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About Tigg@lot

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Tigg@lot

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    The pics look f*cking great. I´ve just started to dl it with my cute 56k. If I keep downloading one hour per day I can play with it next week Are there any germans that downloaded it, willing to burn it on a CD and send it to me by post?? Please PM
  2. Tigg@lot

    Working laser sight (lam)

    Although it´s not a real LAM it looks quite nice. It would be a great feature for a HK SOCOM or other sidearms
  3. Tigg@lot

    Stalingrad island released

    I´m very disappointed with the map. When I saw the first screenies it looked really great and then those Halo untis (but that´s a different story). Then I saw those pics with the train and started drooling. But now I´ve downloaded it and made a litle fly over I´ve decided to delete it from my Hd. First It lags like hell on my system (Athlon Xp 2000, GF4MX440, 512MB DDR RAM). It doesn´t look that good as on the screenies. And Where is that train? I know it´s hard work to create an island because I tried and was never satisfied with my work. But I´d never released something this buged to the community. So these were my 0,02€ Hope it didn´t hurt too much. Tigg@lot
  4. Tigg@lot

    New bas thread

    Now you can make a campaign: "Farmers Revenge" A poor farmer who has only one potato field gets driven away from some badguys but he and his pal (some ex-Ranger) take bloody revenge and fight for every single potato but the they realize that it´s already too late because some fries factory already chopped and fried the poor little potatoes and sells them to his neighbours  Ok, I shut up Didn´t get my pills today
  5. Tigg@lot

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    It looks great! Thumbs up!
  6. Tigg@lot

    I know this might sound stupid

    You can open them with the Editor. Then the first word is either ODOL or MLOD.
  7. Tigg@lot

    Noob question i kno, but plz help me here!!!

    Grid coordinates LZ64 But now you have to find the correct island
  8. Didn´t Martin release a miniature Huey and Jeep long time ago?
  9. Tigg@lot

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    Arrgh! Looks tasty! Right now I´m trying to sneak into your Pc. D**m I hit my head on a server. Oh no! Wrong turn now I´m somewhere in China.
  10. Tigg@lot

    I know this might sound stupid

    Me too, me too
  11. Tigg@lot

    I know this might sound stupid

    This is one of the most asked questions in the comunity And everywhere I find it people say that there is a way to "encrypt" them but until now i´ve never seen any real answer. So IMHO there is no way. If there is a way then anyone please reveal the secret
  12. Tigg@lot

    Just out of curiosity

    I can only agree with that. I think as long as the addon makers are doing their great work for fun the community can just profit from new ideas and wounderful new toys. So everyone can live his fantasies. So I for myself can have hours of fun just playing in the Mission Editor by setting some Lega men into a village that is attacked by German WW2 Soldiers. But then the Delta Force comes to the rescue with theit KLR´s. If I had to pay for these I think OFP would already lie in the darkest corner of my HDD. But on the other hand. If e.g. I44 MOD would release it´s final work on a CD and release a downloadable version including just the same I would buy the CD (if the prize is ok).
  13. Tigg@lot

    Hey presto - fresco

    [offtopic] Does Draken mean dragon? At least it sounds like And if it´s so what does Drakken mean? [/offtopic]
  14. Tigg@lot

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    i couldnt find them aswell so i deleted them from addonsauto in sqm and copied and pasted the tracks on a new mission  Yeah Thx It work´s
  15. Tigg@lot

    Cannondale gemini 2000

    ARGH Plz somebody help. Where can I find ´em or plz send em by email. Or put it on soe webspace