isn't the config for it binarized? How do you get past that?
  13. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Maybe someone can help me. Â I'm trying to change the engine sound of the Hmmwv, which I feel sounds like a toy car. Â What is the config entry or default motor sound that I can alter or replace? Â I know how to break down the sound.pbo, but I can't seem to find anything that sounds even remotely like the Hmmwv engine. Â Nor can I locate the config entry.
  14. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    well it did start one  you pointed out better nvg's so i put them in. discoverin he had a kick ass compass too. so i used it. you said you were gonna try it with the binocs? mind showin me what they look like? because i really would like to see the 'new' model. if its anygood ill put it in I already did it to the Binocs,  the only thing that I noticed that is different is the target view; and I'm sure you noticed that in the Wargames file there are three that you can choose from.  I'm just getting ready to change the compass to the one they have after I post this thread.  Thanks again!
  15. Ten of Swords

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Kuba, Thank you for the help with the NVG thing. I didn't think it would start a whole epidemic! I did the same thing to the Binoculars and am going to attempt the compass next. Thanks again for the help. And thanks to Pappy for the whole Super Config! Everything Rocks! The explosions are out of this world. It's like a whole new game.