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Everything posted by ThePara
Okay here we go, this comes from Great Battles of WWI by Anothony Livesy. British-They wore a khaki service cap in 1914, that was soon replaced by a soft topped version with ear flaps. In 1916 the steel helmets were not in general issue until 1916. They wore a standard khaki tunic above pantaloons and putees. German-All units of the German Army wore field grey with brass or silvered buttons. The spiked helmet was replaced by the steel helmet in 1916. Trousers were tucked into boots. It also appears that early in the war the number of their regiment was written on the front of the spiked helmet. French-1914: Soldiers wore the blue/red uniforms it appears with a blue kepi cap. In 1915 a steel skull cap was worn under the kepis. By the time of Verdun (1916?) they had horizon blue field uniforms and helmets. That's from this one book, I'll see what else I can dig up. I have a 20th century uniform book too. Here's a sight with model interpretations of the uniforms. I have the USMC 5th Regiment figure, he's really detailed. http://www.darkfigures.com/gargoyl....ir.html
I believe that the German helmet changed in 1915. I'm not sure. I've got a great book on WWI Battles and it has interesting side notes on the uniforms, I'll see what I can find on this topic. The French also had different uniforms in the beginning and wore kepis instead of helmets.
There is an excellent modification for Close Combat 3: The Russian Front called "The Great War mod." It's been out for sometime but is a great WWI modification. If you ideas on weapons/units/islands/vehicles this is another great resource. Don't know how many of you play CC3 though. All this talk about tanks and aircraft, I think the first big focus should be on the infantry aspect of it. WWI was truely the last great infantrymans war. http://www.greatwargames.com/
Out of curiosity, are these infantry/recon guys close to realese? They look great. Especially those GRU guys.
He's doesn't want IRA units, he wants Irish Army units.
I agree with Teg's assessments. I'm not aware of the 1/7th Cav employing snipers organically during the fighting at LZ X-Ray, nor 2/7th Cav at LZ Albany. You might just want to change him to someone carrying an M-14, as there were a mix of M-16's and M-14's during '65. Also, you don't really go into much depth about WHY you're going into the Ia Drang valley or the activities of the 1st Air Cav prior too. The SF A-Camp at Plei Me was attacked by the NVA. The NVA couldn't take the camp but inflicted heavy losses and moved back towards sanctuaries in Cambodia. Westmoreland called in the 1st Cav to find and do them in before this could happen. Also, the 1st Air Cav had been getting into light-moderate fights prior to this engagement as well. Sorry to sound nit-picky, I've simply been a moderate historian of the Vietnam War since I was in middle school. Story does sound good though. Scoped M-16A1's were indeed extremely rare and normally issued only to Army Special Forces...they had every weapon you can possibly think up, and then some. I'm not expert on just when different weapons started coming into service, but I would swear I've seen pictures dated prior to 1969 with the M-21 being used.. Edit: Never knew that, you're right. Says second half of 1969 it became the primary Army SWS. Learn something new everyday.
Yeah, the generally only wore their berets during the early advisory days of the war '61-'64 when Tiger Stripe camouflage and things like that weren't exactly available to them so they wore the beanies with their OD's. I believe they also would wear their berets inside their A-Camps and when they went to visit local villages for humanitarians, civil affairs type jobs.
Talk about gulf war ii modification
ThePara replied to bmgarcangel's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Can you give anymore information on this incident? I know that the USMC has been, and always will be very hesitant about using out of branch Close Air Support. That's why they have their own air arm. One of the few incidents I'm aware of another branch providing CAS for Marines ended up in a Blue on Blue incident. This occured in An Nassiriyal I believe into the third, fourth day of the war. A USAF A-10 straffed the Marines of TF Tarawa pinned in the city. -
What anim pack did that safe walk animation come from where they actually carry the weapons instead of have them slinged?
Yeah, I'd also like to see a different woodland pattern on these guys, that old BIS pattern never did it for me. Besides that though, love these guys. Also, what happened the M4 with that special aimpoint mounting?
The first group of Det-1 operators have finished training.
He could just ahead in time and call them SOCD-1 Marines. Special Operations Command Detachment-1 is the USMC's newest unit...I believe it just finished training its first batch of operators (they were training with SEAL Team One). They are the USMC's first unit to fall under SOCOM control and do just about everything that the SEALs do.
The reason I call them that is because my father (Former member of one of the FAST Companies) and later the First Force Reconnaissance company refers to them as such (In a joking manner, just like myself). I don't wan't to start any sort of flame war, but they don't do anything like SEALs whatsoever. They are simply infantry with a very specialized role of reinforcing US Embassies and their Marine guard detachments when there is a fear of possible terrorism. ANTI-Terrorism (measures taken to prevent a possible attack), they do not conduct counter-terrorism (actions taken after one has happened and requires DA to solve it ie a hostage rescue.) Hence the name Fleet ANTI-Terrorism Security Team. Also, there is no such thing as Marine Special Operations Command. Force Recon isn't always assigned to an MEU, they are relegated to the Fleet Marine Force, (why they're called FORCE Recon). A platoon from a Company is also attached to an MEU, along with a Maritime Special Purpose Force (they guys that do VBSS-Vessel Board Search Siezure and Gas Oil Platform takedowns.) They do a lot more then Recon, they call in airstrikes, conduct DA raids, take down vessels, can perform hostage rescue if need be. Their nature of Reconnaissance is deep into enemy territory to gather information crucial to Force commanders throughtout the whole war. Battalion Recon (A Battalion assigned to each Division as a I recall) have the single purpose of Recce in that divisions area to obtain intel important to ongoing operations. Back on topic-I think Capt. may be right about ditching the CQB suits that resemble Nomex flight suits, I haven't seen a single FR guy wearing one in Iraq.
FAST (Fake Ass SEAL Team) Companies don't conduct Hostage Rescue or CQB operations as so many people believe. While they are trained for it, it isn't their main mission. Their main purpose is Anti-Terrorism, instead of Counter-Terrorism (Delta and DEVGRU stuff). The reinforce embassies if a terrorist threat is expected, etc, etc. They were of the first guys into Liberia and Haiti and dress just like any normal USMC Infantyr units does. Suchey's regular Marines would be a better portrayal of them. However, USMC Force Recon does wear those OD and tan CQB uniforms. Pictures can be seen of them wearing the tan ones on Direction Action operations in Afghanistan. Â Also, are there any plans to make a boonie hat model? Force Recon in Afghanistan http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/albums/marines/z_usmc07.jpg Force Recon Training ------------------------------------------------------------In Iraq: http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos....aaf.jpg http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos....aad.jpg http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos....aan.jpg http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos....aao.jpg http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos....on3.jpg Copy the shortcuts and post them into the browser, clicking never works with militaryphotos shots
How do you sign up for this game?
Do you guys have any plans to make a CQBR M4A1 or a Mark 12 Mod 0/1 SPR?
What I'm saying is that your statement about the regular M4 having a carry handle as part of the reciever isn't completely true. According to colts website: http://www.colt.com/mil/M4_2.asp There are four models of the M4 (M4A1 included) 1. RO977 : Flat top, Safe/Semi/Full Auto 2. RO979 : Flat top, Safe/Semi/Burst 3. RO777 : Fixed handle, Safe/Semi/Full Auto 4. RO779 : Fixed handle, Safe/Semi/Burst I don't believe the US miiltary uses the fixed handle, maybe in the past they did but I highly doubt they do anymore. I've seen no photos to suggest that they do.
That doesn't appear to be a regular M4 that you've pictured on the previous page. It appears there is no sign of the step-cut barrel. I've also never heard of the regular M4 having a fixed carrying handle. A large number of regular infantry units are issued the regular M4 and they have detached carry handles.
Okay I got it working but seem to have a problem. I can't progress pass the training phase of the campaign because I can't pick up ammo for Sucheys M-16A2, because it doesn't use the standard BIS ammo crates which are on the range. Can you bypass training?
It doesn't seem to be working for me...I put everything into the shortcut menu thing but I still have all the default stuff being used? ALso, what Nampack pbo has the pilot in it so I can just move it over to another folder without activating the WHOLE mod?
Does anyone know of a good quality Vietnam era M-16A1 rifle to use in place of the standard SEB Nam one? I've seen pictures of one that looks like INQ made it?
Where can I get Cheekies? Or is his the one used in the Nam pack?
Does anyone know of a good quality Vietnam era M-16A1 rifle to use in place of the standard SEB Nam one? I've seen pictures of one that looks like INQ made it?
Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released
ThePara replied to hyakushiki's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
The three color desert guys are 3rd ID. Wouldn't be bad to have 'em for woodland too though. -
Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released
ThePara replied to hyakushiki's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I'd love to see these guys with changeable unit patches. I'd love to be able to throw the 82nd Airborne or 10th Mountain patches on these guys.