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Everything posted by T.S.C.Plage

  1. I'm actually wondering why you haven't included missions in which you've to transport logged wood, provide simple taxi flights from A to B, exstinguish forest fires and spray herbicides/insecticides over crop fields? All the mentioned missions even have DLC potential if you'd throw in some new helicopter types and equipment. That the fire fighting stuff works is already shown by the existing mod for ArmA. Besides that it wouldn't be to difficult to expand the rescue/emergency mission with some other "scenes" like car accidents, aircraft crashes, accidents at construction sites and so on. Honestly the actually available singleplayer and carreer missions get boring quite fast.
  2. Why, oh why did I had to be so curious to take a look into his gallery!?! This will need some hard stuff on the weekend to erase what I just saw and I'm not sure if this will even work.
  3. T.S.C.Plage

    Steam discussion

    Your comment doesn't makes sense because the people doing exactly that. Doing research before opening their wallet.
  4. T.S.C.Plage

    Why Only One Stealth Nighthawk Was Ever Painted Gray

    I don't think the article is correct. AFAIK the black RAM coating (paint) simply was more effective at that time. Maybe had something to do with the ingrediances used so it simply wasn't possible to alter the color and keep the same effectiveness. If black would have been chosen as color because of nighttime missions it would have made sense to paint only the bottom of the aircraft and not the upper side because a black aircraft will set itself apart if watched from above against the surface in most cases. That's why WWII nighthunters or aircraft operating over the Ho-Chi-Minh-Trail at nighttime had black bellies but kept their camo on the upper side. Besides that the Have Blues (the F-117 protoypes) were painted grey at first and later on got two diffrent camo shemes.
  5. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    And so it begins or better ends. Btw, is Communism back in the Czech Republic? I'm asking because it feels like!
  6. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    They don't have to be granted because they're written down in this book they'll throw at you if you violate something that's written down in it. You guys must have horrible consumer rights down there, too. The EULA differs quite a lot from for example the one I accepted with TKOH from Sprocket. Last time I checked BIS doesn't grants themselfs the right to fiddle with my installation and so on and so forth.
  7. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yeah, some peoples backbones are unfortunately made out of jelly.
  8. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I can't understand that people give a flying fuq about their rights and have them revoked just for the sake of playing a computer game but I think that's what we've to cope with with the iGeneration. I actually think it'll even get worse.
  9. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Iceman, you're wasting your time. The people you're arguing with are the types that need to get overrun by a car themselfs first before the actually believe that car accidents with pedestrians can happen.
  10. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    They aren't! That's why the Verbraucherzentrale responsible for consumer protection here in Germany gave them a warning to comply with our laws which Steam ignored. Now they'll take them to court which in the worst case can mean a ban of Steam and it's services in Germany if they don't comply. I don't see that happen but it's at least a possibility.
  11. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    It's not an FPS nor a milsim and fits best into this genre. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactical_shooter (see first entry in the references)
  12. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Last time I checked it was a tactical shooter. Not an FPS and not a milsim. :icon_rolleyes: No, feel free to prove me wrong.
  13. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't care if you get it or not!
  14. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    They can play CoD, BF and the like. That's what suits them. ArmA will just overrun their buffers.
  15. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    It only has an advantage for lazy or unable people...and people like that don't belong into this game in my opinion. This isn't or better so far wasn't a falderal game.
  16. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Basically Steam is the reason why they needed extra time in the first place because they had to deliver a "special" version for them. It's also the main reason why there were that many hick-ups with patching everything to the same standard. The versions published elsewhere didn't have such problems AFAIK. So instead of getting rid of the cause or better staying away from the "thing" that caused all the problems they decide to solely go with it. :banghead: The sales connected to DayZ must have blinded them. /edit: @ SniperWolf: I read your answer but have nothing else to add about "polls". The question if you mods also checked the "yes" votes for tampering is legit in my opinion and wasn't answered before. At least as far as I knew. You've to excuse the little "side blow" in the question but it actually wouldn't be to far fetched that you (now as the decision was made) maybe turn a blind eye to that problem.
  17. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    It's not irrelevant by itself at least if it didn't got tampered. The decision may stand but it's still interesting (at least for me) to see the result. Resistance is never useless even if it's just to make clear what position you've but of course there're always people who will be quiet or even backpaddle for their own personal gain. Besides that some 70 years ago quite a lot of the people in my country said the same and we all know the outcome. Maybe some more resistance (especially in the beginning) could have changed how things ran but it seems like most of these people were the same lazy, uninvolved, uninterested and coward persons like you and all the others who think it's ok the accept such business practices without even voicing their concerns even if a decision was already made. WWII is something else than a Steam only game you say? Right, I'll give you that but for me Steam is the SS of the gaming industry and that's why I made that comparison.
  18. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Please inform yourself how polls for example related to elections work. Let's say 2k people get questioned and answer what party they'll vote for the results in the vast mayority of the cases will at best have a 10% deviation from the final result. While infact 10% is already quite high and I just used it as a "buffer". Normally it's more like 3-5% or even less. So I'd consider the 12% in this case here as quite significant. You can make it 10% if you want but that's still a lot of customers and there's the big question if they'll gain the lost 10% via the Steam consumer base. Besides that you've to consider that quite a lot of these 10% are actually people who really were a plus for the community as they were actually contributing something. Besides that did you mods check how many positive votes were given via fake accounts or isn't that of any interest?
  19. T.S.C.Plage

    War Thunder [MMO]

    That was lame.
  20. T.S.C.Plage

    New ArmA 3 ARG started?

    When you try to save the ofpd folder you get things like this. Can be something like a pw...or nothing. /edit: And when you open the saved file in a texteditor you get.
  21. T.S.C.Plage

    War Thunder [MMO]

    Just checked some screenshots from yesterday. That's was a poor performance D! :icon_twisted:
  22. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    It doesn't because in most cases the person who buys the used game would have never bought a new one for the full price. Do you really think that a Steam only release will stop piracy? Yeah, gotta watch them, GOTTA WATCH THEM!!! Do you even realize that there are people out there who give a fuq about money but a lot about principles? Besides that you're registered here since two days now. You actually know sh!t about this community so sit down, watch and STFU!
  23. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Yes, that's what I think. ArmA got f'ed in the arse by some zombies. Actually BIS worked well because they weren't humping on the bandwaggon so far which has changed with DayZ. Maruk must have had just dollar signs in his eyes as he was thinking to make this a standalone and therefore delay ArmA III. Bad business decision. Now reap what you sow.
  24. T.S.C.Plage

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I didn't say his reply were lies but that I think the given reasons in the blog fall into this category. Daniel left? I bet he had more then one good reason to leave the sinking ship that's called Bohemia Interactive but that doesn't explains why DnA had to become the Project Lead. Especially when you consider what major f'up TKOH actually is.