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The Judge

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About The Judge

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The Judge


    Do we still want her or what because we stile dont have no one who will do it
  2. The Judge


    Now its nothing more the scrapmetal
  3. The Judge


    Thats a cool ep. There are more of cool eps Like the red chopper that supposted to by better then ower black friend
  4. The Judge


    She douse look sweet on the pic by the way. Next time paint it black and have the guns come out
  5. The Judge


    I dont need the details i need the MODEL Sole !!
  6. The Judge

    Updates updates and .....updates

    Yeah its clear on the website now 2
  7. The Judge


    Is there some body here that can do it. Are there any guys here on the forum who can do thise
  8. The Judge

    Mh-6 little bird wannabe

    Can it be done Or cant it be done
  9. The Judge

    Updates updates and .....updates

    Hmm it should be clear. But whats the problem with 1.10
  10. The Judge

    Updates updates and .....updates

    You nice lads I need some help to look true the woods. I have version 1.00 I have to update but to wich version 1.46?? but the want me to update the updates in between? Can some body just explain me in english or dutch (that aint german lads) What fecking steps i need to thake to get my versions updated Thx in advanced
  11. The Judge


    I dont care what it is I WANT IT !!!
  12. The Judge


    You guys, Now i'm gone bagg for some help. I want to become something that i'm not I want to make games but it seems i need some help because, I dont even know where to start. I have a nice job at M$ but thats not where i want to stay my heart is in games. And thats what i want my job to by So if there is anybody who wants to learn me stuff or knows ppl who i can ask stuff please let me know I want to make a nice SP level for FLASHPOINT. If there is somebody out there contact me !!
  13. The Judge


    That looooooooooookkkkksss great But now i realy want it !!!!! We need some one who can do it !!!! PLEASE HELP US !!!!!
  14. The Judge

    River and bridges

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (arjen @ Mar. 07 2002,12:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When that tool is released to the public or even to some MOD makers who would like to execute this idea.. we could have large maps in a glance. What i am talking about is this: if we can get ahold of the file encoding or structure for maps we could write a tool which can read images representing area maps. We could then place objects on that map according to the colours found in the image. And we could use the official tool to finish up the work.<span id='postcolor'> yeah sure i know exactly what you thalk about !!
  15. The Judge

    I want an MH-6 'Little Bird' !!! :-)

    Lets bagg hawkeye lets bagg