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The Real Armstrong

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Everything posted by The Real Armstrong

  1. The Real Armstrong

    Advanced Questions

    These Qs aren't exactly Advanced and you can find them in most of OFPECs excellent beginners tute. Check 'em out.
  2. The Real Armstrong

    Stick Figure Animator

    Another neat lil' .gif black and white animator is easytoon. Grab it here: http://www.dualtranslations.org/nyuu/easytoon.zip
  3. The Real Armstrong

    Ofp Humour

    We were playing some coop, can't remember which mission. The objective was to secure a town and then fall back and defend a town. Anyway, it was my first time playing that mission and some who had played it before told me and 2 or 3 other guys who where in my group (I was leader) to watch the treeline while they took out the town. That way we could be the first line of defence before the other guys got to the town. It was pitch dark and we heard the shooting from the other guys. Then I watched into the treeline and saw some moving. I was typing in group chat "OPEN FIRE!!" and I blew away my claymores and started to burst away. My teammates of course followed orders and after 30 seconds everything was quiet. The smoke from the claymores was still in the air. Then somebody typed in teamchat "YOU IDIOT! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COVER US NOT BLOW AWAY US YOU ASSHOLE!!!". Woops.
  4. The Real Armstrong

    Changing Names

    wowlookatmynumber = 0 wowlookatmyothernumber = 0 wowlookatmythirdandcoolestnumber = 3 #loopy wowlookatmynumber = (units (group player) select wowlookatmyothernumber) wowlookatmyothernumber = wowlookatmyothernumber + 1 ? (wowlookatmythirdandcoolestnumber == wowlookatmynumber) : hint format ["Yoo, what's this shit about your number? It's this: %1", wowlookatmynumber]; exit ~0.01 goto "loopy" or summin like that. I'm tired. Can't think. Must destroy OFP. Ugh.
  5. The Real Armstrong

    Random missions

    Not exactly what you want but it's a random generated campaign. I love it: http://www.ofpec.com/missions/mission_detail.php?ID=1054
  6. The Real Armstrong

    Food for thought

    Well in Sweden we got all kinds of traditional food. Pizza, hamburgers, chinese food, fish and chips, kebab, falafel, thai-food, pölse and tex-mex.
  7. The Real Armstrong

    Hidden things etc.

    I don't think thats an easter egg. Just the animation. Not sure but I think he does that all the time but you can just see it clearer in command view.
  8. The Real Armstrong


    Not present triggers are absolutley crap unless in very small areas, like 50x50. I suggest you look up some kind of morale script (or make one yourself) and make the baddies flee after they're down to 10 % or summin.
  9. The Real Armstrong

    Russians sometimes can't hit

    I belive this is due to you creating a profile against the horizon. This is actually in the small OFP manual but I've never noticed it enough for you one to really care.
  10. The Real Armstrong

    surviving deleted addon

    Have you restarted the game?
  11. The Real Armstrong

    Your Favourate MMORPG

    Don't like MMORPGs, they cost money. And those that doesn't usually sux. At least those I've seen.
  12. The Real Armstrong

    Most immersive FirstPerson games

    You'll love Call of Duty if you liked MOH:AA. Pretty much the same game but CoD is much more polished.
  13. The Real Armstrong

    Russians sometimes can't hit

    So? You used the custom groups in the edtior right? And they're all rookies and such. Can't hit a gun with the side of a barn.
  14. The Real Armstrong

    Addon folder theory

    At least it affects my preformance. Whenever I activate a big mod such as Nam Pack 2, the world lags in this "update" way. You know, hack, play normal for 2 secs, hack, etc.
  15. The Real Armstrong

    Need a volunteer to make a cutscene

    Sign me up, when I get time. Which will be around *looks in calendar* *mumbles, LCDs dialog, that easter egg, maccas text, schooltest* Me and my assistant have come to a conclussion. When I'm not busy. Contact me on MSN and I'll see if I can patch something up for ya when I got time.
  16. The Real Armstrong

    Using a script...

    Goto OFPEC, click on "Editors Depot" and find SnYpirs introduction to code snippets amongs the tutorials.
  17. The Real Armstrong

    Hidden things etc.

    But, that is not the way its done for OFP's churches. Its part of the church simulation (along with bells that toll the time) for anything classed as a church type building to be physically impossible to destroy. Much like in early versions of the code, if you told a soldier to move to grid "He11" he would die (see BIS Fun site for picture) Actually, I think that's just a funny councidence. He orderd 2 to go to HE11 and right after he got shot. Why would BIS program such a thing anyway?
  18. The Real Armstrong

    Hidden things etc.

    I'm no addon maker but AFAIK you can't make an object undestroyable in that objects config, only very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very tough.
  19. The Real Armstrong

    Target prioritization

    We all know OFP AI, kegs. ;) It is possible though. Add all prioritees(?) in an array, all other units in another. Then do a knowsabout check and if the prioritees can be spotted, setcaptive the others. :beat: *Gets Shot* :beat:
  20. The Real Armstrong

    Is it OFP or OPF ?

    BIS use both OFP and OPF. The reason why it's OPF on the forum is because placebo says OPF and he's the über admin.
  21. The Real Armstrong

    Is it OFP or OPF ?

    OFP. Everyone saying OPF should be stringed between 4 kegetys with IRC spambots. OP:F is acceptable, but it's fun to torture.
  22. The Real Armstrong

    Is it OFP or OPF ?

    OFP. Everyone saying OPF should be stringed between 4 kegetys with IRC spambots. OP:F is acceptable, but it's fun to torture.
  23. The Real Armstrong

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    All I can say is: I really hope they sort it out without any deaths. How inhuman can you be? Attack defenseless kids? Shesh. When it's over the media's gonna start blaiming the computer games (OK, maybe not the right time to say that but I promise, they will, but of course the victims now are more important) .
  24. The Real Armstrong

    Hidden things etc.

    No addons required  That's about as good as I can modell with o2!
  25. The Real Armstrong

    Hidden things etc.

    I think I've found about every easteregg on the official islands 'cause I know them better than my own pocket. However, I've ALLWAYS missed em christmas trees.