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Everything posted by Taggart

  1. Taggart


    Ok is there a way I can have a flare get launched to a certain area say every 5 min or so?
  2. Ok in the multiplayer "Choose your guy under what squad" screen. How do I change the squad names? like from Group Bravo Yellow to Group Blue or something?
  3. Taggart

    Blue screen of lock ups!

    Ok I downloaded the "Lego" addon/mod for OFP. And when I open OFP the OFP:Resistance square thing comes up. Then its about to go in but then suddenly my screen flickers and the big blue screen (without any text on it) locks up my comp! I have OFP:Res 1.91 but if I delete the addons the game works. FIx... How... plz... help!
  4. Taggart

    Blue screen of lock ups!

    I have a radeon 9700.
  5. Taggart

    Blue screen of lock ups!

    Cmon! Wtf someone must know!
  6. Anyone know a Special Forces team that will go on the "East" side in OFP??
  7. Taggart


    There is one on the CZ addon site. But it dosent look too good while flying it. It has machine guns and rockets. lol
  8. Are there any Flak cannons or any type of guns that were used during the ww2 d-day parachute droppings? addons for OFP.
  9. Taggart


    Are there any b-17 to b-52 bomber addons out there?? Or a jet/prop plane that "drops" bombs.
  10. Ok I downloaded the Napoleonic addon for OFP. And I was wondering on how to make a line of guys walk straight and stop like the old fashionded wars.
  11. Ok... I have a helicopter going to a transport  unload waypoint to  unload the troops in it. Then it takesoff and goes back to base then i have a WP set to LOAD and its gonna sit there for 20 seconds. But I want it to land. And It Wont Land!!! Any ideas? And the helicopter has a waypoint of CYCLE so it does it over and over.
  12. How do I make a unit do its waypoints over and over? And make a bus stop at bus stops.
  13. How do I call in a plan to takeoff from the runway and come attack a spot I want (like you pick a spot on the map and it attacks there) then it goes back to base when I say. Or have a plane come in and parachute guys out. Im trying to make a ww2 mission.
  14. I dont understand that Sp/MP pack... If someone could make me a small mission thing but not with enemy units that works with the vietnam mod and with ia drang.
  15. See I replaced your A10 with a P-51D I downloaded and I dunno what happened but it would takeoff and disappear or it wouldnt attack its target.
  16. Taggart

    Ww2 planes?

    Anyone know where I can get some German planes? not huge ones but fighters.
  17. Ok is there a way just to have it like that bn? but instead have it ready and then when your do say you want it then it asks where? then you mark it on the map and it takesoff and keeps attacking the target until I call it off then it goes back to base? I want to do this with a p-51 i dled.
  18. With the plane idea. How do I make it so that the plane starts where I want it instead of next or quite close to me?
  19. Taggart

    Ww2 planes?

    Anyone know where I can get a good ww2 c-47 i think it is for paratroopers? The one I have has white inside textures.
  20. Ok... Now that was what I wanted by now how about 4 helicopters coming in to pick up troops? I HATE COC!
  21. How do I make the hostage guy be a hostage and follow they guys who rescue him??? And how do I make the guy a hostage?
  22. Taggart


    How do I make it so the units get out of helicopters on ropes?
  23. Ok, how do I aim the scud missle? lol
  24. Taggart

    Rescue missions?

    Ok I did this but it dosent say "hostage XXm" for the player.
  25. How do I make it so the guy respawns as something else other than the soldier with m16? like for my mission 101 Airborne Green Carbine.