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Everything posted by Tactician

  1. Tactician

    Terrain detail options off for mp games?

    While we're at it, why don't we just go ahead and shoot low-end players in the face? Don't rob me of the 10-15 FPS I usually play with please.
  2. Tactician

    Public master server for ofp:r

    I say, use the ingame browser and be merry. No need to touch GSA. Although, it doesn't serve justice. ASE is the best way to find games outside the browser, hands down. Supporting GSA's awful service only encourages other game producers to do so. Just look at the America's Army game, GSA totally miffed that release. Every time I returned from the game, it took 5 minutes for GSA to catch up with all the unmoderated spammy crap chat that was being flung back and forth. Professionalism was the last thing on my mind.
  3. Tactician

    Best multiplayer player

    This is silly.
  4. Tactician

    Realistic missions with restricted respawn

    "Realistic" means no respawn.
  5. Tactician


    Revenge is always destructive.
  6. Tactician

    Tactician's c&h pack 1

    Tactician's C&H Map Pack 1 Tactician's Capture and Hold Mission Pack  :  first edition Final revision and compilation 5-21-02 Five multiplayer missions for up to 40 players This is the definitive version.  If you run one of my C&H missions on your server, make sure it came from this crop.  There are a lot of older versions floating around, and I don't like to see people playing my outdated work.
  7. Tactician

    Cheaters we have using the ammo cheat

    That was bordering on incoherence. Anyway, I just thought I'd say I saw a guy firing rockets from a LAW launcher this afternoon, and he survived a barrage of 57mm rockets. I might waver on my conviction on account of lag if he hadn't been constantly firing at me for about a minute. He showed no modified config message. I was doubtful of the existence of these cheats, but now I'm a believer.
  8. Tactician

    Custom face issue

    When I played 1.55 on a dedicated server with three other people, all the people with custom faces had the default white face. I saw my own custom face just fine, and the AI had normal faces. Someone else said they saw my face as all white, too. I didn't do any extensive testing. Only happened once.
  9. Tactician

    Squad battles

    And check out http://ofp.stronger.org for STA-OFP.
  10. Tactician

    Tracers in veteran mode

    The official addon rifle (G36a, Steyr AUG) tracers are still visible in veteran mode, and any other time rifle tracers are disabled.
  11. Tactician

    Public servers and leadership

    Usually when I'm in this situation, I follow their instructions at least for a little bit to see if they're any good at commanding.
  12. Tactician

    Triggered respawn

    Agreed. That would open up quite a few possibilities.
  13. Tactician

    How to stop people from using their Microphones

    Guys, what are you talking about? Voice can be disabled. Put this in the server config: voiceOverNet = false Came out in 1.42.
  14. Tactician

    Game wont start even if all green

    On a dedicated server, I've linked the occurence of this bug to the usage of #reassign by an admin.
  15. Tactician

    What is desync and how can we reduce it?

    The in/out kbps ought to be at least 250 for 12 players, I think. If the values are really 60/15 with multiple players, something might be wrong with your connection.
  16. Tactician

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    And engineers ought to be able to disarm enemy mines, too.
  17. Tactician

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    What if the message were only displayed for the team of the flag carrier, so they would know that the flag isn't on the pole, and to back him up?
  18. Tactician

    Performance issues

    From what I understand, VSync merely limits your FPS so that it doesn't surprass the refresh rate. Since refresh rates are commonly at least 60hz, it shouldn't effect you unless you reach that framerate. I'd leave it on. When the game tries to render faster than the display updates itself, you could have trouble.
  19. Tactician

    Whats up with re-spawning as a sniper with an m16?

    By default you start with an assault rifle and one clip, but the mission author can choose to use a reload-on-respawn system, so that you get all your default weapons back upon respawn.
  20. Tactician

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    I think the mission editor should make it however he feels it best suits the type of gameplay he has in mind.
  21. Tactician

    Commanding a tank

    Whenever I did the tank commander missions of the 1985 campaign, I just used radio 1-9 to tell them to go to the next waypoint. Easy as it can get.
  22. Tactician

    What i want in mp

    Enron, I hope you were kidding about the rifle.
  23. Tactician

    Server question

    You can find instructions for squad.xml here. http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/mp/squadlogo.htm
  24. Tactician

    Admin controls:

    Yes, but that doesn't help a dedicated server admin at all. They don't even get to select the params, it always goes to defaults.