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The Real Armstrong

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Posts posted by The Real Armstrong

  1. OFP 2: Nam is hell, oh, we're not in nam, oh we are, oh we're not, oh we are.

    OFP 2: When you see the Flash, hide behind Maruk

    OFP 2: The Two Abrams' (now in extended version!)

    OFP 2: We got out before Duke Nukem Forever, bwahaahahahahahahahahahahaa

    OFP 2: 0MG!!!!11!1!! Teh 1337 w007!!11!!1!1!!!

  2. IMO, GTA series should not be compared to Mafia. Mafia is an excellent game with one of the best stories in a game which makes it strong and this is the straight opposite to GTA which is more like an arcade game, where you're just out to have fun.

  3. SWAT 3 is f00king amazing. Too bad they cancelled Urban Justice.


    Check me sig line for BIS Forums Top 100 games. I've been very busy so I haven't been able to publish it but there are some good games there. I know this isn't like OFP but you REALLY should try out Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout 2 were close on nailing the top seat of my top 10 games list and I've been playing OFP forever so it's quite an impressive game. wink_o.gif

  4. It is still illegal so this thread will probably close. If you like OFP you can get GOTY edition real easy for 10 $ or something. It's not very much and meself I've bought 2 GOTYs and 1 CWC.

  5. A good mission should make you feel:

    - hopeless (at least in resistance missions)

    - chaotic (what!!?!? WTF is going on? Can either be very good or very bad. The player needs information on what is going to happen but when he does it, it's going to be like hell)

    - tired (once you finnish a mission you should feel tired and pleased with yourself. A long mission is allways good. OUTRO IS A MUST!!)

    - again! again! (it can't be another take the town mission. You wanna grab the player and make him go "wow! that was so fuckin amazing" in the end and after a day he will go back and play it again and again and again)
