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Everything posted by TheRedBaron

  1. TheRedBaron

    Help with music in my mission

    where exactly does the music folder go? im not understanding this. and does the ogg file go in the music folder. where does the discription.ext go. i have them all just mixed up on where they go.
  2. TheRedBaron

    Urban combat?

    well if ur still looking i think i found the answer
  3. TheRedBaron

    Cant upgrade to 1.90

    Ok,i downloaded the 1.90 patch from ofp info and when i tried to install it it started giving me errors: Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.85... Error found in file Missions\Resistance\R04RatHole.noe.pbo (5f0cd203!=d52c3ed8) Error found in file Res\AddOns\Bizon.pbo (20fbd37d!=ffea8844) Error found in file Res\AddOns\Mm-1.pbo (c2e0455d!=5ed445af) Error found in file Res\AddOns\vulcan.pbo (26198b97!=57616b6a) Error found in file Res\Campaigns\resistance.pbo (d6895664!=e668844a) Error found in file MPMissions\1-12_D_FLAGFIGHT3.NOE.pbo (c1860060!=94cc5dee) Error found in file MPMissions\1-8_D_FlagFight.ABEL.pbo (ba799fe7!=f3da54dd) Error found in file MPMissions\1-8_D_FlagFight2Small.ABEL.pbo (92d193a7!=8bd203f8) Error found in file MPMissions\1-9_T_Conquerors.Noe.pbo (abc52aba!=9921adcc) Error found in file MPMissions\2-12_T_SectorControl.EDEN.pbo (e9b24984!=c39b0469) File Templates\1-8_D_FlagFight.Abel.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-8_D_FlagFight.Cain.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-8_D_FlagFight.Eden.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-8_D_FlagFight.Intro.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-10_T_TeamFlagFight.Abel.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-10_T_TeamFlagFight.Cain.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-10_T_TeamFlagFight.Eden.pbo is missing. File Templates\1-10_T_TeamFlagFight.Intro.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-12_T_SectorControl.Abel.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-12_T_SectorControl.Cain.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-12_T_SectorControl.Eden.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-12_T_SectorControl.Intro.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-8_T_CaptureTheFlag.Abel.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-8_T_CaptureTheFlag.Cain.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-8_T_CaptureTheFlag.EDEN.pbo is missing. File Templates\2-8_T_CaptureTheFlag.Intro.pbo is missing. One or more files in game instalation are modified or dammaged. Reinstall game from original CD disc and try again. all this shit. So i reistalled and im still getting these errors. I tryed to see if i could maybe download these files again and delete old ones but these are from diffrent packs and versions.By the way i have version 1.85 GOTY edition. Does anyone know how i can upgrade or get these files individualy. could this be that loss of memory thier talking about with. Oh anddirect play because i do play on the internet.
  4. TheRedBaron

    Cant upgrade to 1.90

    yes same as 1.9,is there a way to trick my comp to think its upgraded to 1.9 so i can download blood addon.
  5. TheRedBaron

    Be a bird

    The reason i havent seen the bird is that i just got high speed internet and didnt like playing on 56k,by the way ty for script
  6. TheRedBaron

    Be a bird

    i played a server where i was a bird when i died and i could fly around like a hello. where can i get this
  7. TheRedBaron

    Be a bird

    oh thanks for being speedy
  8. TheRedBaron

    Urban combat?

    hmmmmmmm ive seen this in a thread have u searched? well anyways there is a way to make them move to a specific rom its something like buildingpos 1 etc or something like that
  9. how do i make it so that units are placed in diffrent spots each time i play the mission so its not the same every time. I know theres probability of presense but im not sure if it would work and i dont script so please dont send me them. any help would be great.
  10. TheRedBaron

    Cant upgrade to 1.90

    ok "i reistalled and im still getting these errors" reinstalling doesnt work
  11. TheRedBaron

    I cant move but game responds!

    lol did u try pressing the * key on ur key pad
  12. TheRedBaron

    Behind the scenes...

    lol i was on the site for maybe 30sec tops and i found it, i wont tell but for all u out there who are looking when u find it its probably not what ur looking for(think out side the box)
  13. TheRedBaron

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I was playing a simple ctf on a small island and with 30 sec to go in the game we had 3 captures and they had 2. They had just stolen our flag and were running to our base. I was waiting for them and had 1 bullet in my g36 and a berreta. I didnt bother to check how much ammo i had and when he ran up to the hanger i shot and hit him in the arm. He kept running as i pulled out my berreta and shot him in the back of the head 5 ft from the flag and we won
  14. TheRedBaron

    Rar instead of pbo

    i just downloaded some ww2 planes and istead of being pbo files they were rar and i put them in the addons folder anyways(they didnt work) so how do i use them
  15. TheRedBaron

    Rar instead of pbo

    i just downloaded some ww2 planes and istead of being pbo files they were rar and i put them in the addons folder anyways(they didnt work) so how do i use them
  16. TheRedBaron

    Randomly place units

    sounds good ty
  17. TheRedBaron


    ty for replys and yes the little red one got boring
  18. TheRedBaron


    Dont know if there are any made so im asking in this section. IF there are any could someone give me a link to some civilian motorcycles. thanks
  19. TheRedBaron

    Randomly place units

    how do i make it so that units are placed in diffrent spots each time i play the mission so its not the same every time. I know theres probability of presense but im not sure if it would work and i dont script so please dont send me them. any help would be great.
  20. is there a way to create a soldier like you would create a bomb,dont think so but if there is tell me. anyways if there is you could set condition as !alive(your guys name) camcreate a soldier or something
  21. TheRedBaron

    Nogova messed up

    i was getting a message that something was wrong with addon o.pbo and it wouldnt let me start my game to i found o.pbo and took it out(i dont know where it came from dont recognize it). after that it let me start the game but in the mission editer i said there was no picture for nogova when i started the map the entire island was white no buildings no grass no nothig,except the waster and a few signs and for some reason the church on the hill. it said i did not have the BIS resistance?does any one know whats up
  22. TheRedBaron

    Nogova messed up

    thanks for replys it is a memory map error all right my computers officially retarded after taking out the addon o.pbo it worked but resistance was shut off. so i figured what the hell ill put o.pbo back in and see if it works now, and u know what it did i dont know why but it decided to work,it probably wont next time but for now it does, go figure
  23. TheRedBaron

    Ww2 soldiers

    i know there are many packs of ww2 soldiers to down load and ive looked but could some one give me a link to download a quality pack of american ww2 soldiers with the guns that go with them. ive downloaded some packs in the past but there were always bugs with them like they turned white at longer distances, mussle flash bug,and all thier weapons where just the stupid m21 instead of their own. if any one could help that would be great.
  24. TheRedBaron

    Create unit

    im trying to create units with comand createunit but i dont know the exact names of the basic units, can some one give me a list of the unit names