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Tex -USMC-

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Posts posted by Tex -USMC-

  1. The argument that always gets me is "Well, when Saddam was in power prisoners were treated much worse". I thought the line in Bush's speech was always "We seek to eliminate Saddam's torture chambers and rape rooms" not "We seek to put them under new management, maybe give the iron maiden a fresh coat of paint". An argument about a different incident in Iraq has given me a new lens to look at this kind of thing through. Whenever I reflexively go to defend something like this, I step back and think- "What would I think of these words, coming from a German citizen circa 1941?"

    Sometimes it scares the beejesus out of me.

  2. Kerry is a big loser in that respect. He's too intellectual for the broad public to accept. If he wins it will because people are fed up with Bush and he is the only other alternative. I think he might be a good president, but he is a lousy candidate. For instance he presented a plan for national security policy. He made a list of four points and called it "the four imperatives". Bush would have probably called it the "four points for freedom liberty and justice" or something similar. Works much better with a crowd.

    The Daily Show summed it up the other night while making fun of one of Kerry's campaign ads. The ad says "After graduating from Yale, John Kerry volunteered for combat duty in Vietnam"- cut to John Stewart: "Uh, Mr. Kerry, I've got some bad news: Americans don't do nuance. You might think you're taking a veiled jab at President Bush, but all the average Joe-Sixpack is thinking is "Wait... that dick went to Yale?!"

  3. @ May 27 2004,19:26)]Freedom kicks ass, wouldn't you say?

    I'm not going to waste my time arguing when it would not sway anyone at this point. I agree with the article. All of it. I'm sick and tired of every single damn article, post, comment about the war being anti-american, anti-bush, anti-everything, peace-love-sing songs and hold hands and everything will work out. Only a portion of that article talked about the prison.

    She manages to demonstrate her complete ignorance as to what a damaging effect her views, were they translated to US policy, would have. Having a "Fuckit" attitude is fine if it isn't coupled with a perpetual need to invade other countries.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Bitch? For having the gall to speak her mind? Give me a break. I've talked to hundreds of people of all walks of life since all this came up, and most all of them have this same frame of mind. Call it what you will, ignorance, lack of humanity, nationalistic values gone haywire, etc, but that is the thinking of most people I've met or know who have discussed this.

    Of course not for speaking her mind. For being ignorant, heartless, and completely without empathy or analytical capability, yes.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Take the moral high, everyone should, not everyone can or does. I personally have mixed feelings over it all. I feel horrible for innocents in that prison, innocents caught in crossfires, people losing everything, but feel no remorse for if it means saving an american life. I'm a horrible person in that way. I, like you, want to take the high ground and condemn all things american at this moment, but I cannot. That makes me a bad person, but I cannot think differently as hard as I try.

    It's not about condemning all things American. It's about us, if we truly are the good guys, acting like it. It's about the fact that this wasn't an isolated incident, but in fact part of a larger policy of torture, possibly endorsed by the Secretary of Defense himself. It's about a slippery fucking slope into hypocrisy and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't bear contemplation.

  4. a reporter with some common sense.

    Finally, a reporter I can agree with. I can feel the heat already coming from across the pond. Flame away  tounge_o.gif

    Hey, that's great. We're not as bad as Saddam Hussein? That's just great news! What a bitch. Maybe one might remind her that so much of what we do around the world relies on a little thing called "the moral high ground". We're either 'liberating the Iraqi people' or we're 'forcing them to simulate homosexual acts'. You can't do both. Also, fun fact: during Hussein's tenure, Abu Ghraib played host to 5,000 prisoners at any given time. Under US supervision, Abu ghraib holds... 7,000. Freedom kicks ass, wouldn't you say?

  5. Quote[/b] ]Your so called objective reality is an incorrect perception that I intend to correct;

    How do you intend to do that? All I said was that in America, people generally perceive Republicans as being stronger on defense issues. How do you intend to correct something that is a simple fact? Like I said, you are completely out of step with what the American people think- that's not a bad thing in and of itself, but coupled with grandiose declarations of what Americans think and are going to do is just plain silliness.

    Quote[/b] ]like the one that they are better at the economy it is demonstrably untrue and not based in any reality

    I never said that. If you'll remember, I said that Bush's economic policies were the least vulnerable of his platforms. Also, considering the 'alternatives' Kerry has been putting forward, I'd say that everything I've said in that regard holds up 100% under scrutiny from an economic standpoint.

    Quote[/b] ]The plane fact is Republicans Tax and spend policies are damaging the US economy. Saying Deficit spending is not tax displays the same kind of stupidity as the man who maxes out his credit card and says he has not spent any money. Bills have to be paid. Bills to the countries credit card (deficits) are paid for with taxes of course the magic tooth fairy might pay them for you  

    Out of curiosity, which of Kerry's platforms indicates fiscal responsibility? His multi-billion dollar health care plan? His continued financial support of the Iraq War? His boosting of Homeland Security funding? His ignoring the looming Social Security crisis? Or possibly his middle class tax cuts? Hmm? And as for deficit spending, it is not in and of itself a bad thing- taken to the extremes that Bush has, yes it is harmful, but hardly to the extent of derailing our economy. I'd be more concerned about the contradiction between Bush's ideology and his actions.

    Quote[/b] ]Have a look at your proposed 2006 US budget and watch the bill rise like that for the next 30 years to pay of the Republicans credit card tax bill.

    Yes, the proposed 2006 budget, proposed by people who don't even know if they'll be in office then. Numbers forecasted that far in advance are sheer fantasy.

    Quote[/b] ]The plane fact is Republicans are weak on defense

    * otherwise 9/11 would not have happened on a Republican Presidents watch

    * otherwise the US would not be fighting the wrong enemy in the war on terror

    * otherwise the massive costs of Republicans credit card tax bill would not be due cut veterans funding, homeland defence and the funding for the stream of defence projects that have been axed would not have gone toward a bill for a war; that has cost the US TAX payer fast aproaching 200 billion dollars and rising.

    *Pardon? I thought we cleared this up- even Richard Clarke didn't go as far as to lay that charge on Bush's doorstep.

    *A majority of Democrats voted for the Iraq War as well, including Kerry.

    *I'm sorry, that's complete incoherence. Justify your numbers and explain how exactly cuts in government programs are costing us money.

    Quote[/b] ]I am fully aware that fiscal property and strength in defense are the mythical inheritance of republicans.

    Then why argue? That's all I stated. Your inability to seperate what is from what you think ought to be is the most worrying aspect of your posts.
    Quote[/b] ]My statements on the other hand are based in verifiable fact the contrary statements are based in myth as blatantly false as the one that says the world is flat.

    Parse that sentence! icon4.gif

    Quote[/b] ]I state quite categorically they are myths.

    Every single thing I've said holds up, despite your best efforts to the contrary. Rewind to the earlier pages of this thread if you need more evidence of this.

    Quote[/b] ]Sir I like a good honest intellectual debate but I am and will always remain a practical anarchist engaged in the politics of the real world you Sir are not one of those I seek to persuade. I would willingly join you in your intelectual endevour to enlighten people with reasoned argument if it were not for the one thing that the election aproaches and intend to give those who argue TBAs cause no chance to perpetuate their myths. I Sir intend to fight.

    Please don't call me sir- I'm at least 5 years younger than you. As for the practical applications of what you're doing, I'd like to remind you of one thing: you are posting on an internet forum. Take that as you will- generally the only people who lend a stranger's post credence are those who already agree. The only way to change opinions here is with debate in good faith and on intellectually honest terms. The equivalent of propaganda leaflets only serves to polarize people and lower the level of exchange to one so visceral that people are unlikely to change their opinions, even when confronted with what has so consistently been shown to be The Truth â„¢.

    Quote[/b] ]You correctly assessed the target for persuasion of my posts is not you or any like you. That it upsets your sensibilities to see me stoop so low as to use the weapons of the republicans should not however surprise you.

    This is a politics thread where political combat is joined and philosophical blood is spilt. Expect no niceties of debating etiquette in a political knife fight and consider in politics it is the one who leaves the other side of the debates in a steaming pile of their own dialectic giblets who has won.

    Your prose is scintillating. However, the idea that you would simultaneously trust the electorate to make such vital decisions of import, while at the same time not trusting them to sort reality from propaganda, seems self-defeating on an epic level.

    Quote[/b] ]Always consider Sir who it is I seek to persuade and that the goal I seek is the complete annihilation of the TBA as working political entity and that I do this because along with TBA 2 they killed tens of thousands of people including many of my and your fellow countrymen in a needless war and that in order to do that they perpetrated a lie on us all and on me personally that got me to agree to that needless war that killed those people. People who do such a thing gain my implacable political enmity.

    Sir that I follow my own agenda and am as brutal as I can be are only to be expected; this is after all politics thread and TBA and TBA2 are my political enemy.

    "Whomever fights monsters should take care not to become a monster himself. And when you gaze for long into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes also into you."

  6. The latest Newsweek's cover story is a fascinating look at Ahmad Chalabi and what a massive crook he is. Also his close ties to, among others, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Cheney.

  7. Walker, please, it's getting a bit obnoxious. I know you mean well, but you're making assertions that clearly show how little you understand about American politics. Republicans are considered by a majority of Americans to be stronger on defence than Democrats (not a political statement, just one of an objective reality). As for your indication that Pennsylvania will vote for Kerry, those polling numbers are well within the margins of error, meaning that it is a tie. Tie, in case you were wondering, means that an advantage is held by neither side. The same for the Cuban story- one rich expatriate switching sides is hardly indicative of a major shift of the entire voting block. If you want to contribute news updates, please do, but your propaganda-release addendums are annoying, and consistently innacurate and/or misleading. In my estimation that makes you no better than conservatives on the opposite side of the fence who manipulate facts to further their own agenda. I know I've tried this before with you, but I figure it's worth another shot.

  8. Back on topic

    updating your profiles...I mean why give away public information?  Just have people talk to you on IM then they can talk about their lives....but heck, why would you want to know what I do for a living or what i like to do with chicks in my free time, eh?  I mean seriously, you all have pals to hang out with right?

    Curiosity. And if you're so against this, why'd you put your full name and town in your profile?

  9. IL2 is fun and very beutiful but after awhile it gets old, there are only so many ways to fight in the air. There are not that many people online. Yes it is a far better arial simulator than ofp but it is dedicated to ariel combat and eventually it gets old, here is some pics

    Are you talking about IL-2 or Forgotten battles?  rock.gif. Forgotten battles has never "Gotten Old" for me, and I haven't yet gotten my paws on the Aces expansion.

    As for "only so many ways to fight in the air" - you can be VERY creative, just check this out!

    Neat series of screenshots

    Fun fun! biggrin_o.gif

    Wow... just- wow.

  10. I'm eagerly awaiting Doom 3, but Half-Life 2 has got to be my number one most waited for game, EVER!

    By the way, it's got it's own website: http://www.half-life2.com

    Guess what? Half-Life 3 is also being planned! So expect another cliffhanger ending!

    [Gareth Gates must die]

    Hey that's great news. If how long they're taking with HL2 is any measure, I ought to be able to get my hands on HL3 when I'm out of grad school icon8.gif

  11. Is the OFP engine capable of this?

    I mean instead of buying IL2 will I be content with WW2 addons for OFP?

    Are WW2 OFP addons very good so as to eliminate the need to buy IL2 to have fun?


  12. And the surprise is... what? The F-15C is 20+ year-old technology, and Boeing was releasing studies like this years ago: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/su-30mk.htm

    Quote[/b] ]In May 2002 it was reported that studies in a Boeing simulator complex show that the Su-30MK can defeat an F-15C “every time†by using a combination beyond visual range (BVR) attack with an AA-12, followed by a close approach and attack with an IR-guided AA-11. The Su-30 penetrates the F-15’s Doppler radar net because it can rapidly dump speed to zero relative to the F-15, then attack from below and accelerate away. Similar tactics, say the analysts, would not work against an F-22 or F-35. The maneuver also requires great pilot skill, of a level very rare outside leading Western powers. It is also possible that the test is set up to justify purchase of the F-22 and F-35 along with various new air-to-air missiles. Critics point out that the maneuver will also not work against the F-16 and F-18, since with their smaller radar signatures they are not so vulnerable to the BVR portion of the attack.

    Old news.

  13. Here are some shots I took of our trebuchet a few weeks ago at a milk jug throwing competition.


    Our fearless hero, in all his blurry glory, charging into the fray.


    Our trebuchet. The color scheme was not my call.


    The condemned.


    Part of the team, setting up.


    It says 'Fleminator', for those of you who can't read our embarassingly bad shadowbox writing.


    Our trebuchet's namesake, the inimitable Mr. Fleming.


    Gratuitous phallic symbolism.


    Part of the team.


    Ready to go.


    Yours truly on top of the trebuchet, getting the lines straightened out. Due to the wind, this process was repeated every shot, and to make things easier on me I just rode the fiberglass arm down as they pulled it. Fun.


    Me again.


    The chains, man, the chains!


    The team again, before we pack it up for the day.


    The aftermath.


    The Fleminator, all packed up.


    This is what happens when you have an extra exposure on the film.


    And, because you've made it this far, here's my dog, Max.

  14. JohnWayne has a very good point- I run into new people everyday who didn't have a clue what Muslim/American relations consisted of in 2000, much less 40 years ago. Suffice it to say that Americans are neither as politically plugged in, so to speak, as our counterparts, and we certainly don't have nearly as long memories.

  15. It's barely a year old, and has a tendency to jump around alot during the course of a wash. Also, I don't know if you've ever tried to give a long-haired dog a bath, but hair gets absolutely everywhere. But no, there isn't much to do here- we're just not quite that bereft of entertainment tounge_o.gif
