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Everything posted by Tovarish

  1. Tovarish

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    When I graduate (if all goes well, this January) I should have the time for that kind of dedication. As it is now, I'm lucky to see my friends once a week, let alone get everyone together (and with the money) for half a day of running around shooting each other.
  2. Tovarish

    Canadian War Museum

    Been wanting to go there since it opened in May, haven't been able to, but hey, I'm actually caught up on my schoolwork, and have the whole weekend off. I think I may go tomorrow and take some shots
  3. Tovarish

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Believe me, i'd like to, but over here that sport is pretty much nonexistent. Plus, I only get a chance to play paintball (indoor or outdoor ) 5 times a year tops - hardly enough to justify buying my own equipment - such as a gun...and I know that airsoft guns in canada require the tip of the barrel to be painted red - which pretty much ruins the attraction of playing with a replica gun to me. But in the end I care very little that paintball guns don't look like real guns. It's kind of like I view videogames - graphics come second to gameplay.
  4. Tovarish

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Well, forgive me for desecrating it then . Others have posted about paintball in this thread, and while I realize it isn't looked upon as highly as airsoft is around here, for some of us, it's the only option - that or lazertag
  5. Tovarish

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    Played 4 hours of indoor paintball (sans paint - rubber balls instead) Sunday night. Great times, except after 4 hours of running around crouched...stairs will not be your friend the next day...or the day after :P Me, seconds before completing our team's objective (Getting that plastic rod into the opposite team's bunker, without throwing it) Me, as the VIP for my team to protect (I was volunteering for everything that night) I'm the guy at the right: Group shot (teams were changed halfway - Red was winning too much ) And here's where volunteering for everything began to look like a bad idea - for one game, I was the Predator - i.e. I was sent in without a gun, and my goal was to eliminate everyone else by tagging them out. Some of the result: The full gallery for this game: http://www.tagzone.ca/Ottawa/english/photo_Mike.htm
  6. Tovarish

    The Middle East part 2

    Got 54% The similarities are frightening.
  7. Tovarish

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Chopper insertion: A VDV soldier inspects a destroyed Technical VDV troops spot enemy armour during urban combat After a long and bloody battle, a rebel leader is captured Addons: Dynamic Afghanistan Version 1.3 AG_Smith Afghanistan Revisisted 1.2 Generic Middle East Rebels v1.21 from Munk/wheresmyrabbit?/JJR RF Airborne Troops (VDV) from Laser ICP_RPG7 v.3.0 from ORCS Russian Weapons Pack v3.2 from ORCS Toyota Hilux 1.1 with DShK 12.7mm from Lt Damage Sigma-6's 1965 GMC
  8. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    "I took a picture of a aquarium in front of my desk lamp, and photo-shopped it a bit " You have a hell of an aquarium
  9. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    It's Heeeereeee....
  10. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Damn killagee, you're very lucky to live in such a beautiful place, think it's on my list of places to travel to after I'm done college, all because of your shots
  11. Tovarish

    Fuerzas Armadas Mod

    If you guys need any help with Spanish to English translations for this mod, estoy mas que dispuesto .
  12. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    ditto - that's some awesome snow! ...gonna be like that here soon... ....man that depresses me - I'd rather see it in nice pictures My little bro being hyper:
  13. Tovarish

    When (what date) did you all first play ofp?

    Think it was around October 2001. A buddy of mine, who was a huge Tribes fanatic at the time, bought it, because he thought it would be similar to Tribes. He hated it . "I can't shoot while moving, and whenever I get hit once, I die, and I never even see the guy before he shoots me!" . I tried it, and was hooked, bought my own a few days later, and been buying each expansion as soon as it came out after that .
  14. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Thanks GoOB. I must have snapped at least 40 shots and the ones I posted were the only ones that were "acceptable". The sun was low and the lighting was pretty harsh. Look one way - too much sun, look the other, not enough. I really liked this one of yours That reflection on the waves contrasted with the darkness....cool *edit* And Ralph....how long does it take them to put down all those crosses so precisely...they do that every Sunday? That's dedication!
  15. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    couple of shots i took with my little makeshift tripod: Limestone carving I did waaay back in grade 9: Little taste of the organized mess in my room: Both taken at 80 ISO, for the second one I propped the tripod sideways against my computer monitor.
  16. Tovarish

    KA-52 Alligator Released

    Hey that's very cool Do you have any more videos like that you could share? If so please pm me, very interesting, and a good way for me to brush up on my russian .
  17. Tovarish

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Looks good!
  18. Tovarish

    Veteran's Day

    You mean like this? caught my eye as well.
  19. Tovarish

    Veteran's Day

    Really? That's surprizing! Are they not as prominent a symbol in the U.S.? Over here you run into them everywhere around this time of year! Hell, even the nearby convenience store had a little donation box with a tray of poppies beside it. I think it's somewhat of a (shameful) wonder that everyone isn't wearing one in the days leading up to Nov 11 (well, I'm not now, but I've explained why above)
  20. Tovarish

    Veteran's Day

    Caught the end of the ceremonies here in Ottawa today, huge crowd, especially given the icy wind that was blowing, which I don't think many dressed for. Took me about an hour to be able to put my poppy on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremonies ended.
  21. Tovarish

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Hey, that's pretty cool I gotta say it's pretty awesome to watch Su-25's go to work on enemy armour, but there's nothing that can really stop them: Maybe if there was more of a chance of them being shot down somehow .
  22. Tovarish

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Remembrance Day in Ottawa: I missed all but the end of the ceremony because of a largely useless class, which in retrospect I should have skipped :P. The lighting was tricky, I forgot to pack fresh batteries, and it was very cold and windy - about the same time the batteries finally gave up, I could barely feel my fingers. But the crowd was huge, I don't remember it being this large last year:
  23. Tovarish

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Finished the mission last night - took 7 days game time to do, and it was a blast. Throughout the campaign I kept changing my tactics, finding better ways to do things Example - my last mission took place in the middle of the night, and was to capture a rebel leader in that big town a few clics down the road east of your airbase. Now, the last time I was there, was during the day, on a similar mission, and I took very heavy casualties (something like 8 KIA's - largely due to the enemy T-55's being in close quarters and concealed by buildings) plus our CAS Hind was shot down. (managed to find and Medevac one of the crew). We almost got sent home after that one, even though we captured the target. It was pretty much my little Black Hawk Down. This time around, I was determined to prevent such heavy casualties. Plus, support for the terrorists was very low so I knew this one could break their back if done right. First, I left my squad behind, and took an Su-25 to overfly the target area. Found two enemy tanks and made short work of them using guided missiles. After I landed, I divided my squad into three teams , two of them manning T-80's, and the rest into a BMP with me. We drove up till half a clic from town, where White team and me disembarked from the BMP, and I arranged the squad into a "Vee" formation, with a T-80 spearheading each arm of the "Vee". We then slowly rolled through town, absolutely blowing away anyone with a weapon who stood in our way  . Took absolutely no KIA's - one of the T-80's was hit by three RPG's, but both the tank and the crew kept rolling and blasting. One thing I noticed in the middle of the town was three armed corpses lying right around the charred remains of one of the T-55's - must have been standing very close to it to be taken out by the blast of the missile strike. Captured the target, Medevac'ed him out, went back to the BMP, and we all rolled back to our base. Mission accomplished, war won  Awesome job on this mission and the addons used, I'm loving it  Suggestion : allow the use of Su-25 as CAS, else take out their guided missiles, because near the end I found myself "cheating" when I needed very quick CAS or didnt want to risk a Hind downed by Manpads - I would just call in an LGB strike to some empty spot  near any enemy armour, and the Sturmovik would fire a missile at the target as it came in for it's (quite unecessary) bomb run.
  24. Tovarish

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Played version 1.3, except either the inserttion feature isn't working, or I'm just too much of a knucklehead. <s>If I select it through the radio menu, nothing happens, and if I select the TRANS option from the player menu (which seems to only show up when I'm not near my base ). I get some error text near the top of the screen, and I'm in an Mi-17 with my squad, dropping flares like crazy, the pilot sets down, says "good luck out there boys!" and we all disembark ready to do battle.....except we're all back at base :P</s> *edit* nevermind, figured it out....yeah, the knucklehead that I am I was not in map view when i was trying this.