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About TheUser

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. TheUser

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    While it was installing, I received some error about not being able to apply the patch to some .pbo. I just clicked on "retry" and it seems it went ahead with it. The log reads "Update 1.06-1.08\ADDONS\DESERT.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1" but I hope the patch got applied properly...
  2. TheUser

    Where are the OFP and Red Hammer campaign fixes?

    Choppers flying into forests, waypoints not activating... typical scripting issues.
  3. TheUser

    Where are the OFP and Red Hammer campaign fixes?

    Unless I've gone completely blind, there are no campaign fixes there...
  4. I remember there being some compatibility fixes for the old campaigns yet now that I need them again (reformat) I can't seem to find them. Any links for the correct ones (for 1.96)?
  5. TheUser

    Fond Farewell to OFP from ArmA

    ArmA has a looooong way to go before it reaches OFP's status in playability and fun factor...
  6. TheUser

    Just one request...

    I have like a million of things I'd change in ArmA but there's one thing which would help us keyboard+mouse flyers here a lot: add a floating mouse cursor. I need that cursor (just like in OFP) to effectively target something in a chopper. Using the command menu to target is not what you'd call military precision. Anyone else agree?
  7. TheUser

    Attacking BMP's etc with your men

    ...yeah you have to aim high to compensate for distance with m136, exactly like the old LAW in OPF Â (which incidentally I was an absolute master with ) Yes but the sights with the old LAW and RPG where much more user friendly as they had a range...
  8. Could someone with an account report it as I'd hate to have yet another account to take care of.
  9. Noticed today that when have the launcher (only tried the NATO one) on your shoulder and then you use the binoculars (which work nicely with just one hand ) and then you try to change back, it changes to the main weapon and not back to the launcher. Anyone else noticed this?
  10. TheUser

    How to disable "HDR"?

    A quote from the manual from the Settings/Options section: "HDR quality - High Dynamic Range lighting in ArmA works with lights in real world range to simulate various lighting conditions. It's not recommended to manually change this option."
  11. TheUser

    Vehicle/Weapon Sounds: Still Unrealistic?

    OFP used to have kinda muffled sounds for the far away events like grenades launched and stuff. Then after some patch that feature was gone and the sounds sounded the same no matter how far away it was. The same is for ArmA, at least for me. Using an Audigy2, btw.
  12. TheUser

    How to disable "HDR"?

    The arm gets in the way when you look upwards while holding a weapon in the alert position? Yes it will do because your character is still aiming it in the direction you're looking, try pressing left CTRL twice to lower the weapon or even drop it, then look around and the arm won't be there to get in the way. You got it backwards. The reason the arm gets in the way is because the head isn't looking high enough. Try it in OFP. Also, my eyes are already adjusting to any light level changes and I can't do anything about it. Do I really need another adjustment on top of that?
  13. TheUser

    How to disable "HDR"?

    wtf? ...... what is wrong in that video? Â Nothing I can see ........... I like the HDR in ArmA, adds some spice to tactics .... dawn attacks can be a WHOLE different story depending if you looking to the west or looking to the east Can't you see how the brightness keeps changing relatively much even though I just move the view just a bit and the overall scenery remains pretty much the same. Not to mention the arm getting in the way If the HDR was as "cleanly" implemented as with some other games, I'd have no problem with it. In fact, it works quite well in the nighttime when you're on foot. I think they need to raise the threshold of the values or something by which HDR is changing the brightness. Also make the changes happen at least twice as slow in the daytime than they are now.
  14. TheUser

    How to disable "HDR"?

    Here, my very own production: VIDEO HERE, PLEASE SAVE AS
  15. TheUser

    How to disable "HDR"?

    sorry a double post (awfully slow here)...