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About Trilon

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    Private First Class
  1. Trilon

    Flickering guns

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (grey @ Aug. 07 2002,17:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">get a geforce4? sorry couldnt resist ehe<span id='postcolor'> I would if I had enough money, OFP is the main reason I splashed out & bought a new card I've done a bit of testing and the bug only appears in resistance. OFP v1.46 is flicker free. I guess I just gotta hope BIS fixes it in their next patch
  2. Trilon

    Flickering guns

    Ok, I disabled HW T&L and... no more flickering! Only problem is, the game runs much worse without HW T&L enabled. I'm talking a 50% performance drop here. Anyone know of another way to fix this problem?
  3. Trilon

    Flickering guns

    Well, I finally went out and got myself a new video card (a Radeon 8500) and now guns and sometimes parts of vehicles are flickering white in ofp Im running ofp in 1024x768 32bit. HWTL is on. Heres is a screenshot of what it looks like. Any ideas? System- WinME Athlon XP 1600+ Radeon 8500 128mb ddr (using newest drivers from ati.com) VIA K7T Turbo2 Motherboard AC97 Audio Controller
  4. Trilon

    Resistance demo - soon!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (mithrandir @ July 31 2002,10:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Has someone extracted the two new missions? So it can be put into the retail version!<span id='postcolor'> Yep, get them here: resdemo-missions.zip
  5. Trilon

    Ai landing helicopters?

    This isnt really the right place for this post. If the AI is part of your group tell him to disembark and he'll land.
  6. Trilon

    How do you.....

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ July 20 2002,03:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Can you do the same thing with static weapons, like mounted MGs and the new TOW launcher, AGS-17 etc.?<span id='postcolor'> Set their starting height? Sure can... I might as well answer the original question... In the units init field type- this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 20] Replace 20 with the height you want.
  7. Trilon

    Some random star wars addons...

    Go for it Eviscerator, I forgot about that star wars mod, if they actually finish their mod those star wars vehicles would fit in nicely. Do them after you've done the other ones first tho, a truck with machine gun sounds cool, hehe
  8. Trilon

    Some random star wars addons...

    Go for it Eviscerator, I forgot about that star wars mod, if they actually finish their mod those star wars vehicles would fit in nicely. Do them after you've done the other ones first tho, a truck with machine gun sounds cool, hehe
  9. Trilon

    Some random star wars addons...

    Personally I don't like the idea of Star Wars vehicles in ofp, I don't think I would go to the extent of chaining you up and throwing rocks at you if you were to release them though
  10. Trilon

    Some random star wars addons...

    Personally I don't like the idea of Star Wars vehicles in ofp, I don't think I would go to the extent of chaining you up and throwing rocks at you if you were to release them though
  11. Trilon

    Seb nam pack v1 -  resistance quickfix

    Operation Flashpoint can only have 1 airport usable by the AI on each map. On Nogova the AI can only take off from the airport down the bottom-left of the map. On SelectThis's vietnam map the AI can only take off from the airport near the Plei Me SF Base. Good work on the quick fix SelectThis, any eta on when the updated pack will be available?
  12. Ahh, nevermind, I think understand. The init for a unit has to be executed slightly after the createUnit command and the unit might not be named before it carries out the rest of the commands in the line, am I right? Would this work then (if in a script)? "SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "seek", alphagroup, "enemyR1 = this", 0.7, "CAPTAIN"] ~1 enemyR1 setBehaviour "careless" [enemyR1, "seek", 40] exec "RandomMove.sqs"
  13. Hmm, interesting bit of info Suma. Are you saying that in a MP environment the init for each unit is executed on each client and might get executed at slightly different times?
  14. HandGrenade should work fine too... hg="HandGrenade" camCreate getPos unitName
  15. Place an Empty>Objects>Flag (International) somewhere on the map where it wont be seen and put this in its init field- this setFlagTexture "\Flags\Flagname.jpg"; this setFlagOwner (driver vehicleName) Only problem is if the driver gets out of the vehicle he keeps the flag....simple trigger can fix that though.