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Everything posted by Tankfanatiker

  1. Tankfanatiker

    Other addons

    i think the pbo is named ags_inds.pbo Have you depbo'ed it and ve you created a directory ags_inds (must be same name like pbo) with the extracted stuff from ags_inds.pbo which is in this directory buldozer\ags_inds ?
  2. Tankfanatiker

    Moving roads?

    not in buldozer
  3. Tankfanatiker

    Pick your problem

    if you use o.pbo textures it is no big thing that you get withe line because all transitionals there are in .pac so if you set paa visitor find no transitionals and the other prob must be anything in config.cpp
  4. i ve placed 2 crossroads with streets #======= Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ========# is it possible to connect them. i found a function with shift+RMB but i dont understand that
  5. Tankfanatiker

    How to connect 2 streets

    true because every road is ten degree silnice 10 100 and 9 * 10° = 90° nothing new
  6. yeah photoshop the new generator is great and filter too? somebody knows a important improvement in 8.0
  7. Tankfanatiker

    How to connect 2 streets

    read topic plz - that is non-sense
  8. Tankfanatiker

    How to connect 2 streets

    k but i made it perfect connection in buldozer with 25er s-curves it is possible but not easy a good plan for streets is the best soultion
  9. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    textures white? check where the textures are check if the path is in system preference and if the transitional texture are paa or pac(options)
  10. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    ...try at first to do a working map i only looking for a problem the z: drive cant be the reason
  11. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    test 2 Â : 1. open a paint programm 128x128 pixel RBG fill it with black colour paint with white your heigh of the map add alpha channel save as 32 bit targa (tga) 2. use ketgetys tga ase converter import terrain try it again, mayby some information are missing if you only use visitor (dont know) here is an example tga, so you need only to begin with step 2 >> Download me <<
  12. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    which tool do you use to import the terrain?
  13. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    make a newisland (only for testing) and write here if the problem occurs again
  14. if you are german you could use my noobie tut but read every topic from last untill the newest - it works ! but i found a new wrp tool it shall be easier than wrp-edit and visitor (?) http://flashpoint.nekromantix.com/wrp.php or you ask me 121424785 - i mostly ve much patient Â
  15. Tankfanatiker

    Importing res object

    hmm you should be able to use every p3d for artifical, natural ect. download a list of p3d (pictured ) and you have to pick every p3d out, but thats the only way to work with mutiple pbos emm sure it is only for new islands because visitor doesnt recognize a directory path change a good preparation is best way for an good island
  16. Tankfanatiker

    Big problem

    hmmmmmmmmm i dont know thats very strange is your map in 256x256 pixel?
  17. Tankfanatiker

    Importing res object

    nono thats wrong which language do you speak spanish? make a text file where you write: subst Z: "path to the buldozer directory" after that save the file and write for the .txt - .bat start it... now unpbo O.pbo in your buldozer directory so you ve a a directory with the name O, at next data.pbo (from ofp/dta) and data3d.pbo -> unpack with pbodecrypter it should look so: ....buldozer/O ....buldozer/data ....buldozer/data3d write in system prferences: path to visitor Z:\yourmapdirectory Z: Z: Z: Z:\yourmapdirectory i hope that help
  18. Tankfanatiker

    Elevation texturing

    I tried to texture my island after this tutorial http://koti.mbnet.fi/~hekezu/visitor_tut.htm but when i set a surface with an angle intervall nothing happen for example: angle 45 to 90 and i have made an very high hill (like 70° ) and i set the surface colour of this special texture to red Fill terrain.... but nothing on map is red i cant find out what i do wrong - plzzz help me
  19. Tankfanatiker

    Importing res object

    http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=39;t=31349 i hope that can help you very well
  20. Tankfanatiker


    in o.pbo there are the resistance addons too. in eden.pbo is only the map and the texturen and the vehilces/bulidings are in data3d and data check  ?
  21. Tankfanatiker


    of course i ment the o.pbo (every good mission maker knows that noe=novgoda; abel=malden; eden=everon; cain=kolgujev) but looks like there is still no solution, but with makePbo you can compress your files (very long) and you will not get 170 MB
  22. Tankfanatiker


    i use the noe textures... http://mitglied.lycos.de/tankfanatiker/visitor/images/notrans.jpg and some transitional textures are missing like snow-stone, so i cant do snow-wood and i looking for a trick to avoid that i ve to put all textures in my island pbo, ok? ^^
  23. Tankfanatiker


    all combinations of snow (n1), many of cliff (l1) and some between t1 and ps copy them into O has no effect because they arent in the o.pbo of ofp i ll look again for this problem edit: the only solution i can find is to put them ALL in the island directory -> huge size hope you find a better solution
  24. Tankfanatiker


    @BoonieRat in res/dta/landtex file aren't transtional textures like n1l1l1l1.pac explain me that plz, i cant follow you
  25. Tankfanatiker


    hmm and you write the path to the texture folder in "project preference" too?