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Tex -USMC-

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Posts posted by Tex -USMC-

  1. @ June 24 2004,17:44)]
    Tex...I was gonna respond..then I saw your profile pic... crazy_o.gif you've suffered enough..

    Tex, should I reveal to him who you really are so that he'll show you some respect? tounge_o.gif

    No, that's fine, thanks. My secret heritage should be preserved only for the most serious circumstances. tounge_o.gif

    I honestly couldn't give two craps who you are...so yeah save it for someone cares..

    You're a pleasant one, aren't you?

  2. Tex...I was gonna respond..then I saw your profile pic... crazy_o.gif you've suffered enough..

    Tex, should I reveal to him who you really are so that he'll show you some respect? tounge_o.gif

    No, that's fine, thanks. My secret heritage should be preserved only for the most serious circumstances. tounge_o.gif

  3. everybody, just leave the little boy alone....he'll eventually get bored and go back to playing with his pokemon cards..JUST IGNORE HIM

    You really ought to stop referring to yourself in the third person.

  4. Right now I'm reading The Greco-Persian Wars by Peter Green, which details the series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Persian Empire and the assorted Greek city-states, from Marathon all the way through the Pelopennesian Wars. Great stuff. Also my damn seminar professor has us reading a biography on Alexander the Great, so... yeah. I'm up to my ass in ancient wars at the moment.

  5. It stands for 'quod erat demonstradum'.

    edit: which means "which was to be shown/proven". Generally used to indicate the end of an argument after a particular piece of evidence or argument is brought to bear.

  6. Special Forces are simply better trained soldiers. They are not suicidal, and will surrender in a losing situation. I think you've been watching too many films.

    For a second there I could have sworn there were two badgers in your avatar...

  7. Quote[/b] ]§5)No posting of explicit images

    No posting of pictures containing porn, real killing, mutilations, wounds, carnage, and other disgusting/explicit images. This also includes links to pages that contain such images. There have been a number of incidents where people have linked to news sites which unbeknownst to them contains obscene images a few mouse clicks away, while we can't expect people to check every link on a site it is strongly suggested that whenever making a post about a news item the post is structured in a way that provides the information without risk of breaching the rules. A good example of how to do this can be seen below. If you're ever unsure as to whether or not a link should be posted on the forum feel free to PM a moderator for guidance.


  8. Those are some tough bastards- I remember seeing a guy crash and end up in a tree, and he just climbed down, got back on his bike, and got back in the race. That's why I watch- it's athleticism as it's best.

    And for some reason I enjoy hearing a guy with an Australian accent say 'peloton'. Go figure.

  9. Yeah I've tried it- it's more stable than the 162, and better armed, so I prefer it for work against bombers- otherwise though, the Salamander will be handling most of my future jet-jockying needs smile_o.gif

  10. Quote[/b] ]Check the dates, my story is an update on your story.

    My story is updated one because it was posted 21 minutes ago...now its 1 hour, 2 minutes ago

    See above. Yahoo's timer in those regards is slightly screwy.

  11. Now only 16 people died....


    Quote[/b] ]

    U.S. Attacks Al-Zarqawi Hideout; 16 Dead

    21 minutes ago  

    By JIM KRANE, Associated Press Writer

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military stepped up its campaign against militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, launching an airstrike Saturday that pulverized a suspected hideout in Fallujah. At least 16 people were killed and several houses in the residential neighborhood were wrecked.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the military's deputy operations chief, said multiple intelligence sources suggested that "a significant number of people in the Zarqawi network" were in the house at the time of the attack.


    Check the dates, my story is an update on your story.



    Quote[/b] ]Sat Jun 19, 6:22 PM ET



    Quote[/b] ]Sat Jun 19,12:15 PM ET

  12. Well, I just purchased Halo for the PC... and I gotta say I been playing it for a few hours now.

    I don't know why people say "it lags, it's slow, blahh blahh"

    They must have started some boycott or something because the game runs fine.  Sure there is slowdown sometimes, but not so that it makes the game unplayable.  Not as bad as Star Wars Galaxies...lemme just put it that way crazy_o.gif

    I'm also starting a Roughneck squad www.roughnecks.org for Halo (dont know when it will be setup) so if anybody owns Halo and wats to start a squad lemme know smile_o.gif

    Whoa, thread necromancy.

  13. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tm....aq_dc_8

    Quote[/b] ]FALLUJA, Iraq (Reuters) - U.S. forces killed 22 people on Saturday in a "precision strike" on a house in the flashpoint Iraqi city of Falluja that the military said was being used as a safehouse by militants linked to al Qaeda.

    Furious Iraqis said the dead included women and children. But Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt said in Baghdad the house was being used by fighters loyal to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, accused by Washington of leading a bloody campaign of suicide bombings and of decapitating a U.S. hostage last month.

    "We have significant evidence that there were members of the Zarqawi network in the house," Kimmitt said. But officers said there was no sign that Zarqawi himself -- who has a $10 million price on his head -- was there when the house was destroyed.

    Falluja residents said two missiles had been fired at the house by a U.S. plane on Saturday morning, flattening the building. Kimmitt said the U.S. strike had caused secondary blasts as ammunition inside the house exploded.

    "An American plane hit this house and three others were damaged. Only body parts are left," a witness said, as rescuers dug through the rubble of the shattered house for survivors.

    "They brought us 22 corpses, children, women and youth," Ahmed Hassan, a cemetery worker, said after the blast.

    Washington says the Jordanian-born Zarqawi has been the mastermind between a series of bloody suicide attacks in Iraq that have sowed chaos and claimed hundreds of lives. It says he was also the man shown beheading U.S. hostage Nicholas Berg in a grisly video posted on the Internet last month.


  14. We are about freeing people, but obviously we cant free everyone all at once. We liberated iraq cause it was a threat and a good candidate for liberation for many reasons. Most other "opressed nations" arent as bad, or we will get to them later.


  15. Fun fact-

    Number of prisoners kept at Abu-Ghraib prison under the Hussein regime: 5,000

    Number of prisoners kept at Abu-Ghraib under the Coalition Provisional Authority (pre-scandal): 7,000

    Freedom kicks ass.

  16. The pentagon is always drawing up contingency plans for invadinghostile neighbors. Whats new?

    The CIA was asked to find a iraq-aq link, last time I checked wasnt it their job to find links and stuff like that?

    No, they already had a contingency plan. The administration wanted them to draw up a new one about 3 years ahead of schedule.

    When I say find a link I mean find (wink wink, nudge dudge) a link.

  17. Quote[/b] ]Holy shit, Brit Hume lying for the administration? That's never happened before.

    He is not lying because Bush never said directly that Iraq was a part of the 9/11 attacks im public. OMG it is 3:13 AM..... crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

    Read Plan of Attack. And then read the transcript of the White House press conference I posted earlier. 1) Because from late September '01 on, the administration pressed the Pentagon to draw up an invasion of Iraq and for the CIA to find an Iraq-9/11 connection, despite being busy with Afghanistan at the time 2) The White House never made more than vague assertions of the link between Iraq and AQ; in a situation where most Americans don't know anything about AQ except they were responsible for 9/11, just vaguely referencing a connection is tantamount to implicating Iraq in the attacks. How else do you explain the polls showing over 40% of Americans still believing Iraq was involved? It's the Goebbels 'Big Lie' theory in practice. 3) Contacts != ties, collaboration, or relationships. The two entities made contact less than 10 times, and no working relationship or coordination ever occurred. AQ wasn't even able to use Iraq as a recruiting base (bar recruiting in the Kurdish autonomous zone) until post-invasion. It's embarassing to point to this abortive game of international phone tag as "long standing ties" as both Cheney and Bush have asserted. But, for fun, let's play your game. Let's say that a meeting between two officials constitutes "long standing ties" and a "collaborative relationship", as far as 10 years down the line...


    Oh snap- that means that we actually attacked Iraq during the Gulf War while we simultaneously having long standing ties and a collaborative relationship with them. How awkward.

  18. Quote[/b] ]Hmmm.....Clinton said that Iraq had WMDs.

    Yes, and he also started a massive war with far-reaching implications for the entire region as well as for our countr- oh wait; HE DIDN'T. Face it: containment worked, and you have Clinton to thank for it.
