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Everything posted by ThePredator

  1. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Well, there is the problem: RPG is dead on and confirmed authentic, however, the Shilka is far from realistic, it was recorded from a game trailer for some upcoming RTS game. This is a good example for the difference in authentic and realistic sounding weapons. Amplifing the M16/M4 sounds will lead to clipping, reducing the peaks will be the same as it is now. The more peaks are out of range, the less quality will be.
  2. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Changing the voices would require a lot of voice acting. I am a german and you would hear that if I record such sounds. Won't be as bad as Arnold Schwarzenegger, though If there is more interest in voice changes, I need voice actors with good pronounciation, I can't use texas drawl. British, american and australian accents would be my choices for that.
  3. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Adjusting the recoil is trial and error. Just compare the recoil of submachine guns with the values for the M240 and you get the idea. To the suppressor issue: "Quiet" is relative. A suppressor is not really quiet, 134-140 dB(A) is still beyond the safe hearing level, the shot does not sound like a gunshot anymore, that's all.
  4. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    That sounds cool, dude, can't wait for the results. The 83 MB video upload is ready for viewers. Don't mind the hack 'n' slay cutting, I am no director after all. Raw cut
  5. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The config mod is not compatible with 1.07b of course. It was written for 1.04. New config mod will be released after the final patch is out. I am uploading a raw cut of most of the weapons being fired. Double checked on authenticity and it also corresponds with my experience in firearms. Some sounds are still not correct, just better than vanilla, let's pretend it's WIP. To write down which sounds are (close to) final: - M249 - M240 - MP5SD - M4 & SD - M4 SPR - M16 - Mk19 - M203 - AT4 - GAU-8 - M61 - M24 - M107 - M2HB - DShKM - RPG-7 - SVD - Strela - TOW - Javelin - M134 - KA-50 engine - AH-1 engine - M1A1 engine, treads, servo - AZP-23 - UH-60 engine That's the list for now. Changes are unlikely but not impossible. Without proper criticism by most of the users, I won't change them, because I like those.
  6. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Thanks alot. I removed the echo from most of the small arms, just the true sniper rifles still have some echo to reflect the long range nature of sniper fire (you have enough distance between you and the target to realize the echo). @agamoth: Most vehicles sound still the same, the majority of weapons have been changed, though. I don't think the changed sounds are similar to the vanillas, but I know what I have done
  7. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    I need more info from both of you. Just telling you got errors or problems won't do the trick. Did you add the -mod=ModWarSound to the shortcut? Did you extract the files into the ArmA main folder? Please be more specific, it is either your fault (no offense) or some problem no one else had so far.
  8. ThePredator

    Sound scripting

    Try to look for "OFP Sound Lab" Best tool I found.
  9. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    This is personal preference, of course. Since I am a competitive shooter, I know how guns sound in different environments. I also know some of the military weapons used in Armed Assault, but FDF sounds, as good as they are, do not sound like any of those I know. They are not authentic to me. I thought everything is pretty much the same. For realism and authenticity, I have to stick to combat footage and low-fi sound samples. I don't want to have hollywood sound effects or just different sounds to the vanilla game. I'd like to keep the echo for most guns, because there is some slight reflection. The shooter does not hear it, but it still exists. If I concentrate on hitting my target (in game and in the real world) I barely hear anything else but my heart and breathing. In Armed Assault, I experienced I don't realize the gun going off, but it's nice to hear someone else shooting, so the sound is more important for the listener, not the shooter. If possible, please let me know which sounds you like and what sounds needs to be changed/replaced. There are not just gun sounds. Vehicles were changed, too. Besides the few known bugs, the most thing I hear is "Nice work" That is barely the sort of criticism to enhance the sound environment, if you take my meaning.
  10. ThePredator

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    As I already mentioned on german forums: BIS should be ashamed of what they did to the Javelin. Even I, as a newbe to modding, was able to make the missile fly in top down and direct attack with the old, corrupted model. Why fixing the model, if we can't use it? And "fixing" the model is not true, either. I wonder how many patches will be necessary to fix all those minor things known for ages....
  11. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    My maxime for Modern Warfare is "realism without compromise". So my current build is pretty much what I feel ArmA should've be like in the first place. Some sounds do not really fit others in echo, quality or sharpness, but hey, this is a game after all. If someone tells you, he can hear the difference of guns being fired, he has some point, but this is not true for most occasions. Guns always sound different, just move around a shooting range. Distance cuts the hights and evrything sound muffled. In the proximitry of a gun you don't hear anything, sound pressure is above safe hearing level (180 dB+) and not recomended at all. A few meters away from the blast, everything sounds metallic but the blast itself feels like a punch. No computer game, hollywood movie and no THX, Dolby od dts will ever recreate the feeling, no matter what. I try to make some sound mod that is authentic. I don't care if the guns sound like toys, because guns DO sound like toys compared to games like BF2 or whatever you played... How on earth can anyone recreate the true sound of something that is just a loud noise? All you can try to use is the typical sound signature. For example, most gamers know the sound of an M-60 machine gun. Why? Because it has a distinct munching sound. The M-79 was nicknamed "Thumper" for a reason. I have to admit, some sounds are not authentic for the specific weapon or vehicle, the reason is simple: I don't have the sounds. I have to rely on sources like videos and other games, mostly simulations. The problem with such sounds is quality. Most videos you find on known pages are pretty much useless due to extreme compression. Those with good quality suffer from poor microphones. But let's come back on topic, I still need feedback for the current release. There are some known bugs I fixed. I need to work on the M249 sound, the PK sound, Mk19 sound, AGS30 sound (chammy got something nice in his video), G36 sound (YUCK!! and turret servos. If anyone of you got a Beretta 92FS or M9: Please record the reload sound without clipping. Same for all other weapons. Sadly, I don't have the equipment to record sounds on the range and there is no Mk23 in-game anyway.
  12. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    There still is an echo on most sounds. It would be awesome if the sound engine could create echos on its own. But the whole game lacks proper sounds and effects. There is no spin-up, shut-down event for engines, no gear operating sound (same for flaps), no eject sound, no sound occlusion for the own engine sounds (in a cockpit, tank, et cetera) No warnings for different damage types, like main rotor, tail rotor, fuel leak... All that seems to be a minor issue, but in the end all that will create more immersion and atmosphere than a super realistic graphical scene on the screen. Imagine watching your favourite movie without sound. So the whole point in sound modding is to create effects, that *could* suit the most situations, and this is open range shoot outs. To get good sounds with a natural echo is quite difficult. Adding some other echo just to have it there, sounds strange in most cases. Well, this is a statement not an answer to your question, just wanted to say that not everything authentic can sound apropriate.
  13. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Rg is working on the sounds already, well, he was when I talked to him last time. I don't have the WGL stuff, need to grab it somewhere.
  14. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Some sounds are really nice, some are not Let's try to sort them out. The 2A42 and AGS30 are pretty cool. The jet engine is awesome. The M61, however, is not even close to the real sound, the SVD is similar to mine, the ZSU 23/4 is quite good..the MP5SD is way off, RPG7, well, sounds strange, and yeah, the PK is an understatement. M4, too. M203 sounds like mine, detonation, too. Makarov is OK, AK74 is not. GP-25 is pretty good, reload too long, but ok, the AT-5 sounds a bit off. Btw, the M61 Vulcan is NOT the GAU-8, its only 20mm, not 30mm. I got a recorded sound, the humm as it is IRL.
  15. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Mhh..the sound is from some unknown aircraft...I thought the high voice is somehow nice, I got a deeper sounding female, but the beeps are much louder. I decreased the actual volume a bit, maybe that'll help. I got a shitload of cockpit warning but only one event I can use them for... Anyway, wanted to hear your opinion. Sampel One Sample Two
  16. ThePredator

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    You are right, DVD. Was wondering, thought the installer just replaced something, but it could be a placebo patch... Update: The date codes for bin.pbo and core.pbo are changed, but not the exe, which seems odd.
  17. ThePredator

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    I read the joystick issues have been solved...well I stil have them. Anything I missed?
  18. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    1: I don't work with them, but if I find sounds that will fit their weaponry, I will offer the sounds for use in their mod. 2: I will start workin on the config mod ASAP, however, the final patch has to be released first. There will be two versions, one that has no zoom and one that has the current 1.07b zoom 3: There are richochet sounds played, but the amount of deflection rounds is quite small, if I find good impact sounds for walls and other material, I will use them 4: It is possible, I guess. You can place such sounds in the editor as well. Don't know if wind is available, but it should be. Thanks for the input. As a small progress update, I've uploaded a video to YouTube. @sickboy: Nope, but thanks for the offered help !
  19. ThePredator

    Sound scripting

    Yepp, contact me, will send you a modified version with commented sections, so you can have a look at your won config.
  20. ThePredator

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Me at work with make-up and my tool
  21. ThePredator

    Patch 1.08

    Yeah, there are two commands for Prone. One is "Go Prone" which is only prone and the other toggles prone/standing position. Same for crouch. It toggles between crouching and standing position, and the other command, if I remember correctly, is "Stand up" Could be vice versa, don't know exactly at the moment.
  22. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    @griff: Yes, checked the sounds, they are a bit distorted to use them in ArmA, would sound like YouTube in-game. Sorry for that.
  23. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Which rifle you are referring to, deadsheep? The M16A4 M203's are not changed and the M16A2 sound is just like the real deal. This ain't the M79 after all. You can get the file from Armaholic.net: Download
  24. ThePredator

    Patch 1.08

    I'd like to have more events for sounds to be played. aircraft gear and flaps share the same effect as it seems, the damage sound effects (the beep sounds) should be changed and more events for fuel leaks or tail rotor failures should be made available without community scripts. Not really important, but sounds enhance the environment and atmosphere.
  25. ThePredator

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    The sound is not played properly in this video, I had a source for a high quality M203 shot. Does anyone know if there is a file size / length limitation for Damage sounds? Tried to add some warnings to the soundDammage but it is not played. Hate that beep thing.