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The Real Armstrong

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Posts posted by The Real Armstrong

  1. Also lol at Akira for:

    We, the Undersigned, support the use of basic text editors and spell-checkers.

    Hehe. I can accept non-first-speaking people to misspell things (like myself) but when e.g yanks or brittish do it in an important thing like a petition(I have no problems with it on forums, etc), and write sympols then I got loony.


    8. Mike Hellknight I'm demon-possessed myself, but I must agree with the petition, since I see them as competition that must be destroyed

  2. My ex girlfriend thought driving tanks was the best thing in whole ofp  tounge_o.gif  she took the abrahams tank and drove around whole nogova and run down every tree she could find in her sights  biggrin_o.gif  she drove around like that in 5-0 mins boring me and my m8 to hell  tounge_o.gif

    but hey sometimes some people can find lots of joy in the most simple things in life   wink_o.gif

    Show her the 4x speed button and she'll go crazy of joy. biggrin_o.gif

  3. Also fun to do is:

    Skiing with PTB, put a PTB on a hill and ski down. Put out some triggers as gates. smile_o.gif

    Use the church hill and put loads of civvies there. Then, grab some satchels, take a ride down to the town and booooom. Hehe, see how far you can spread the dead bodies. biggrin_o.gif

    Car Golf, Use satchels to blow away a car to the hole. smile_o.gif Really fun in MP. biggrin_o.gif

  4. I really hope they implent a better boat system than in Medieval. In Medieval it was a pain to move across water but in real life the water were the real "interstates". I didnt like that as it was really hard to conquer the world with Ireland and em islands down in that water wtf it name is in english.

  5. You are running Ultra details? Yea right. That is only available on 512 MB G-cards. You little lier there. tounge_o.gif

    I'm running ultra detail on my 256MB 6800GT  smile_o.gif

    It is not only for 512MB cards, it is most suited for 512MB cards. Carmack said you could experience lag on some of the larger levels if you don't have 512MB video ram.

    I have'nt had any lag at all on any of the levels.

    Running ultra detail, 8xAA, 8xAF, vsync off, 1280x1024: >=45fps

    From what I've heard it was only available on 512 MB G-cards. I haven't tried it myself though 'cause I'm afraid my poor lil' G4 MX 128 would break down. tounge_o.gif

  6. So I hear people hate Americans because of George Bush.

    How retarded.  I did'nt know I am George Bush, I did'nt know My Family is George Bush, I did'nt know John Kerry is George Bush.

    So if people hate Americans because of George Bush, I think some people need to have surgery and get their monkey brains replaced with some updated 21st century human brains.

    Quote[/b] ]So I hear people hate Americans because of George Bush.

    I think that the people here tried to say that they hate USA becouse of bush not citizens of USA... unclesam.gif

    Ohhh, ok

    So lets have terrorists fly airplanes into civilian buildings.  I'm sure that reflects them hating Bush instead of the citizens...

    What do you mean by that exactly? rock.gif
