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Tex -USMC-

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Posts posted by Tex -USMC-

  1. @ May 18 2004,05:13)]You kidding Akira? Midland is like the suburbs, only without a vibrant urban center to leech off of. Randall's was never out here, and the only grocery store HEB chased off was Albertson's  tounge_o.gif . But things are looking up- I'm going to be living in Georgetown come fall (attending Southwestern), so I'll be spending time in a part of Texas that doesn't suck.

    No shit? My wife graduated from Southwestern. You'll be about 15 minutes from where I live as well. We'll have to hook up some time.

    Awesome smile_o.gif

  2. Quote[/b] ]Why? Don't worry we saved the oil and we saved the Saudis. Why further?

    We would have saved several thousand Shi'ite and Kurdish lives- of course, those lives would'nt have been lost if we hadn't encouraged them to revolt...

  3. You kidding Akira? Midland is like the suburbs, only without a vibrant urban center to leech off of. Randall's was never out here, and the only grocery store HEB chased off was Albertson's tounge_o.gif . But things are looking up- I'm going to be living in Georgetown come fall (attending Southwestern), so I'll be spending time in a part of Texas that doesn't suck.

  4. Every year someone makes a thread about this, and every year Placebo closes it because he and everyone who doesn't live in Western Europe could care less.

    edit: of course, that being said, good luck to Britain

  5. I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Sgt. Bryant: if I'm going to Iraq, I'm going as a truck driver making 100k a year, not a line-doggie making 15- my chances of getting my head cut off are about the same either way, so I figure it would be better to go where the opportunities are. But it's a moot point, since I'm going to Southwesten U in the fall. unclesam.gif

  6. I forgot to mention that they're crunchy. And the rest of you are bunch of pansies- these guys are completely harmless and pretty damn fascinating. They can be a little loud, but what the hell- they only come around now and then. I for one welcome our new cicada overlords:


  7. Cicadas are awesome- brings back memories. In our area we have 2 or 3 smaller broods that went through their mating cycle when I was a kid. They're harmless but loud, they're really cool to mess around with, and dogs love to eat them (we used to spend all afternoon running around looking for the little buggers just to feed them to our two labs). Good times smile_o.gif

  8. Quote[/b] ]WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Calling it a "high priority," President Bush on Wednesday asked Congress for an additional $25 billion to cover military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.


    crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif

    Expected and necessary. I'm glad he didn't delay the decision for political reasons, at least.
